Cela fait environ 40 ans depuis l’avènement du guichet automatique bancaire (ATM). Au fil des années, des technologies de plus en plus sophistiquées ont été développées pour répondre aux demandes changeantes des clients et des institutions financières.
Recent projections show that the amount of ATM’s worldwide will surge significantly over the next few years. In 2012 alone, more than 180K new units were deployed globally, a jump of 8% over the previous year. The Asia-Pacific region showed the most substantial growth at 13%, while Latin America continues to lag with the least significant advancement. The most robust growth is in the independent market with mobile ATM Services providing much of the increased revenue.
In the United States, financial institutions have generally awarded their ATM business to a handful of American-based manufacturers such as NCR, Diebold, and Triton. Predictably, overseas ATM companies have sought to create inroads into this lucrative market with varying degrees of success. Companies such as the Korean-based Nautilus Hyosung have, so far, found most of their success in supplying stand-alone ATM’s to independent retailers, kiosks, and convenience-oriented stores. Despite continued efforts, it has been difficult for manufacturers beyond U.S. shores to earn the trust and break into the lucrative market established financial institutions provide. GRG has improved it’s odds by using parts familiar to domestic maintenance firms, unlike most Asian manufacturers who use their parts. Enhanced service and maintenance contracts also enhance GRG’s prospects of securing desirable deals. This recognition of the replacement market is just one example of a foreign firm finding a way to fill a niche need in an established market slow to embrace outsiders.
D'autres diront que le service à lui seul ne peut pas fournir la percée sérieuse que la plupart des fabricants internationaux recherchent aux États-Unis. Le résultat final peut, en effet, être le prix. Pourtant, pour des sociétés européennes bien établies comme Wincor, même à ce niveau de prix bas, il n’a pas encore réussi à « casser la noix » auprès des institutions bancaires américaines plus sérieuses et plus anciennes.
Quelques joueurs…
Korean-based Nautilus Hyosung (NH) is undoubtedly a juggernaut among overseas companies looking for a foothold in the U.S. At present, NH has secured more than 70% of the ATM market in the independent sector and its more advanced machines are seen positively by U.S. banking institutions. In 2011, Citibank announced its intentions to employ envelope-free machines manufactured by NH in its ATM network.
In addition to the U.S., NH has also established itself considerably in South and Central America, Europe, China, and Australia. Known for their cash-distributing mechanisms and card processing reliability, NH cash dispensers are highly regarded as durable and reliable. EMC and Telecom certifications have allowed NH to meet the varying safety standards of countries across the globe.
NH originally partnered with Tranax, a U.S.-based company, but in 2007, they parted ways. NH has not looked back, continuing the upward movement they have worked hard to achieve in the U.S. Market. Most would be hard-pressed to deny that NH has made definite inroads towards competing with companies such as NCR and Diebold.
Established as the leader in global financial technologies, Duluth, Georgia-based NCR continues to meet the changing needs of financial, retail, healthcare, travel, entertainment, and public sector companies worldwide.
Recently, NCR debuted innovative technological developments that allow customers to interact visually at an ATM with ‘live’ bank tellers in remote locations. Their APTRA Interactive Teller system allows banks to expand their hours of availability by enabling customers to speak with a teller directly from the ATM. This allows for quicker transactions, improved sales, and enhanced revenue growth.
Partnering with Utah-based uGenious Technology, two-way video conferencing has been incorporated into NCR’s SelfServ 32 ATM. This emerging technology allows banks to extend their hours, and create “footprint branches” with bill paying, account and loan initiating, and intelligent depositing. More importantly, by inaugurating such a service, NCR maintains the personal connection that customers appreciate on a human level and where convenience and security is are concerned. According to NCR, “More than 1300 financial institutions in more than 130 countries worldwide,” have purchased NCR SelfServ ATMs.
A powerful presence in the ATM industry, Diebold has been in business for over 150 years. Based in Green, Ohio, Diebold has 16,000 employees and operates in over 90 countries. In 2012, the company reported revenues in excess of $3 billion. Diebold enjoys the reputation of being a particularly customer-oriented business, offering a high level of support for its services and products. In recent years, they have won awards for security system integration and call center excellence.
In February of this year, Diebold and Cincinnati-based Fifth Third Bank introduced the nation’s first Mixed Media Deposit Automation Terminal on the banks Madisonville, Ohio campus. Already known for their Opteva 700 Series ATMs, the new mixed media module allows Diebold ATMs to accept deposit bundles of cash or checks quickly and efficiently without sorting. Fifth Third has 2600 ATMs distributed in 12 states and is the first in the country to offer this service.
Some feel it has been a mistake for NCR and Diebold to ignore the ISOs. Others counter that insufficient money is on that end of the ATM spectrum to make it worthwhile for the larger firms.
