


The Marshall Islands in Oceania are a country of scattered atolls and remote islands. This country comprises more than 1,200 islands and islets. Almost everyone speaks English, but the primary language is Marshallese. The islands are tropical, and the temperatures never exceed 100 degrees.

What Is Market Research in the Marshall Islands?

Market research in the Marshall Islands aims to understand the economic and cultural characteristics of this Pacific island nation. The economy is heavily reliant on imports and external aid, which influences market dynamics.

Key Aspects:

  • Economic Context: The Marshall Islands’ small economy is based primarily on subsistence farming, fishing, and tourism, and it is significantly reliant on foreign aid and remittances.
  • 方法論: Qualitative research methods such as interviews and community engagement are often used to gather insights into consumer needs and preferences.
  • 課題: The islands’ isolation and limited resources can hinder market research, requiring innovative approaches to data collection.
  • 利点: Market research helps businesses identify opportunities in local markets and understand consumer behavior, facilitating informed decision-making and targeted marketing strategies.



漁業は RMI にとって最大の原動力の 1 つとなっています。市場は外国の漁業会社が独占しています。そのため、同国が受け取るのは、沿岸で捕獲された魚の価値のほんの一部にすぎません。それでも、島々は漁業から収入を得ています。マジュロ市は、世界最大のマグロ出荷港の 1 つです。






SIS 国際市場調査と戦略


マーシャル諸島の首都であり最大の都市はマジュロです。ここは最大のサンゴ環礁でもあります。64 の小島にまたがるこの都市には、美しいサンゴ、珍しい魚種、第二次世界大戦の沈没船があります。1884 年に設立されたこのダイバーの楽園には、大きな港と国際空港もあります。さらに、美しいサンゴ、珍しい魚種、第 2 次世界大戦の沈没船もあります。


およそ 80 エーカーの広さのイバイ島は、クェゼリン環礁を構成する 97 の島のうちの 1 つです。クェゼリン環礁は世界最大のサンゴ環礁の 1 つです。イバイ島の住民は 1,500 人強で、住民の半数以上が 18 歳未満です。


Arno, a 45-minute boat ride from Majuro, is one of the most populous atolls in the Marshall Islands. Its sites include sandy beaches and marine life. The island has three lagoons, which the Marshallese use for scuba diving, deep-sea fishing, and swimming. The lagoon is not a tourist attraction, but it offers much to see.


A more severe trend has been the rising sea levels in this atoll nation. This looming crisis threatens more than half of the structures in the capital, Majuro. A World Bank study also projects that most of Majuro will be subject to flooding due to climate change. This study provides alarming visual forecasts and gives adaptation options to assist the islands in tackling this problem.


マーシャル諸島市場の主な強みの 1 つは、その輸出業者です。米国とマーシャル諸島は自由連合 (協定) を結んでおり、この協定により、この島国は米国から防衛と財政援助を受けています。この援助は、マーシャル諸島の総予算の 3 分の 2 を占めています。米国は、マーシャル諸島で軍事基地を独占的に運営する権利を得るために、この援助を提供しています。

Both the US and Australia are trade partners of the Marshall Islands. An Australian bilateral aid program has given water and sanitation to Ebeye. Openings for women and girls in the job market also increased. Another benefit is the Australian awards. These awards provide scholarships for selected colleges in the Pacific region.


The Marshall Islands have a seemingly neutral consumer base. The country’s population is no more than 60,000. Thus, the citizens tend to interact with the same businesses often. Some don’t do business with any, and they live rural lives. Poverty is also a massive concern in the islands. With rising sea levels and low quality of life, many migrate to the US for the best future.


The Marshall Islands government is interested in increasing foreign investment. Still, it has not taken the necessary steps to implement such a plan. The country’s lack of land rights is holding back its economic progress. Non-natives can’t buy land, only lease it through traditional practices. Land ownership depends on family lineage and social class.

The Foreign Investment Business License (Amendment) Act also restricts foreign investments. It is not easy to invest in retail and service businesses. Luckily, this law is not consistent. It allows some foreign investors to form partnerships with local Marshallese companies.

There is also no online website for registering a new business in the Marshall Islands. The investor must do this all in person, and there is no guarantee that the proposal will be accepted.



SISインターナショナル 定量的、定性的、戦略的な調査を提供します。意思決定のためのデータ、ツール、戦略、レポート、洞察を提供します。また、インタビュー、アンケート、フォーカス グループ、その他の市場調査方法やアプローチも実施します。 お問い合わせ 次の市場調査プロジェクトにご利用ください。



SIS International Research & Strategy の創設者兼 CEO。戦略計画とグローバル市場情報に関する 40 年以上の専門知識を持ち、組織が国際的な成功を収めるのを支援する信頼できるグローバル リーダーです。

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