B2B 電子商取引市場調査

B2B 電子商取引市場調査

B2B 電子商取引市場調査

Through B2B e-commerce market research, businesses gain the actionable insights needed to refine their platforms, enhance user experiences, and stay ahead of industry trends.

How do businesses optimize their online sales strategies in an ever-expanding digital marketplace? B2B e-commerce market research provides insights into buyer behavior, emerging trends, and competitive dynamics in this rapidly growing sector.

What Is B2B e-Commerce Market Research?

B2B e-commerce market research analyzes data to understand the dynamics of the B2B online sales ecosystem. It focuses on uncovering insights into buyer behavior, industry trends, technological advancements, and competitive landscapes specific to the digital business-to-business environment.

Unlike traditional market research, B2B e-commerce market research delves into the unique challenges and opportunities of selling online to businesses. It addresses key areas such as:

  • Buyer Preferences: How do businesses make purchasing decisions online? What features and functionalities do they prioritize on e-commerce platforms?
  • 技術統合: Which tools and technologies drive innovation in the B2B e-commerce space?
  • 市場機会: What industries or regions offer the most growth potential for B2B e-commerce platforms?

Why Do Businesses Need B2B e-Commerce Market Research?


B2B e-commerce market research equips organizations with the insights to navigate the current business landscape, ensuring their platforms and offerings remain competitive and aligned with customer needs.

Optimizing Platform Design and Functionality

An effective e-commerce platform must cater to the specific needs of B2B buyers. Research identifies which features are critical, such as:

  • Customizable catalogs and bulk pricing options.
  • Integration with ERP and CRM systems.
  • Advanced search and filtering capabilities.


B2B e-commerce market research helps businesses identify underserved segments, emerging trends, and geographic regions with high growth potential. For example, companies can explore:

  • The rising adoption of mobile commerce in developing regions.
  • The growing demand for eco-friendly products among corporate buyers.
  • Opportunities to serve niche industries, such as specialized manufacturing or healthcare.

Staying Ahead of Competitors

Research enables businesses to benchmark their performance against competitors and identify areas for differentiation. Companies can position themselves more effectively in the market by analyzing competitors’ offerings, pricing models, and customer engagement strategies.

Techniques for Effective B2B e-Commerce Market Research

To maximize the potential of B2B e-commerce, businesses need to employ robust research techniques that provide actionable insights. The following methods are central to effective B2B e-commerce market research:

B2B 電子商取引市場調査

1. Customer Surveys and Questionnaires

Surveys help businesses understand buyer expectations, preferences, and pain points in the purchasing process.

2. 詳細なインタビュー

One-on-one interviews with key stakeholders provide qualitative insights into complex buying behaviors and platform requirements. 

3. Competitor Analysis

Understanding competitors’ offerings is essential for differentiation. 

4. Behavioral Analytics

Tracking user behavior on existing e-commerce platforms provides data on how buyers interact with features such as search filters, checkout processes, and product recommendations.

5. Social Listening and Online Forums

Monitoring discussions on social media and industry-specific forums can highlight emerging trends, common pain points, and customer expectations in the B2B e-commerce space.

6. Focus Groups

Engaging small groups of B2B buyers in structured discussions provides direct feedback on platform designs, marketing strategies, and service offerings.

Ecommerce Market Research: B2B vs B2C


B2B e-commerce market research differs significantly from B2C as decision-making is done through a systematic research process based on a team of experts. While just one consumer typically makes B2C purchases.

This means that B2B market research must take into account each team member’s different needs and concerns and how they influence the final decision. Likewise, B2B e-commerce market research considers the supply chain, a long network of intermediaries that includes distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and resellers, among others.

As a result, B2B e-commerce market research is typically complex compared to B2C market research, and the emergence of new technologies and changes in consumer preferences during the pandemic accelerated wholesalers’ transition to a digital environment. This scenario brings opportunities and challenges to market research specialist who needs to quickly move from a physical store model to a digital transformation based on e-commerce analysis driven by AI and Machine learning (ML).


The B2B e-commerce market has improved customer experience as a result of technological proliferation, such as cloud computing and AI. For this reason, market research should adopt new approaches and leverage innovative technologies to keep up with industry technological advances.