La société allemande Wincor Nixdorf fournit des solutions informatiques aux banques et aux points de vente en développant des technologies conçues pour améliorer les « opérations orientées client » de leurs clients. À cette fin, ils assurent l’intégration et l’exploitation continue de l’informatique, ainsi que des solutions matérielles et logicielles.
Earlier this year, Wincor Nixdorf unveiled the tablet-based Beetle Mobile POS Solution at Euroshop. Tailored for the retail setting, the tablet operates on Android and Windows 8.1 platforms. It can be utilized as a customer service station or mobile payment device with the typical scanning modules and cash drawer. Beetle Mobile POS allows for mobile and cashless payment using either magnetic stripe or chip. It meets existing EMV requirements and PCI standards.
AEVI PAY de Wincor Nixdorf connecte les appareils EFTPOS avec la capacité d'exploiter des terminaux de paiement de divers fabricants, y compris le routage, la commutation et l'autorisation des transactions ATM. La société a déclaré un chiffre d'affaires de $780 millions pour l'année 2012.
Headquartered in Guangzhou, China, GRG is China’s number one ATM Supplier and a top six competitor globally. Their core technologies include bill identification, high-speed bill processing, and encryption. GRG has developed ATMs for retail and financial institutions in business for over twenty years. In addition, the company produces AFC (Automatic Fare Collection) machines for subway and railway systems, plus cash processing and currency recognition equipment modules and systems. GRG products are used in over 70 countries. 100K GRG machines serve over 10-million people daily.
GRG initially focused on developing nations, facing the same difficulties other international manufacturers have faced infiltrating the U.S. market. GRG has distinguished itself by developing an ‘equipment plus’ service, not only selling but servicing its machines as well. This service includes handling, monitoring, and servicing rear-end software. The company prides itself on a record of zero disputes for intellectual properties.
Is there room for more ATM manufacturers in the U.S.? Brazilian-based ATM manufacturer Itautec is counting on it. This $1-billion electronic and technology company employs 6,000 people worldwide and has recently enjoyed double-digit sales growth in Africa. It is the number one provider of ATMs in Brazil.
Itautec has spent a good deal of time developing its machines in the sometimes insular world of Brazilian banking. This unique environment led to great innovation as Itautec developed machines custom-made for the clients it served. Today, its equipment is considered to be “high-performing, advanced, and XFS-compliant.”
In the U.S., Itautec has made inroads by developing markets with American Air Force bases and casinos. Now, they hope to take lessons learned and expand their business into larger financial institutions in the U.S. This is a challenge that faces all overseas manufacturers trying to work their way into the lucrative financial institutions in America, and Itautec is determined to meet it.
Autour du monde …
North America has the lion’s share of the ATM market, followed by Europe. Today, rapid growth in these areas has slowed down. A good deal of the business remaining in these markets involved replacing older units and upgrading terminal specs in existing units. Many manufacturers who had their sights set on wooing America are now turning to developing and emerging areas such as the Asia Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East.
The Indian ATM industry has grown tremendously in recent years. Growing income, economic development in urban centers, and a movement away from class banking to mass banking have been the main impetus for the growth. It is estimated that India will require an additional 77K machines by 2020. Future changes will likely be shaped by white-label ATM’s regulatory changes concerned with financial inclusion.
With a vast segment of India’s population still underbanked, the Reserve Bank of India is now urging financial institutions to have vision beyond the urban population centers. This is a tough sell, as financial institutions ordinarily create new branches and install ATM’s in populous areas because it is cost-effective and requires less infrastructure. The vast market beyond the major urban centers remains underserved and also remains a potentially lucrative market waiting to be catered to.
Banques, Bitcoin et au-delà :
Bitcoin est un système de paiement peer-to-peer et une monnaie numérique introduits en tant que logiciel open source en 2009 par le développeur pseudonyme Satoshi Nakamoto. C’est une cryptomonnaie qui utilise la cryptographie pour contrôler la création et le transfert d’argent.
Les Bitcoins sont créés par un processus appelé minage, dans lequel les participants vérifient et enregistrent les paiements en échange de frais de transaction et de bitcoins nouvellement créés. Les utilisateurs envoient et reçoivent des bitcoins à l'aide d'un logiciel de portefeuille ou d'un ordinateur personnel, d'un appareil mobile ou d'une application Web. Les Bitcoins peuvent être obtenus par minage ou en échange de produits, de services ou d’autres devises.
