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市場の洞察をビジネスの成長につなげましょう。お客様の考え方や行動を理解し、真の原動力を解明して競争上の優位性を獲得できるようお手伝いします。データ主導の戦略による持続可能な成長 SIS International Research は、40 年を超える業界経験を持つ、フルサービスのグローバル市場調査および戦略コンサルティング会社です。本社はニューヨーク市にあります… 続きを読む


LGBT 市場は、世界中の多くの国で成長している数十億ドル規模の市場です。この市場は、一般的に可処分所得が高く、主要セクターが成長していることが特徴です。

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Quantitative Market Research

Incorporating best practices into your approach to quantitative market research will help you avoid the common pitfalls – and maximize the value of your research efforts. Accurate data is the backbone of successful business strategies – and quantitative market research is a particularly critical method for obtaining it. However, even the most experienced researchers can … 続きを読む

Nordic Market Research

NORDIC MARKET RESEARCH Nordic market research is essential for businesses looking to navigate the unique economic landscapes of Scandinavia, including Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. These countries are known for their strong economies, high standards of living, and commitment to sustainability, making them attractive markets for global businesses.  What Is Nordic Market Research? Why … 続きを読む

How to Conduct Effective Quantitative Market Research

Effective Quantitative Market Research The foundation of effective quantitative market research starts with clearly defined research objectives. Objectives guide the entire research process, ensuring that the study remains focused, relevant, and aligned with your business goals. Research efforts can become scattered without well-defined objectives, leading to inconclusive or irrelevant results. Importance of Clear, Measurable Objectives … 続きを読む

Quantitative Market Research Methods and Techniques

Quantitative Market Research Methods Quantitative market research is a cornerstone of modern business strategy – and it provides valuable data that helps organizations understand their markets, customers, and competitors. By using structured methods and statistical techniques, businesses can gather and analyze large volumes of data, enabling them to make informed decisions that drive growth and … 続きを読む


定量的市場調査 定量的市場調査は戦略計画の基盤であり、数値データから得られる実用的な洞察を企業に提供します。定量的市場調査をビジネス戦略で最大限に活用していますか? グローバル市場が急速に進化する中、企業は競争力を維持するために正確なデータと洞察に頼る必要があります。定量的市場調査は… 続きを読む