  • AIはB2B電子商取引市場調査に影響を与えるグローバル B2B 電子商取引市場調査戦略家は、機械学習と AI を活用して、B2B 市場における消費者の意図の推進要因をより深く理解できます。
  • 市場調査会社は破壊的なデジタル技術を活用できる サプライヤー、専門家、卸売業者、再販業者、およびすべての関係者とつながり、より正確なデータを取得します。
  • MLアルゴリズムを活用する 過去の非構造化データを分析し、将来の市場動向を予測します。

今後起こるすべての変化にもかかわらず、B2B 電子商取引市場調査の基盤はしっかりとしており、フォーカス グループ、意思決定者インタビュー、共同作成セッション、ビデオ インタビュー、電子メール調査、業界の専門家と知識を共有するあらゆる方法など、現在の調査方法に基づいています。


  • 質の高い顧客データの不足. Due to the smaller number of buyers and the specialized nature of services, a shortage of quality customer information hinders personalization efforts.
  • 新しい研究技術の迅速な導入企業間取引がよりスマートかつ複雑になるにつれ、急速な技術進歩がますます重要な役割を果たすようになり、市場アナリストはこうした急速な変化に対応するために新しい分析ツールに頼らざるを得なくなります。
  • データ制限. Many governments worldwide are amending and strengthening their data security and privacy protection laws as part of their efforts to build consumer trust in B2B e-commerce platforms.


SIS 国際市場調査と戦略

B2B 電子商取引市場調査の機会と課題に基づいて、予想される傾向は次のとおりです。

  • AIとMLの利用増加 since they are game-changer technologies revolutionizing the business environment.
  • データに基づく意思決定 is becoming increasingly prevalent in business, and market research is key in providing the data needed to support these decisions.
  • Market researchers use 洞察を得るためのビッグデータ 顧客の行動や嗜好を分析し、B2B 電子商取引の将来の市場動向を予測します。
  • より多くの企業が モバイルデバイスからのデータの収集と分析 モバイル デバイスやソーシャル メディアを使用する顧客が増えるにつれて、顧客の行動や好みに関する洞察を得るため、モバイル デバイスやソーシャル メディアを活用します。
  • 企業はますます 意思決定のためのリアルタイムデータ 変化する市場状況に迅速に適応します。


世界の B2B 電子商取引市場の主要プレーヤーは、今後数年間は同じままで、ビジネス市場シェアを拡大すると予想されています。市場リーダーの一部は次のとおりです。

  • アマゾン
  • DIYトレード
  • アリババ
  • 中国Asean貿易。
  • 楽天
  • ウォルマート
  • イーベイ
  • メルカテオ
  • グローバルソース
  • インドマート



Asia Pacific (APAC) has established itself as one of the leading regional markets for B2B e-commerce, and APAC is expected to remain the leader in the sector. However, North America is expected to exhibit strong growth, and most of the market research will be done in this region due to the presence of major B2B companies and business consulting firms.


B2B eコマースは急速に成長している市場であり、企業に大きなチャンスをもたらします。B2B市場の独自の特性を理解し、最先端のデジタルツールをリサーチに活用することで、コンサルティング会社やB2B企業は情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行い、市場のニーズに合わせたマーケティング戦略でB2B eコマース分野で成功することができます。

What Makes SIS International a Leader in B2B e-Commerce Market Research?

SISインターナショナル is a globally recognized authority in B2B e-commerce market research. We offer comprehensive solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital marketplace. 

SIS International customizes its research approach to align with each client’s goals and market dynamics. We help businesses explore new markets, optimize platform features, or identify emerging trends.

With a presence in key markets worldwide, SIS International gives businesses a nuanced understanding of regional variations in buyer behavior, regulatory environments, and industry trends. This ensures strategies are both globally informed and locally effective.

Innovative Methodologies
戦略情報システム employs cutting-edge techniques, including behavioral analytics, AI-driven tools, and advanced segmentation methods. These methodologies enhance the depth and accuracy of insights, giving businesses a competitive edge.

Expertise Across Industries
We have extensive experience in the technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics industries. This breadth of knowledge allows the firm to address these sectors’ unique challenges and opportunities.

Having worked with Fortune 500 companies and emerging leaders, 戦略情報システム has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to dominate their e-commerce markets.


11 E 22nd Street、2階、ニューヨーク、NY 10010 電話: +1(212) 505-6805


SISインターナショナル 定量的、定性的、戦略的な調査を提供します。意思決定のためのデータ、ツール、戦略、レポート、洞察を提供します。また、インタビュー、アンケート、フォーカス グループ、その他の市場調査方法やアプローチも実施します。 お問い合わせ 次の市場調査プロジェクトにご利用ください。




SIS International Research & Strategy の創設者兼 CEO。戦略計画とグローバル市場情報に関する 40 年以上の専門知識を持ち、組織が国際的な成功を収めるのを支援する信頼できるグローバル リーダーです。

自信を持ってグローバルに展開しましょう。今すぐ SIS International にお問い合わせください。
