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Europees marktonderzoek

Europees marktonderzoek

Businesses conduct European market research to make informed decisions, identify growth opportunities, and optimize market entry or expansion strategies.

Would you like to gain insights into the European market? Dive into the world of market research in Europe and discover how businesses leverage data-driven insights to navigate this diverse and dynamic landscape.

What Is Market Research in Europe? Why Is It Important?

Market research in Europe involves gathering and analyzing data to understand consumer behavior, industry trends, and competitive dynamics. It encompasses various methodologies, from surveys and focus groups to data analytics and competitive intelligence.

European market research informs strategic decisions on product development, pricing, distribution, and marketing strategies tailored to European consumers. It also guides businesses in identifying viable entry points, target markets, and growth opportunities across European countries.

Additionally, deep consumer understanding enables businesses to meet diverse preferences, anticipate trends, and differentiate offerings in a competitive marketplace. Data-driven insights optimize resource allocation, marketing spend, and operational efficiency, maximizing ROI in the European market.

When to Conduct Market Research in Europe

Timing is critical when conducting European market research. Consider these factors:

    • Market Entry or Expansion: Before entering a new European market or expanding operations, conduct thorough research to assess market potential, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment.
    • Product Development: Before launching new products or services in Europe, gather insights on consumer preferences, trends, and market demand to refine offerings and enhance market fit.
    • Consumer Behavior Changes: During periods of significant economic, social, or technological change, conduct research to understand shifts in consumer behavior and adapt business strategies accordingly.

However, before embarking on a market research journey in Europe, businesses should consider these key questions:

  • What Are Our Objectives?:
  • Who Is Our Target Audience?
  • What Research Methodologies Should We Use?
  • What Are the Regulatory Considerations?
  • How Will We Use the Research Findings?
  • What Is Our Timeline and Budget?

Addressing these questions enables businesses to design comprehensive and impactful market research initiatives tailored to the European market landscape.

Who Uses Market Research in Europe

Many stakeholders utilize European market research to inform strategic decisions and enhance business performance. Companies across industries leverage market research to identify new market opportunities, understand consumer behavior, and optimize their marketing strategies. Investors rely on market research to assess market potential and make informed investment decisions. Consulting firms use market research to provide valuable insights and recommendations to their clients, guiding them through market entry strategies and competitive analysis.

Academic institutions and government bodies also utilize market research to understand economic trends, assess policy impacts, and support informed decision-making. Additionally, start-ups and entrepreneurs use market research to validate business ideas, identify target markets, and refine their business models.

Leading Players in the European Market

Several key players dominate various industries in the European market, shaping market dynamics and competition. Companies like Volkswagen, BMW, and Renault are prominent players in the automotive sector, driving innovation and market trends in electric vehicles and sustainable mobility solutions.

The retail sector is influenced by major players like Tesco, Carrefour, and Aldi, each with distinct strategies catering to diverse consumer segments. In the pharmaceutical industry, companies like Novartis, Roche, and AstraZeneca are pioneers in healthcare innovation and global market penetration. Financial services are dominated by institutions like HSBC, Deutsche Bank, and BNP Paribas, shaping the banking and investment landscape.

Expected Results from SIS International’s Market Research in Europe

When partnering with SIS International for market research in Europe, businesses can expect:

Actionable Insights:

Our research delivers actionable insights that guide strategic decision-making, enabling businesses to capitalize on market opportunities and mitigate risks effectively.

Market Entry Strategy:

We assist businesses in developing informed market entry strategies tailored to specific European countries or regions, considering market dynamics, consumer preferences, and regulatory landscapes.

Competitive Intelligence:

We help businesses comprehensively understand the competitive landscape, benchmark against industry peers, and identify strategies to differentiate offerings and enhance market positioning.

Risk Mitigation:

Our team Identifies and mitigates market risks, regulatory challenges, and economic uncertainties through proactive research and strategic planning.

ROI Optimization:

We assess ROI scenarios and optimize resource allocation to maximize returns on investment in European markets.

The creation of the European Union removed trade barriers, tariffs and built the greatest single trade bloc with 27 countries.

Economies are closely interlinked and benefit from each other. The introduction of the Euro, as one common currency, erased exchange rates among the 24 member countries. Cross-border trading is now simplified in the Eurozone.

European markets are very diverse and complex. Market Research in Europe can provide an insight to the dynamics and demographics of this diverse market, providing numerous growth and innovation opportunities for the business landscape.

Western Europe, with the exception of Russia, has the larger European economies. Eastern Europe consists of several countries that are still in the development stages. Eastern and Western Europe differ in many ways, especially per capita income.