Le premier guichet automatique Bitcoin aux États-Unis, fabriqué par Lamassu, a été installé dans un magasin de cigares à Albuquerque, au Nouveau-Mexique. Pour utiliser la machine, les utilisateurs scannent un code QR sur leur téléphone portable qui indique au guichet automatique où envoyer le bitcoin. L'argent liquide est ensuite inséré et le bitcoin est transféré vers le portefeuille numérique du client. Lamassu ne profite pas de la transaction, elle gagne de l'argent sur la vente des machines.
Dernières nouvelles : (2014)
Cinquième Troisième Banque (FITB) s'est associé à Phoenix Interactive Design, devenant ainsi la première banque au monde à utiliser les guichets automatiques de dépôt mixtes à gorge unique de Diebold.
Before any mainstream proliferation of such machines, the legalities of cryptocurrency will need to be ironed out. Meanwhile, machines continue to surface in Austin, Las Vegas, and elsewhere. BitAccess, a Canadian startup, has reported daily transactions of up to $10K in Montreal and Toronto.
On s'attend à ce que 2014 voie l'émergence des menus Bitcoin et Dual-Cash sur les distributeurs automatiques. On peut également s’attendre à voir des cartes prépayées Bitcoin distribuées par des distributeurs automatiques de billets. À Prague, General Bytes envisage de venir en Amérique avec 500 guichets automatiques Bitcoin. Ces machines coûteront moins de $3K et fonctionneront sur leur propre ordinateur utilisant le système d'exploitation Android.
In January 2014, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network clarified that bitcoin miners and investors will not be regulated by the US Treasury and will not need to register with the government. Bitcoin’s value is often difficult to decipher, and fluctuating prices since its introduction have made it a rather volatile denomination.
Bulletin Bitcoin : 2014
MtGox, une importante plateforme d'échange de Bitcoin, a annoncé qu'elle mettait fin aux transactions « afin de protéger le site et nos utilisateurs ». La déclaration a été publiée sur le site Web de MtGox, qui est depuis resté vierge. On pense que MtGox pourrait être au bord de la faillite.
Nouvelle technologie …
La société japonaise OKI Corporation a récemment annoncé l'installation et l'inauguration d'un guichet automatique qui utilise technologie d'authentification des veines du doigt. The ATM was placed at the Bank of Lanzhou in China (Gansu province). The ATM is the first of its kind to be deployed in China. OKI hopes to distribute more of the machines globally, capitalizing on a worldwide need to prevent identity fraud and forgery. In China, the demand for such a product is clear as there is a growing demand for increased security and safety.
OKI’s new ATM is based on their ATM-Recycler G7. The finger vein authentication module was developed in conjunction with OKI by Mofiria Corporation. The module operates quickly and is more effective than devices that merely scan the finger’s surface. The Bank of Lanzhou, impressed with OKI’s ATMs, now has the finger vein authentication modules in a “trial run” period. If successful, look for OKI to market the machine in overseas markets.
Vidéos de dessus
Look no further than the ATM itself for ISOs and FIs seeking new advertising and branding outlets. Video Toppers are bringing new business, awareness, and enlightenment to customers while they transact. In a society that is based on video imagery, incorporating video advertising and messaging at the ATM seems natural. It’s more affordable now, too. Initially over $1K, a good display monitor can be obtained for as little as $300. Marketing teams can update remotely, too, to keep messages fresh and effective.
The machines can be “wrapped” in imagery and textual advertising, maximizing their potential as branding vehicles. Advertising and messaging can even be imprinted automatically on receipts.
Technologie Tap 'n' Go
Consumers may soon leave debit and credit cards at home. With Tap ‘n’ Go technology, one simply waves their cell phone in front of the product they wish to buy and a small microchip-imbedded sticker on the phone logs the purchase. Funds are then withdrawn directly from a checking or savings account, and an instant balance update is issued to the purchaser to assess their financial status.
Elle prend rapidement de l'ampleur et pourrait un jour dépasser l'utilisation des cartes. Tap 'n' Go réduit la fraude et le vol d'identité. Les puces électroniques ne contiennent aucune information personnelle. Les propriétaires d’entreprise peuvent également économiser de l’argent en mettant un terme aux frais d’interchange non réglementés.
Domaines de changement, de préoccupation et… d’opportunités
Implémentation EMV
New EMV standards have instigated big changes, requiring thousands of machines to be refitted with new Card Readers and cards affixed with chips in order to be operative and pass a new world standard for ATMs. Unfortunately, some older machines cannot be upgraded and must be replaced outright.
The Durbin Amendment and the “swipe fee” controversy have put a crimp in the ATM industry’s implementation schedule. As the liability shift deadlines draws nearer, some merchants are souring on EMV for myriad reasons, including cost, fraud prevention worries, and debit routing concerns. Some feel clients may be increasingly subject to liability and that some form of coverage may be necessary, which is a big concern for ISOs.
Il n’y a plus de retour en arrière sur ce marché mondial.
