
Market Research Industry Insight from the AIMRI Rome 2010 Conference

By Michael Stanat, Research Executive

The SIS team headed to Rome to share our perspectives and research to industry leaders and gain a barometer on industry conditions.  SIS Global Research Director Neal Sandin and I attended the 2010 AIMRI Online Market Research and Panel conference in Rome on behalf of SIS International Research on March 5, 2010. 

There, I delivered a presentation called “Harnessing Social Media” on an emerging field—social media market research.  The presentation focused on how researchers can harness social media to make conventional methodologies more robust, persuade clients of the need for this research and provide actionable ways for researchers to make their existing operations more efficient.  In the interest of disseminating our thought leadership, the presentation is available (here) for download.

During the conference, we observed the following trends and discussions occurring in the market research industry:

Regional Unrest from Economic Downturn

Perspectives on Economic Crisis in the Region

According to Michelle Walker, executive director of world policy insitute, many of the countries in Eastern Europe are vulnerable to unrest given the halt in high growth in these countries over the past few years.  These have resulted in short-sighted solutions to the problem.  Walker cites the example of Russia implementing high tariffs on imported used cars. Yet, these “temporary solutions” may place European countries in a worse position in the long run.  They have the ability to halt growth, make the crisis worse, diplomatic and trading ties between countries.  Walker also alludes to the possibility of there being many more individual protests in many different countries within the region at once.

7 Countries Affected by Violent Economic Unrest



Greece – Labor protests


Violence erupted in Sofia due to dissatisfaction with the government, new policies designed to counteract the recession and the worsening economic situation.