Onderzoek naar toetreding tot de markt in het Midden-Oosten
Ontdek hoe u uw bedrijf kunt laten groeien met onderzoek naar markttoetreding in het Midden-Oosten.
Ontdek hoe u uw bedrijf kunt laten groeien met onderzoek naar markttoetreding in het Midden-Oosten.
Door Ramesh Hariharan, directeur van Defussion Knowledge Solutions
Today’s organized retail sector in India is valued at $7 billion, and within 3 years (by the year 2010) the figure shall be 3.5 times as large at $25 billion.
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Major competitors in the United States market are concentrated in three regions: East Coast, Midwest, and West Coast. Particular areas of concentration include California, Missouri, Nebraska, and Pennsylvania.
Some of the major players in the industry that are from Florida and New York as are as follows:
While many economists and economic indicators proclaim the US economy is already or about to be in recession, numerous companies from Europe, Asia and Middle East are simultaneously investing in the US economy.
To many in the business world, the Market Research or Business / Competitive Intelligence process is just a bunch of numbers, analysis and reports. An executive will send a brief to the research firm and after commissioning will expect a report according to their specifications.
What is missing from this perspective is the impact of relationships, specifically that between the client and the research provider.