Regional Insights in Europe

Europe comprises diverse regions with unique cultural, economic, and market characteristics. Here are some regional insights businesses should consider:

Western Europe

  • Stable Economies: Countries like Germany, France, and the UK offer stable economies and mature markets across various industries.
  • Innovation Hubs: Cities such as London, Paris, and Munich are innovation centers, attracting tech startups and investment in R&D.

Central and Eastern Europe

  • Emerging Markets: Countries like Poland, Czech Republic, and Hungary are emerging markets with growing economies and expanding consumer markets.
  • Manufacturing and Outsourcing: Central Europe is known for manufacturing capabilities and business process outsourcing services.

Southern Europe

  • Tourism and Hospitality: Mediterranean countries like Spain, Italy, and Greece thrive on tourism and hospitality industries, presenting opportunities in leisure and lifestyle sectors.
  • Renewable Energy: Southern Europe has vast potential for renewable energy development, particularly in solar and wind power.

Nordic Countries

  • Innovation and Sustainability: Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland) are leaders in innovation, sustainability, and quality of life, driving demand for eco-friendly products and services.
  • Digital Adoption: High digital literacy and tech-savvy populations make Nordic countries attractive for digital transformation initiatives.

Cross-Border Insights

  • EU Market Dynamics: Businesses operating across EU borders must navigate regulatory frameworks, trade policies, and cross-cultural consumer behaviors.
  • Language and Localization: Language diversity necessitates localized marketing strategies and tailored product offerings.

Western European Countries


The country has a growing annual GDP and is home to Vienna, one of the largest metropolitan cities of Europe.


The country has the lowest income inequality globally and supports one of the highest living standards.


Finland is a highly industrialized economy. Its biggest industry is electronics. Large Finnish companies include Nokia, Equinor, and Volvo.


Home to one of Europe’s largest metropolitan cities, Paris is one of the most prosperous areas in the region, and it has a high standard of living. France is ranked as the fifth-biggest economy globally and the second-largest in Europe.


The country’s capital city Berlin is among the top ten metropolitan cities in Europe. Germany holds the headquarters of 37 out of 500 largest companies in the world including Volkswagen, Adidas, Nivea and Siemens.


Situated in an important geopolitical region, Greece presents numerous opportunities. Its largest city, Athens, is a major tourism center. The country has access to shipping in the Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea, and Adriatic Sea.


Two of Europe’s ten largest cities, Milan and Rome, are here. The country’s largest industries are wine production, luxury goods, food, beverage, automobiles, and apparel.


Spain has the fifth-largest European economy. Tourism and Agriculture are major industries. Barcelona and Madrid are the two major metropolitan cities of Europe.

Verenigd Koninkrijk

London is the second biggest metropolitan city in the Western world. The United Kingdom was a leader in the Industrial Revolution and the expansion of Global Trade.  London is one of the world’s most important financial centers alongside New York City.

Other European Countries

Click here for other European markets served.

Eastern Europe Opportunities

Most of the countries that are part of Eastern Europe are Emerging Economies with growing and diverse markets.

These Baltic countries include Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia.  Central European countries include Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.  The Balkan countries include Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, and Bulgaria. These markets have diverse cultural outlooks than Western Europe and can be regarded as entirely different markets.

SIS International Expertise and Our Current Market Review

In our opinion, the European market continues to show resilience and adaptability amidst economic shifts and geopolitical changes. We believe that key trends such as digital transformation, sustainability initiatives, and shifting consumer behaviors are reshaping industries across Europe. The adoption of advanced technologies, including AI, IoT, and blockchain, is driving innovation and opening new avenues for businesses to engage with consumers.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge the complexities within the European market. Regulatory frameworks, such as GDPR and evolving trade policies, introduce challenges for businesses operating in multiple European countries. Market saturation in certain industries and economic disparities across regions also pose considerations for market entry and expansion strategies.

Our analysis indicates promising opportunities in e-commerce, renewable energy, healthcare technology, and personalized services. These areas are fueled by changing consumer preferences, regulatory incentives, and a growing emphasis on sustainability.

Largest-Growing Segments in European Markets

Businesses conducting market research in Europe should pay attention to the following largest-growing segments:

  • E-commerce and Digital Services: The ongoing shift toward online shopping, digital entertainment, and subscription services continues to drive growth across Europe’s e-commerce sector.
  • Health and Wellness Products: Increasing health awareness and demand for natural, organic, and functional foods and beverages contribute to the growth of the health and wellness market.
  • Renewable Energy Solutions: Growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental concerns fuels demand for renewable energy technologies such as solar panels, wind turbines, and energy storage solutions.
  • Fintech and Digital Banking: Innovations in financial technology, including mobile payments, peer-to-peer lending, and digital banking solutions, are experiencing significant growth in Europe.
  • Smart Home Technologies: The adoption of smart home devices, IoT (Internet of Things) solutions, and home automation systems is rising, driven by convenience and energy efficiency benefits.

