

SIS 国際市場調査と戦略

The emergence of virtual cards has marked a significant evolution in the financial ecosystem, revolutionizing transactions… But, how can businesses leverage the burgeoning virtual cards market to streamline operations, enhance security, and unlock new revenue streams? Virtual cards market research and strategy consulting help businesses understand this market with in-depth insights to make informed decisions and succeed despite the ever-increasing competition.


バーチャル カードの市場調査と戦略コンサルティングでは、市場動向、顧客行動、競争環境、技術の進歩に焦点を当てて、バーチャル カード業界を分析します。この調査により、企業はさまざまな分野でのバーチャル カードの採用、利用、影響について重要な洞察を得ることができ、市場の動向や消費者の期待に沿った戦略を策定できるようになります。




Adopting virtual cards comes with challenges, including regulatory compliance, technological integration, and market education. Thus, virtual cards market research and strategy consulting help businesses navigate these hurdles, ensuring their virtual card offerings comply with regulatory standards and seamlessly integrate with users’ existing financial ecosystems. This support is crucial for fostering adoption and ensuring a smooth user experience.

Furthermore, a secure and efficient cross-border payment solution becomes imperative as businesses expand globally. Virtual cards market research and strategy consulting can provide insights into regional market dynamics and regulatory environments, assisting companies in tailoring their offerings to meet the specific needs of international markets. This global perspective is essential for businesses aiming to capitalize on the opportunities presented by the global digital economy.




  • 強化されたセキュリティ対策: バーチャル カードの市場調査と戦略コンサルティングは、企業が最新の不正防止テクノロジーを理解するのに役立ちます。これらの洞察により、企業はより安全な支払いソリューションを実装し、不正行為や不正な取引のリスクを軽減できます。
  • 運用効率: Virtual cards streamline managing corporate expenses, payments, and reimbursements. Through market research, businesses can identify the most efficient and user-friendly virtual card solutions that integrate seamlessly with their existing financial systems. Strategy consultants can then guide the implementation of these solutions, optimizing operational workflows, and improving overall efficiency.
  • コスト削減: By leveraging virtual cards, businesses can significantly reduce transaction costs and eliminate many fees associated with traditional payment methods. Strategy consulting can provide a roadmap for maximizing these cost savings, advising on the best practices for deploying virtual cards to reduce overhead while maintaining high transaction security and compliance standards.
  • イノベーションと製品開発: The insights gained from virtual cards market research and strategy consulting can inspire innovation, driving the development of new features and functionalities for virtual card products. Strategy consultants are crucial in translating these insights into actionable product development strategies, ensuring that new offerings are innovative and aligned with market needs and business objectives.


SIS と連携してバーチャル カードの市場調査と戦略コンサルティングを行うことで、包括的な成果が得られ、企業はバーチャル カード市場を効果的に乗り切るために必要な洞察と戦略的な方向性を得ることができます。このようなコラボレーションから期待される成果は次のとおりです。

  • 市場洞察と競合分析: Clients can expect to gain a deep understanding of the virtual cards market landscape, including current trends, customer preferences, and growth opportunities. 
  • リスク評価と軽減戦略: SIS’s virtual cards market research and strategy consulting identify potential risks associated with entering or expanding within the virtual cards market. Following this assessment, SIS delivers tailored strategies to mitigate these risks, ensuring a smooth and compliant market approach.
  • イノベーションと製品開発ガイダンス: Based on market needs and emerging trends, SIS offers insights into innovation opportunities for virtual card products. 
  • 顧客セグメンテーションとターゲティング戦略: SIS の仮想カード市場調査と戦略コンサルティングでは、詳細な顧客セグメンテーションが提供され、企業はマーケティングと製品開発の取り組みを特定の顧客グループに合わせて調整し、魅力と採用率を最大化できます。
  • 規制コンプライアンスとベストプラクティス: Navigating the complex regulatory environment of financial services is paramount. SIS offers insights into regulatory considerations specific to virtual cards, advises on compliance best practices, and helps businesses effectively navigate these requirements.
  • パートナーシップとコラボレーションの機会: Another outcome of SIS’s consulting services is identifying potential partners in the ecosystem, such as fintech companies, banks, or payment processors. These partnerships can provide technical expertise, expand product offerings, or enhance market reach.



The virtual cards market is dynamic and competitive, with various players shaping the landscape. These companies are at the forefront of developing and offering virtual card solutions, each contributing unique features and capabilities to meet the diverse needs of consumers and businesses. Understanding the main players in this market is crucial for businesses looking to leverage virtual cards for payments, expense management, and security enhancements.

  • 金融機関およびカードネットワーク: Visa and Mastercard, two of the world’s leading card networks, have been instrumental in the widespread adoption of virtual cards. They offer robust virtual card solutions utilized by banks and financial institutions globally. 
  • フィンテック企業: Fintech companies have been pivotal in innovating and democratizing access to virtual card technology. Revolut and N26 are notable examples, offering digital banking services that include virtual cards as a key feature. 
  • 支払い処理業者: Stripe や Square などの決済処理大手は、仮想カード サービスを自社の幅広い決済ソリューションに統合しています。これらの企業は主に企業顧客に仮想カードを提供しており、企業の経費管理や決済プロセスの効率的な自動化を可能にしています。


安全で便利な決済ソリューションの需要の高まりにより、バーチャル カード市場は大幅な成長を遂げています。この成長は、市場調査会社や戦略コンサルティング会社にさまざまな機会をもたらします。これらの会社が貢献できる主な分野は次のとおりです。

  • 規制とコンプライアンスに関する洞察: バーチャルカード市場は、マネーロンダリング防止 (AML) や顧客確認 (KYC) 要件など、さまざまな規制の対象となります。戦略コンサルタントは、企業がこれらの規制を順守し、コンプライアンスを確保できるよう支援できます。
  • イノベーションと製品開発: Market research can identify emerging trends and technologies in the virtual cards space, such as integrating virtual cards with mobile wallets or using blockchain technology. 
  • パートナーシップとコラボレーションの機会: Strategy consultants can identify potential partnership opportunities with financial institutions, technology providers, and other virtual card ecosystem stakeholders. 
  • 市場参入および拡大戦略: 仮想カード市場への参入やプレゼンスの拡大を検討している企業にとって、市場調査と戦略コンサルティングは、市場機会、参入障壁、成長戦略に関する洞察を提供します。



While offering numerous opportunities, the virtual cards market also presents several challenges for market research and strategy consulting. Here are some key challenges:

  • 企業コンプライアンス: The virtual cards market is heavily regulated, with varying rules across jurisdictions. Keeping abreast of these regulations and ensuring that strategies are compliant can be challenging.
  • 既存システムとの統合: Integration with existing payment systems and infrastructure can be a significant hurdle for businesses adopting virtual card solutions. Strategy consultants need to consider these integration challenges when advising clients.
  • 相互運用性と標準化: Ensuring interoperability between virtual card systems and standards can be challenging. Research and consulting must consider technical and operational aspects of interoperability to provide effective solutions.
  • 将来の傾向と不確実性: 技術の変化が急速で、消費者の嗜好も変化しているため、仮想カード市場の将来の動向を予測することは困難です。


11 E 22nd Street、2階、ニューヨーク、NY 10010 電話: +1(212) 505-6805


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SIS International Research & Strategy の創設者兼 CEO。戦略計画とグローバル市場情報に関する 40 年以上の専門知識を持ち、組織が国際的な成功を収めるのを支援する信頼できるグローバル リーダーです。

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