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Investigación de mercado en las Maldivas

Investigación de mercado en las Maldivas

Investigación de mercado en las Maldivas

Las Maldivas son un país insular del sur de Asia ubicado en el Océano Índico. Las islas se encuentran al suroeste de la India y Sri Lanka. Las Maldivas se componen principalmente de 26 atolones que abarcan un área de al menos 115 millas cuadradas. Es la nación que ocupa el tercer lugar en mayor riesgo debido a inundaciones por el cambio climático.

What Is Market Research in the Maldives?

Market research in the Maldives focuses on understanding the tourism-driven economy of this island nation, which is renowned for its luxury resorts and stunning natural beauty.

Key Aspects:

  • Economic Context: The Maldivian economy is heavily reliant on tourism, making it crucial for businesses to understand traveler preferences and behaviors.
  • Metodologías: Both qualitative (interviews, focus groups) and quantitative (surveys) methods are utilized to gather insights on tourist experiences and local consumer behavior.
  • Desafíos: Geographic dispersion of islands and seasonal fluctuations in tourism can complicate data collection efforts.
  • Beneficios: Effective market research helps businesses tailor their offerings to meet the needs of both tourists and local residents, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Why Is Market Research in the Maldives Important?

Market research in the Maldives is key to studying the country’s dependence on luxury tourism and its niche appeal to high-end travelers. Understanding consumer preferences in this sector, from eco-tourism to luxury resorts, enables businesses to tailor their offerings and meet the expectations of international tourists.

Additionally, market research in the Maldives helps businesses navigate the regulatory and environmental policies that are essential in a market focused on sustainability and environmental preservation. With limited natural resources and increasing environmental concerns, businesses must align with local policies and market conditions to ensure success.

Industrias clave

La pesca es el sector más grande de la nación insular y su principal exportación son los productos del mar.

Tourism is the second-largest industry, making up almost 25 percent of the country’s GDP. The islands now have more tourism prospects, to a large extent, because Chinese tourists are coming back. This turn of events has undoubtedly led to growth forecasts over the next few years. Tourism has boosted the country’s fledgling cottage industries, such as lacquer work, mat weaving, coir rope making, and handicrafts.

Agriculture and manufacturing continue to play a lesser role. One constraint is the lack of arable land, and the other is the shortage of domestic labor. New industries that have emerged include printing and the production of PVC pipes.



La capital de las Maldivas está construida siguiendo un moderno patrón de cuadrícula. Sin embargo, presenta gran parte de la cultura y el patrimonio de las islas. Malé tiene hermosas mezquitas, monumentos antiguos y grandes museos.


Hulhumale blends ancient and modern building techniques. It lies south of the North Male Atoll and boasts stunning beaches, palm trees, turquoise water, and scenic beauty.

Ciudad de Addu

Addu City es la ciudad más al sur de las Maldivas y es un sitio impresionante para explorar. Tiene seis hermosas playas y también es conocida por la verdadera experiencia gastronómica de las Maldivas.


Market research in the Maldives

El Banco Mundial clasifica la economía de Maldivas como de ingreso medio alto. Esta clasificación se debe al rápido crecimiento de sus sectores pesquero y turístico. Sin embargo, el país todavía enfrenta un déficit fiscal grande y creciente. Los expertos esperan que la inversión en infraestructura sea el pilar central de la recuperación. Están en marcha varios grandes proyectos destinados a la construcción de nuevos complejos turísticos. También hay uno destinado a ampliar la capacidad en el Aeropuerto Internacional Hanimaadhoo.

Beneficios y Fortalezas en el Mercado

Maldives have maintained a steady pace of development over the last few decades. There are many reasons to invest in these islands, including:

  • Registro de empresas sin problemas a través de Invest Maldives
  • Programa de colaboración público-privada
  • Programas especiales para inversores extranjeros
  • Capacidad para repatriar ingresos de capital y ganancias.
  • Liberación de derechos de aduana para grandes proyectos
  • Las visas corporativas de residente y de negocios garantizan la facilidad de entrada
  • Libertad de utilizar directivos extranjeros, así como trabajadores técnicos y no cualificados.
  • Se permite el arbitraje extranjero para la solución de disputas
  • Sin restricciones cambiarias
  • Arrendamientos a largo plazo de terrenos (hasta 99 años)

Base de consumidores

The Maldives is home to around 540,000 people dispersed across 185 of its 1190 islands. The main imports are electronic goods and fuel. Due to an increase in mean years of schooling, the country has moved from low to high human development. Life expectancy has improved, and so has per capita gross national income.

Las islas exteriores todavía necesitan ser desarrolladas. La gente allí tiene bajo acceso y calidad de los servicios de educación y atención médica.

Razones para hacer crecer su negocio en las Maldivas

The Maldives offers an array of business incentives. The government also supports foreign investment. You will find many sectors in the economy where you can invest, such as accounting, resort management, and banking. The corporate tax rate is low, and the political environment is stable.

How SIS International’s Market Research in the Maldives Helps Businesses

SIS Internacional provides comprehensive investigación de mercado in the Maldives to help businesses thrive in this unique and growing market. The Maldives, known for its thriving tourism industry and strategic location, offers many opportunities, and SIS International’s expertise ensures businesses make informed decisions that lead to success. Here are the key benefits of working with SIS in the Maldives:

  • Planificación estratégica mejorada: Our market research in the Maldives delivers detailed insights into the local economy, tourism trends, and regulatory landscape, allowing businesses to plan their strategies effectively and align with market conditions.
  • Mayores ingresos: By identifying growth opportunities in sectors like luxury tourism, real estate, and eco-tourism, we help businesses maximize revenue potential and capture market share in the Maldives.
  • La reducción de riesgos: Navigating local regulations and market entry challenges can be difficult. SIS International provides expert guidance on compliance and risk management, ensuring smooth operations in the Maldives.
  • Eficiencia de marketing mejorada: Understanding the preferences and behaviors of local and international tourists is crucial in the Maldives. Our market research in the Maldives helps businesses refine their marketing efforts, ensuring that campaigns resonate with the right audiences.
  • Crecimiento acelerado e innovación: The Maldives offers opportunities in sustainable tourism, hospitality, and environmental innovation. SIS International helps businesses stay ahead of market trends and accelerate growth in these high-potential sectors.
  • ROI impulsado: By focusing on delivering actionable insights and tailored strategies, SIS ensures that businesses investing in the Maldives maximize their return on investment, leading to long-term success.

Acerca de SIS Internacional

SIS Internacional ofrece investigación cuantitativa, cualitativa y estratégica. Proporcionamos datos, herramientas, estrategias, informes y conocimientos para la toma de decisiones. También realizamos entrevistas, encuestas, grupos focales y otros métodos y enfoques de investigación de mercado. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para su próximo proyecto de Investigación de Mercado.

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