Frais de balayage de carte de débit
The Federal Reserve Board has finally ruled on Debit card swipe fees. Merchants’ and retailers’ fees paid to large banks will now be capped at 21 cents. The long-standing fight has seen credit unions and banks battle retailers in a conflict that has been highly politicized for months.
Problèmes prépayés
Though the back-and-forth bickering over prepaid card fees has calmed down recently, there is still uncertainty. Employers continue to debate prepaid’s profit and loss projections.
Préoccupations environnementales
Encourager les transactions sans papier reste un effort important. L'arrêt de l'utilisation des bordereaux et des enveloppes simplifie non seulement les procédures bancaires pour les clients, mais profite également à l'environnement. On estime qu’en 2011 seulement, les distributeurs automatiques ont utilisé 1 500 tonnes d’enveloppes en papier.
The ADA has definitely caused some upheaval in the ATM industry, as thousands of ATMs across the nation needed refitting or outright replacement. The changes center on accessibility concerns, as machines are adjusted and redesigned to meet audio and height requirements. Of course, these changes are monumentally expensive.
Still, some feel it will pay off in the long run. In addition to better serving Americans with disabilities, a noble pursuit in its own right, the ‘boomer’ population is aging and will need easy access to ATM services as the years go by.
Projections sur l’année à venir…
Financial institutions will attempt to prepare consumers for a new kind of ATM interaction in 2014. Customers know all about ATMs and cash, but they must be educated on everything else ATMs can do. We’ll see the emergence of less typical ATM services such as bitcoin distribution, prepaid cards, and even virtual storefronts.
Some say major hacking operations will occur similar to the Target debacle, as the U.S. remains one of the last holdouts regarding magnetic striped cards. ATM operators will continue to prepare for the EMV age, but it’s not here yet.
La sécurité des guichets automatiques sera au premier plan cette année, la conformité PCI, EMV et Windows 7 devenant de plus en plus urgente. Au-delà des réglementations du secteur, les institutions financières continueront à développer des mesures de sécurité pour offrir une protection antifraude supplémentaire.
New regulations and EMV implementation will undoubtedly cost a lot. At the same time, opportunities exist for revenue generation through branding, no-surcharge networks, and maximized ATM functionality.
D'un point de vue marketing, 2014 verra l'utilisation des distributeurs automatiques pour stimuler les promotions et les revenus. L'intégration CRM permettra un marketing individuel plus intime auprès des clients avec des incitations et des offres spécialisées. Des analyses toujours plus précises aideront les banques à véritablement comprendre leurs clients et à leur fournir de nouveaux produits et services plus rapidement et plus efficacement.
Customer access to cardless mobile cash will definitely impact the ATM industry now and in the future. It will eliminate royalties and fees paid to Mastercard and Visa and allow for ATM use without the issuance of any association-branded card.
As common data and software assets are increasingly shared, the ultimate goal will be consistency, options, and ease-of-interaction for customers. Financial Institutions that reliably deliver on these fronts will have the best chance to distinguish themselves from the rest of the pack.
Les guichets automatiques seront bientôt capables d'auto-diagnostiquer leurs propres problèmes techniques, permettant ainsi aux techniciens d'identifier les machines qui doivent être remplacées ou réparées.
Les applications périphériques continueront à proliférer en ajoutant des fonctionnalités améliorées aux appareils mobiles avec des choses comme la loterie, les minutes prépayées, le paiement de factures…
The bank cards we’re familiar with may soon be a thing of the past as our Apps and phones utilize QR Codes to pre-staging withdrawals and otherwise make our ATM experiences easier and happier.
Bientôt, le guichet automatique lui-même pourrait devenir obsolète à mesure que les consommateurs utilisent de plus en plus leurs appareils intelligents pour effectuer des paiements mobiles.
2014 marque la fin du support de Windows XP et l'arrivée de Windows 7.
With an economy that stubbornly remains sluggish and increased regulatory demands, out-of-network fees will continue to climb, and customers will continue to use self-service banking and seek out fee-free opportunities. Some believe that by nurturing innovation and implementing pricing strategies that meet customers’ desires for affordable self-service banking, greater success will result in the long run. In line with that, self-service will have to do more, in more places, and become the accepted way that banks do business.
This year, check and cash deposits will be loaded onto prepaid ATM cards. For those who lose their debit card, emergency services will provide a code that tells an ATM to issue a temporary replacement card.
Lottery tickets, PIN-less transactions, cell-phone interaction, cardless transactions … 2014 is the year that all the things that have been talked about become reality. Increasing opportunities and rapidly developing technologies paint a picture of a positive future that is available for the taking.
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11 E 22nd Street, étage 2, New York, NY 10010 Tél. : +1(212) 505-6805
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