


Located in the Pacific Ocean, the nation of Samoa comprises two large islands and four smaller ones. The islands in Samoa are of volcanic origin. They are also unlike other places in the world. For example, the entire country has only one city. Samoa has a relaxed vibe, which is excellent for tourism. But it has other key industries:

What Is Market Research in Samoa?

Market research in Samoa studies the economic and cultural context of this small island nation in the South Pacific, where community values and sustainability play a significant role in consumer behavior.

Key Aspects:

  • Economic Context: The Samoan economy relies on agriculture, tourism, and remittances. Understanding the interplay between local traditions and modern consumer habits is crucial.
  • 方法論: Qualitative approaches, including interviews and focus groups, are often utilized to gather insights into consumer preferences and cultural influences.
  • 課題: The small population and geographic isolation can limit the scope of research and data availability.
  • 利点: Effective market research helps businesses identify opportunities for sustainable development and understand local consumer needs, allowing them to tailor offerings that resonate with the Samoan population.


農業はサモア経済の重要な要素です。農業は国の成長に貢献しており、全労働力の 3 分の 2 を占めています。農業はまた、サモアの製造業に原材料の多くを供給しています。

漁業はサモア人にとって欠かせないものです。魚は重要な食料源であり、輸出品でもあります。サモアの世帯の約 4 分の 1 がこの産業で収入を得ています。魚はサモア人の食生活にも欠かせないものです。


アピアはサモアの首都(そして唯一の都市)で、空港からウポル島の海岸沿い 25 マイルのところにあります。この趣のある町はサモアの商業、政府、ショッピングの中心地です。また、島を探索する際に訪れるにも、拠点としても最適な場所です。アピアは小さいですが、レストラン、クラブ、市場、ショップが充実しています。観光客を楽しませ、忙しくさせる文化的なアトラクションもあります。


マスメディアの力により、サモアにとって外部からの商品の流入は避けられない運命になりつつある。貿易格差が緩和されるにつれ、輸入品が国内に流入している。大企業だけでなく、小規模な企業も外国製品を持ち込んでいる。WTO に加盟して以来、海外から国内への商品の輸入が増加している。こうした変化は、国民に、より良く、より安全な消費習慣をもたらすかもしれない。


Market research in Samoa

The government of Samoa is trying to stir up foreign and local investment. It offers a stable political system based on strong social and cultural structures and values. Samoa also has a trained, productive, and adaptable workforce that communicates well in English. The economy is well-managed, with low labor costs and a favorable exchange rate. Samoa provides a good investment environment.





How SIS International’s Market Research in Samoa Helps Businesses

SIS International provides expert market research in Samoa to help businesses navigate the unique opportunities and challenges of this Pacific Island nation. Samoa offers significant potential in tourism, agriculture, and sustainable development, and our market research ensures businesses have the insights needed to succeed. Here are the key benefits of working with SIS in Samoa:

  • 強化された戦略計画: Our market research in Samoa delivers crucial insights into local market trends, regulatory requirements, and consumer behaviors, helping businesses develop effective strategies that align with Samoa’s market dynamics.
  • 収益の増加: By identifying key growth sectors such as eco-tourism, agriculture, and renewable energy, SIS helps businesses optimize their market entry and revenue potential in Samoa’s expanding economy.
  • リスク削減: Navigating the regulatory environment and understanding local cultural nuances can be challenging. SIS International provides in-depth knowledge of Samoa’s legal and business landscape, minimizing risks for businesses entering this market.
  • マーケティング効率の向上: With a strong focus on eco-tourism and sustainability, market research in Samoa helps businesses craft targeted marketing strategies that resonate with both local consumers and international tourists.
  • 成長とイノベーションの加速: Samoa’s growing sectors, especially in sustainable tourism and agriculture, offer exciting opportunities for businesses. SIS helps companies identify these trends and innovate in line with local market needs.
  • ROIの向上: By delivering actionable insights and tailored recommendations, SIS ensures businesses investing in Samoa maximize their return on investment, leading to sustainable and profitable growth.


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