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SIS International

Duty Free Market Research

We conducted extensive Market Research in the Duty Free industry at a European Airport. Learn more.

Generation Y Market Research

Generation Y and Millennials carry their own ambitions, needs and dreams. Learn more about Generation Y Market Research.

Healthcare Market Research in Europe

Healthcare Market Research provides vital information on Patient Needs and Decision Maker Insights.  Europe is a leading healthcare market, with a large population, prominent healthcare companies and cutting edge technologies. Qualitative and Quantitative Market Research can provided data, insights and recommendations.  Online studies present many advantages for researchers and clients. They tend to be more … Lees meer

Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Market Research

There is an important distinction between hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles (EVs). Hybrid vehicles, such as the Toyota Prius line, are powered by both an electric engine and an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), which is the traditional engine fueled by petrol or Diesel. Electric Vehicles (EVs), by definition, are powered by an electric engine only. … Lees meer