

市場調査 ウォリス・フツナ

ウォリス・フツナは、フィジー、ツバル、サモア、トンガ、トケラウの間にある南太平洋の美しいフランス語圏の島々の群島です。ウォリス諸島には、ウベア島とホーン島の 2 つのグループがあります。これらの島々の別名は「海の心臓」で、大規模な観光によっても変化はありません。人々は自分たちの文化を守っています。

People started calling Uvea “Wallis” after its founder, who came from Europe in the 18th century. The names of the islands are also very similar to many others, so they are often mixed up. The total area of the land is 54 square miles. The main island is a little more developed than Futuna. The French Administration is on Uvea.

ウベア島は、堡礁に囲まれた低い火山島で、20 の入り江が島を囲んでいます。堡礁には開口部があり、船が通過して島に渡ることができます。堡礁と島の間には漁場があります。


The islands are home to 36 villages and the capital, Mata’utu. Other villages are Kaleveleve, Mala’etoli, and Gamua.

カレヴェレヴェ島には島の病院があります。この 9 床の施設では、地元の人々に応急処置を提供しています。さらに、歯科治療、母子保健、その他の医療サービスも提供しています。




Wallis and Futuna rely on subsistence farming. About four-fifths of the people are subsistence farmers, and they raise their livestock (mainly pigs).



The people in Wallis and Futuna are friendly. They usually believe in bartering more than selling. Revenues come from French government aid and fishing. Residents also earn income from small exports such as breadfruit, yams, and taro.

Apart from that, natives spend money on goods imported from France and Australia. These items include food products, electronics, vehicles, and building and public work supplies, which are all essential needs of the residents.


Setting up a business in a foreign country has plenty of advantages. Likewise, it may be hard to build a business in your own country due to unlikely conditions. Most countries offer location benefits, ranging from natural resources to favorable laws. In Wallis and Futuna, these laws allow growth.

Here are a few reasons to start a business in Wallis and Futuna:

  • 優れた人的資源
  • 有利な税制
  • 高い地理的および天然資源の潜在性
  • 素晴らしい(そして本物の)生活環境

This French land is furthest away from its mainland. Thus, the islands have an economy that is slightly different from others. Another key point is that they are relatively poor and make little profit from exports.


Starting your own business can be tough and a big step. Our company is always here and ready to offer help. As a matter of fact, we have focus groups for any business area you would like. In addition, we do qualitative, quantitative, and strategic research. We put plenty of time into improving the nature of any business that seeks our help. Our firm has never failed to bring out excellent results for our customers. In the end, they always leave happy. We also help with survey-making and interviews.



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