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Marktforschung in Französisch-Polynesien

Marktforschung in Französisch-Polynesien

Marktforschung Französisch-Polynesien

French Polynesia is more than just a tropical paradise—it’s a dynamic market full of opportunities. Market research in French Polynesia can help businesses understand the unique challenges and opportunities this region offers, from tourism to agriculture.

Are you looking to expand your business in the South Pacific? Market research in French Polynesia offers valuable insights into one of the region’s unique and diverse markets. Understanding consumer preferences, industry trends, and local economic conditions can be the key to success for businesses entering or growing in this area.

What Is Market Research in French Polynesia?

Market research in French Polynesia reflects the unique market dynamics of this South Pacific region. The insights gained from market research in French Polynesia allow companies to make informed decisions and adapt their strategies to local preferences.

In French Polynesia, market research addresses several critical areas. The economy is heavily reliant on tourism, agriculture, and pearl farming, but emerging industries like renewable energy are growing in importance. Businesses also need to navigate the region’s cultural diversity and scattered geography, which can affect logistics and consumer access.

Why Do Businesses Need Market Research in French Polynesia?

French Polynesia’s small, dispersed population also makes distribution and logistics challenging. Market research helps businesses identify the most efficient ways to reach their target audience and ensure that their products and services are available where and when they’re needed. Additionally, understanding the regulatory environment and the cultural values that shape consumer behavior is critical for businesses looking to establish trust and build long-term relationships with their customers.

The region is also seeing growth in sectors like renewable energy and sustainable tourism, areas that require a deep understanding of local government policies, environmental factors, and consumer preferences. That’s why Conducting market research in French Polynesia enables businesses to stay informed about these trends and develop strategies that align with the country’s economic development plans.

Unser aktueller Marktüberblick und unsere Empfehlungen

We believe that French Polynesia’s economy relies heavily on tourism, with additional contributions from agriculture, pearl farming, and emerging industries like renewable energy. Our research indicates that businesses can benefit from targeting eco-tourism, sustainable products, and locally sourced goods to align with the region’s environmental priorities.

We recommend that companies focus on understanding the tourism market, particularly the preferences of international travelers and the growing interest in sustainable tourism. Businesses should also explore opportunities in renewable energy and agriculture, sectors where the government is pushing for development.


Most French Polynesians live on Tahiti, the biggest of the islands. More than 70% of the people live there. The city of Papeete is the capital. It is by far the most developed and urban. Most people enjoy a better quality of life in Tahiti than on the other islands. Because of this, there is much migration to Tahiti.

Most of the other islands are rural and agricultural. The citizens settle close to the sea. Many of the residents on the more rural islands live in detached houses. These are the most common types of buildings on the more rural islands. These islands also have churches, shops, schools, and government buildings.


Market research in French Polynesia

French Polynesia is a well-known tourist destination. Its balmy tropical climate makes it a popular tourist site. The overwater bungalows first built here are globally well-known. Due to the large tourism sector, many services are available, including hotels, aviation, and tours.

Weitere Wirtschaftszweige sind Fischerei und Landwirtschaft. Die Fischerei ist aufgrund der riesigen Meeresfläche in der Region ein florierender Wirtschaftszweig. Obwohl die Landwirtschaft zurückgegangen ist, werden immer noch viele Nutzpflanzen für den Eigenbedarf angebaut. Auch die verarbeitende Industrie ist ein florierender Wirtschaftszweig. Weitere Exportprodukte sind Perlen, Öle, Kopra und Bier.

Etwa ein Drittel der Energie Tahitis wird durch Wasserkraft gewonnen.

Most of France’s imports of Polynesia come from France. However, the country exports most of its goods to the Netherlands, France, and Hong Kong. It also trades with China, New Zealand, South Korea, and the USA.

Vorteile und Stärken des Marktes

The top exports are pearls, fish, vanilla, coconut oil, and plane parts. The chief imports include refined petroleum, vehicles, and medication. The Netherlands, Australia, and Poland are the fastest-growing export markets. Meanwhile, the USA, the Philippines, and China are the fastest-growing import markets.

