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Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Market Research

There is an important distinction between hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles (EVs). Hybrid vehicles, such as the Toyota Prius line, are powered by both an electric engine and an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), which is the traditional engine fueled by petrol or Diesel. Electric Vehicles (EVs), by definition, are powered by an electric engine only. … Lees meer

Marktonderzoek Memorial Day

In the United States, Memorial Day celebrated this upcoming Monday carries with it many connotations. First and foremost, it is a day of remembrance for the thousands of military service people. Originally called Decoration Day, the observance came into being following the American Civil War. The devastating number of those lost in that conflict necessitated … Lees meer

Confessions of a Market Research Recruiter

You’ve signed-up on our web site to become part of our database. You saw an opportunity to make good money for a few moments of your time. Smart move! Now the phone rings … it’s us … SIS … calling you! This is your moment. But, who is this person on the phone? Who IS … Lees meer

May Day Market Research

May Day is around the corner.  For those who may not be familiar, it is a world holiday that is widely recognized around the globe. Originating from the Celtic, Beltane, and the Germanic, Walpurgis Night, May Day was initially a Pagan celebration of springtime and fertility. These Pagan ceremonies were phased out by the emergence … Lees meer

Autism Market Research Studies

April 2nd has been designated as World Autism Day and the occasion designates April as Autism Awareness Month. An awareness-building campaign called, Light It Up Blue, will find many prominent landmarks, hotels, museums, bridges, and retail stores featuring distinctive blue lighting in solidarity with this important cause. Even the Empire State Building will be lit-up in blue … Lees meer

Q&A with SIS EMEA Director Federica Sacchi

What is your background? I am the Director of EMEA at SIS International Research, a global market research firm founded in 1984, and I am based in our London offices.  I am responsible for various client-facing and operations in market research, market intelligence and strategy solutions across Europe, Middle East and Africa. I was previously … Lees meer

Easter Market Research

Easter, Passover and the Inevitable Chocolate Bunny You’re probably saying to yourself, “Hey, isn’t this the first Sunday after the full moon following the March Equinox? You bet it is! That would mean it’s Easter, a significant holiday for Christians all over the world. Concurrently, Passover is taking place in the Jewish culture. Both holidays … Lees meer

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing is a marketing strategy that applies unconventional low-cost strategies to promote products, services and ideas.