


By investing in pricing market research, companies can avoid the pitfalls of overpricing or underpricing, ensuring that their offerings are competitively positioned while maintaining profitability.

Getting the right price can make or break a product’s market success. That’s why pricing market research is the hidden powerhouse behind effective pricing strategies, providing businesses with the knowledge they need to navigate complex market dynamics.

What Is Pricing Market Research?

Pricing market research provides businesses with critical insights into how pricing affects consumer behavior, market positioning, and overall profitability. By exploring factors such as competitor pricing, customer willingness to pay, and market trends, pricing market research helps companies develop strategies that align with their business goals.

One of the key issues that pricing market research addresses is the challenge of setting a price that balances customer expectations with business objectives. It identifies price sensitivity levels among different customer segments, highlights potential pricing barriers, and uncovers opportunities to optimize pricing structures. Additionally, this research aids in pinpointing market gaps, allowing businesses to adjust their pricing strategies to stay ahead of competitors.

Why Do Businesses Need Pricing Market Research?

One significant issue that pricing market research addresses is understanding customer price sensitivity. By analyzing how different price points affect demand, businesses can identify the optimal price that maximizes revenue without alienating potential customers. This is particularly important in industries where small price adjustments can lead to significant changes in sales volume. Moreover, pricing market research helps businesses understand regional variations in pricing preferences, ensuring that pricing strategies are tailored to specific market conditions.

Another critical reason businesses need pricing market research is to stay ahead of competitors. This research provides insights into competitor pricing strategies, highlighting areas where a business can differentiate itself through pricing. By leveraging these insights, companies can develop unique pricing approaches that not only attract customers but also reinforce their market positioning. Ultimately, pricing market research is essential for businesses looking to refine their pricing models, enhance customer satisfaction, and achieve long-term growth.

Today’s customers have endless purchasing options in the global marketplace. Price communicates the product’s value and information about the entire product and its benefits.  Value is defined as benefits minus costs.

Pricing research also allows a company’s management to compete strategically with competitors. Given that 9 in 10 new product launches fail, gaining robust pricing insights is essential.

When to Conduct Pricing Market Research

One of the most strategic moments to engage in this research is 新しい製品やサービスを発表する前に. Understanding the market landscape, customer expectations, and competitor pricing strategies can significantly impact the launch’s success. Pricing market research provides insights into the optimal price point that balances profitability with consumer appeal, ensuring that the product is competitively positioned from the outset.

Another key moment in conducting pricing market research is during market expansion. Whether entering a new geographic region or targeting a new customer segment, businesses need to adapt their pricing strategies to local conditions. Market-specific factors such as economic conditions, cultural preferences, and regional competition can all influence pricing dynamics. Conducting pricing market research during these times helps businesses tailor their approach, ensuring that their pricing strategy aligns with the new market’s unique characteristics.

Additionally, businesses should conduct pricing market research when they experience significant shifts in market conditions, such as increased competition, changes in consumer demand, or economic downturns. Re-evaluating pricing strategies becomes crucial to maintaining market share and profitability during these times


Pricing market research is complex. Different market segments can react differently to the same pricing, impacting marketing strategy. Costs and profits can dominate pricing policy. Divisions often duel over the focus of pricing strategy, emphasizing different strategies like market pricing, market penetration, profit maximization, differentiation, and value pricing.

On a global level, standardized pricing may be successful in one region but fail in another. Aggressive pricing strategies may result in competitive reactions that immediately impact sales.


SIS International は、統合された調査アプローチ、世界的なカバレッジ、専門知識を提供し、「完全な市場ビュー」を提供します。当社の統合調査アプローチでは、複数のレベルの調査と情報を使用して、価格戦略に必要な市場環境全体に対する完全な洞察を提供します。価格設定市場調査では、次の要素を調査します。

  • お客様
  • 競合他社
  • 企業
  • 文化
  • サプライチェーン


  • コスト構造分析
  • 固定費と変動費の分析
  • 収益分析
  • 収益性分析
  • 損益分岐点分析
  • 競合他社の価格
  • 価格戦略
  • 価格フレーミング(消費者の心の中で)
  • 価格予測
  • 価格弾力性


Companies may need price framing research and strategies. We research the most appropriate ways that price is framed in the customers’ minds. Pricing psychology factors heavily in this process, and SIS examines findings with pricing psychology. The importance of price framing emerges when local companies compete against global companies and when relative pricing is more important than nominal price tags.



Conjoint Analysis is a technique used in market research that helps to understand how consumers value different attributes in an individual product or service. Such attributes may include tangible attributes such as size, weight, color, etc., and intangible attributes such as price, quality, etc.

Respondents are provided with descriptions of products that would correspond to the attributes of the product being measured. Respondents are then asked to choose between those products based on their attributes. They are then asked to choose again based on a rotation of attributes.