Der Markt ist in den Bereichen Tourismus, Bauwesen sowie Lebensmittel und Getränke robust. Dennoch besteht Bedarf an mehr Diversifizierung. Die Inseln verfügen über einen etablierten Fertigungssektor, der jedoch noch Wachstumspotenzial bietet. Sie benötigen Investoren in diesen Sektoren, um die Entwicklung zu unterstützen. Darüber hinaus können französische und EU-Unternehmen zusätzliche Vorteile für die Teilnahme an der Wirtschaft erhalten.

Opportunities in Market Research in French Polynesia

French Polynesia presents a variety of opportunities for businesses willing to explore its unique market. Market research in French Polynesia helps identify these opportunities, allowing businesses to capitalize on emerging trends and consumer needs.

  • Eco-tourism: With a strong focus on sustainability, there is significant potential for developing eco-friendly tourism ventures.
  • Luxury Tourism: French Polynesia is known for high-end resorts and exclusive experiences, making it an attractive market for luxury tourism services.
  • Pearl Farming: Tahitian pearls are a premium product, and businesses can explore opportunities in pearl farming and export.
  • Erneuerbare Energie: The government’s focus on reducing carbon emissions opens opportunities in solar, wind, and other renewable energy projects.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: There is a growing demand for locally sourced, sustainable agricultural products that provide opportunities for organic farming.
  • Cultural Products: French Polynesia’s rich cultural heritage creates opportunities for businesses in handicrafts, fashion, and arts.
  • Water Sports and Adventure Tourism: With pristine waters and natural beauty, businesses can develop water sports and adventure tourism services.
  • Digitale Services: The rise of digital adoption in tourism services, such as booking platforms and virtual tours, presents growth opportunities.
  • Gesundheit und Wellness: With its serene environment, French Polynesia is an ideal location for businesses in the wellness and spa industries.
  • Sustainable Infrastructure: There are opportunities for businesses involved in developing eco-friendly infrastructure, such as energy-efficient buildings and waste management solutions.


The islands have a very high unemployment rate. Of those employed, about two-thirds work in the service sector, and the other one-third work in industry and agriculture. So, most of their 286,000 citizens live in urban areas in Tahiti. The elite enjoys a high quality of life, but many people live in poverty.

Gründe, Ihr Geschäft auf dem Markt auszubauen

Tapping into one of the booming markets can reap great rewards. Moreover, the region has access to many big markets with which it enjoys good relations. Many of its markets need investors. New investments will boost the economy and growth.

If your business is in the EU or France, this is even better because you can enjoy even more benefits.

How SIS International’s Market Research in French Polynesia Helps Businesses

With our in-depth knowledge and data-driven approach, SIS International provides businesses with the insights they need to make informed decisions and capitalize on opportunities. Our market research in French Polynesia helps businesses navigate local challenges, allowing them to thrive in this distinct environment.

Verbesserte strategische Planung: Our market research in French Polynesia helps businesses develop effective strategies by providing a clear understanding of local consumer behaviors, market trends, and competitor actions. This enables companies to align their efforts with real market needs and opportunities.

Erhöhter Umsatz: By identifying key consumer preferences and growing sectors such as eco-tourism and luxury services, SIS empowers businesses to tailor their offerings, resulting in increased revenue.

Risikominderung: Entering a new market comes with risks, but our market research in French Polynesia reduces uncertainty by offering detailed insights into regulatory requirements, local business practices, and economic conditions.

Verbesserte Marketingeffizienz: Our research helps businesses refine their marketing strategies, ensuring that campaigns are targeted and cost-effective and reach the right audience with the right message.

Beschleunigtes Wachstum und Innovation: SIS International’s expertise in identifying emerging trends, such as renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure, helps businesses accelerate growth and foster innovation in these sectors.

Verbesserter ROI: With a data-driven approach to decision-making, businesses can optimize their investments and achieve a higher return on investment, ensuring sustainable growth in French Polynesia’s competitive market.

Über SIS International

SIS International bietet quantitative, qualitative und strategische Forschung an. Wir liefern Daten, Tools, Strategien, Berichte und Erkenntnisse zur Entscheidungsfindung. Wir führen auch Interviews, Umfragen, Fokusgruppen und andere Methoden und Ansätze der Marktforschung durch. Kontakt für Ihr nächstes Marktforschungsprojekt.

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