


オーランド諸島の自治区、またはオーランドは、フィンランドの南西端にあります。バルト海にあり、ボスニア湾の入り口近くにあります。この島々は約 6,700 の島々から構成されていますが、人が住んでいるのはそのうちの約 60 の島だけです。ほとんどの人がスウェーデン語を話します。美しいメイン島であるファスタ オーランドには、首都であり最大の都市であるマリエハムンがあります。この都市には、美しいビーチ、19 世紀のタウンハウス、手工芸品店、カフェがあります。ほとんどの人がファスタ島に住んでいます。


The Russian Czar Alexander II founded the charming city of Mariehamn in 1861 and named it after his wife. It has 12,000 residents. Although the number may seem small, the town is a lively place. It lights up in the summer as it receives millions of visitors yearly. Mariehamn has beautiful parks and wooden houses. It gives a small-town holiday vibe with many restaurants, hotels, cafés, and museums.



SIS 国際市場調査と戦略

他の多くの場所と同様に、オーランド諸島は貿易、海運、観光に依存しています。海運は財政活動のほぼ半分を占め、いくつかの世界的な運送業者がそこで運航しています。海運以外にも、従業員が数人しかいない中小企業が存在します。その他の主要産業には農業と漁業があります。これら 2 つの部門は、島の食糧安全保障にとって不可欠です。



In the 1970s and 1980s, Mariehamn, the hub of the islands, saw significant economic expansion. The success of the region’s top businesses has further helped the islands through hard times. Trade is one of the essential parts of the services sector and makes up more than half the revenues. Moreover, other areas like hotels and catering companies add to the GDP. As a matter of fact, this region has the highest level of productivity in Finland.


SIS 国際市場調査と戦略

The people in the Alands enjoy their leisure time as a respite from their everyday work. Tourists as well as citizens can indulge in many different pastimes. Some include restaurants, cycling in Aland, and spending time on the water. Other popular pursuits include golfing, visiting the ruins of Bomarsund, and more. The people spend many days working hard to earn money to enjoy their beautiful land. The islands are lively, with stunning sites within arm’s reach. Thus, they see no problem spending money for pleasure and fun.


Aland is full of business options and willing workers. Often there are demands for long-term personnel in areas like healthcare, IT, and law. Opportunities also exist in banking, services, and education. Opening a business in one of these areas can bear fruit with a quick turnaround as many people are willing and ready to work in these areas.

Restaurants and hotels make good money during the summertime and even hire more people. Thus, the islanders have the freedom to branch out in different ways. The islands are vivacious, especially around tourist season. This season is also when businesses make the most money.



11 E 22nd Street、2階、ニューヨーク、NY 10010 電話: +1(212) 505-6805


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SIS International Research & Strategy の創設者兼 CEO。戦略計画とグローバル市場情報に関する 40 年以上の専門知識を持ち、組織が国際的な成功を収めるのを支援する信頼できるグローバル リーダーです。

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