次に、平均を比較する統計分析の一種である回帰分析を各回答者のデータに対して実行し、各属性の値を算出します。調査の設計に応じて、線形回帰またはロジスティック回帰を実行できます。 すべての可能な製品と機能セットのサブセットを使用することで、すべての可能な製品の魅力を予測できるように、いくつかの可能な製品についてのみ質問します。 


  • Conjoints may not explain the interaction effects between attributes well.  Qualitative research can augment understanding in that regard.
  • 含める関連機能がわからない場合はうまく機能しません。
  • コンジョイントは静的であり、時間の経過とともに物事がどのように連鎖するかを説明しません。
  • 参加者が機能を認識していることを前提としています。



Gabor Granger では、留意すべき点がいくつかあります。異なる市場セグメントは同じ価格設定に対して異なる反応を示す可能性があり、マーケティング戦略に影響を及ぼします。顧客の価値の考慮以外に、コストと利益が価格設定ポリシーに影響を及ぼします。

使用できるもう 1 つの指標は、4 つの質問から成る Van Westendorp PSM (価格感度メーター) です。製品またはサービスの説明が提示された後、回答者は次の質問をされます。

  1. どのくらいの価格であれば、この製品はお買い得だと思いますか? [「安い」]
  2. どのくらいの価格であれば、製品が高価になり始めていると言えますが、それでも購入を検討しますか? [「高価」]
  3. どのくらいの価格でしたら、その製品は購入を検討しなくなるほど高価になるのでしょうか? [「高すぎる」]
  4. どのくらいの価格で、その製品があまりにも安くて、その品質に疑問を抱くことになるでしょうか? [「安すぎる」]


Understanding Willingness to Pay in Pricing Market Research

Willingness to pay (WTP) is a crucial concept in pricing market research that helps businesses determine how much customers are willing to spend on a product or service. This insight is fundamental for setting optimal prices that align with consumer expectations and drive sales. Pricing market research employs various methods, such as surveys, conjoint analysis, and behavioral data, to measure WTP, providing businesses with a clear picture of price sensitivity among different customer segments.

By understanding willingness to pay, companies can better position their products within the market. For example, if research indicates that customers value a product highly and are willing to pay a premium, businesses can set higher prices that reflect this perceived value, maximizing profit margins. Conversely, if WTP is low, companies might consider adjusting their pricing strategy, offering discounts, or adding value to justify the price.

Understanding Price Elasticity in Pricing Market Research

Price elasticity of demand is a crucial concept in pricing market research. It helps businesses understand how sensitive consumers are to changes in price. It measures the percentage change in quantity demanded in response to a percentage change in price, providing valuable insights into how price adjustments can impact sales volume and revenue. By analyzing price elasticity, companies can set pricing strategies that align with consumer expectations and market conditions, ensuring that price changes do not negatively affect demand.

For highly elastic products, even small price increases can lead to significant drops in demand, making it essential for businesses to carefully consider their pricing decisions. Products like consumer electronics, fashion items, and luxury goods often exhibit high price elasticity, as consumers can easily switch to alternatives if prices rise. 

Conversely, products with low price elasticity, such as essential goods, unique services, or products with strong brand loyalty, can withstand higher prices without substantial changes in demand. Understanding price elasticity enables companies to optimize pricing models, maximize revenue, and make informed decisions about when and how to adjust prices.

How SIS International’s Pricing Market Research Helps Businesses

SISインターナショナル’s pricing market research provides businesses with tailored insights that drive enhanced strategic planning and optimized pricing strategies. Our expertise in advanced data analytics, consumer behavior analysis, and competitive benchmarking equips companies with the knowledge they need to set prices that align with market dynamics and customer expectations. 


We help businesses develop robust pricing strategies that are grounded in market realities. By analyzing factors such as price elasticity, willingness to pay, and competitor pricing, our research enables companies to refine their pricing models, ensuring they are both competitive and profitable. 


Our pricing market research identifies optimal price points that maximize revenue without compromising customer satisfaction. Whether it’s setting premium prices for high-demand products or implementing discount strategies to boost sales volume, our research guides businesses toward revenue-generating pricing decisions.


SIS International’s research reduces the risks associated with pricing changes by providing data-driven insights that minimize uncertainty. Our analysis helps companies avoid costly pricing mistakes, such as setting prices too high or too low, by offering a clear understanding of market conditions and customer responses. 


Effective pricing is closely tied to marketing success. Our research helps businesses align their pricing with their marketing strategies, ensuring that promotional efforts resonate with target audiences. 


We empower businesses to innovate with confidence by providing the pricing insights needed to support new product launches and market expansions. Our research identifies market gaps and consumer needs, allowing companies to set prices that reflect the unique value of their innovations. 


Our pricing market research drives better return on investment by helping businesses make strategic, data-backed pricing decisions. By optimizing prices to align with market demand, companies can improve profitability and maximize the impact of their pricing strategies on overall business performance.


SIS は戦略調査を実施し、価格戦略に対する競合他社の反応に関するデータと洞察を提供します。SIS は競合分析のリーダーであり、戦略および競合情報を専門とする SCIP 組織の創設メンバーです。当社は、価格設定に関連するウォー ゲーミング、競合ベンチマーク、カスタマイズされた競合レポートを提供しています。


SISインターナショナル 定量的、定性的、戦略的な調査を提供します。意思決定のためのデータ、ツール、戦略、レポート、洞察を提供します。また、インタビュー、アンケート、フォーカス グループ、その他の市場調査方法やアプローチも実施します。 お問い合わせ 次の市場調査プロジェクトにご利用ください。



SIS International Research & Strategy の創設者兼 CEO。戦略計画とグローバル市場情報に関する 40 年以上の専門知識を持ち、組織が国際的な成功を収めるのを支援する信頼できるグローバル リーダーです。

自信を持ってグローバルに展開しましょう。今すぐ SIS International にお問い合わせください。
