Te midden van de stijgende voedselprijzen, neigen veel Amerikaanse consumenten nog steeds naar natuurlijke en biologische voedingsmiddelen die vrij zijn van pesticiden, hormonen en non-GMO. De kostenbewuste Amerikaanse consument hecht veel waarde aan gezondere eetgewoonten, aangezien gecertificeerde biologische telers gespecialiseerde niches en een loyale klantenkring in de markt beginnen te ontwikkelen.
The natural and organic food and beverage market is reshaping the US consumer lifestyle, with a wide range of products available in every retail outlet in the country. US consumers are also increasingly becoming health savvy consumers with preference on purchasing natural alternatives to processed foods and other mainstream offerings.
The natural and organic market continues to gain strength in food, drug, and mass outlets as manufacturers and retailers increase their educational campaigns in presenting the advantage of buying organic and natural food and beverage products.
The estimate for 2008 sales of natural and organic food and beverages is expected to continue at a double-digit growth rate to reach $32.9 billion USD. For the period of 2005 to 2008, with expectations of remarkable market growth of 67.6% and a compounded annual growth rate of 18.8%.
Ind US Business Journal Online: http://www.indusbusinessjournal.com; Accessed November 2008
“US: Market grows for the totally organic”: http://www.freshplaza.com; Accessed November 2008
“Surge in Natural and Organic Food Sales Means Billion Dollar Boom” Marketwire: http://www.marketwire.com
“Surge in Natural and Organic Food Sales Means Billion Dollar Boom” Marketwire