Opportunities in Europe

Despite challenges, Europe offers numerous opportunities for businesses to thrive and expand. Key opportunities include:

  • Sustainability Initiatives: Increasing demand for eco-friendly products, renewable energy solutions, and sustainable practices presents growth opportunities for green businesses.
  • Digital Transformation: Embracing digital technologies and leveraging data analytics to enhance customer experiences, optimize operations, and drive innovation.
  • Healthcare Innovation: Investing in healthcare technologies, telemedicine, and personalized medicine to meet the growing demand for advanced healthcare services.
  • E-commerce Expansion: Expanding e-commerce capabilities, omnichannel strategies, and digital marketing to reach wider audiences and capitalize on online retail growth.
  • Fintech Innovation: Developing fintech solutions, mobile banking apps, and digital payment platforms to cater to evolving financial needs and preferences.

Industry Attractiveness: SWOT Analysis of the European Market

Conducting a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of the European market reveals valuable insights for businesses:


  1. Strong Economic Stability: Europe boasts a diverse and resilient economy, supported by established industries such as automotive, pharmaceuticals, and technology. This economic stability provides a solid foundation for business growth and investment.
  2. Advanced Infrastructure: The region benefits from advanced infrastructure, including high-speed transportation networks, digital connectivity, and research institutions. This infrastructure fosters innovation and supports the development of cutting-edge technologies.
  3. Regulatory Frameworks: Europe is known for its robust regulatory frameworks that ensure consumer protection, data privacy (e.g., GDPR), and environmental sustainability. These regulations enhance market transparency and foster trust among consumers.


  1. Regulatory Complexity: While regulations provide stability, they also introduce complexity, especially for businesses operating across multiple European countries. Navigating diverse legal requirements can be challenging and may slow down market entry and expansion.
  2. Market Fragmentation: The European market comprises diverse cultures, languages, and consumer behaviors. This diversity can lead to market fragmentation, challenging implementing standardized marketing and distribution strategies.
  3. Economic Disparities: Economic disparities exist among European countries and regions, affecting market homogeneity. Varying levels of purchasing power and consumer behavior pose challenges for businesses aiming to scale operations across the continent.


  1. Digital Transformation: The increasing adoption of digital technologies and e-commerce presents significant growth opportunities for businesses to reach wider audiences and optimize operations.
  2. Emerging Markets: Eastern European countries offer untapped markets with growing consumer demand. These emerging markets provide avenues for expansion and diversification.
  3. Sustainability Initiatives: Europe’s focus on sustainability and renewable energy creates opportunities for businesses to innovate and align with evolving consumer preferences for environmentally friendly products and services.


  1. Competition and Disruption: The European market is highly competitive, with global players and disruptive technologies continuously reshaping industries. Businesses must stay agile and innovative to maintain market relevance.
  2. Geopolitical Uncertainties: Geopolitical events and uncertainties, such as Brexit and trade disputes, can impact market dynamics, supply chains, and consumer confidence.
  3. Economic Volatility: Economic downturns or external shocks (e.g., pandemics) can affect consumer spending patterns and business operations, posing risks to market stability.

How SIS International’s European Market Research Services Help Businesses

SIS International’s comprehensive market research and consulting services are vital in empowering businesses to navigate the complexities of the European market effectively. Here’s how our expertise contributes to business success:

Risk Reduction:

Our team provides valuable insights that help mitigate risks associated with market entry, regulatory compliance, and competitive dynamics. By understanding market nuances and potential challenges, businesses can make informed decisions and minimize uncertainties.

Revenue Optimization:

We offer in-depth analysis of consumer preferences, market trends, and competitive landscapes, enabling businesses to optimize their product offerings, pricing strategies, and go-to-market approaches to maximize revenue potential.

Cost Savings:

Through efficient data collection and analysis, we help businesses identify cost-saving opportunities, optimize resource allocation, and streamline operations based on market insights.

Time Efficiency:

Our market research services accelerate decision-making by delivering timely and actionable intelligence. Businesses gain a competitive edge by reducing time-to-market for new products or market expansions.

Growth and Innovation:

We support business growth and innovation by uncovering emerging trends, market gaps, and customer needs. This intelligence fuels innovation initiatives and enables businesses to stay ahead of market shifts.

ROI Enhancement:

SIS International’s market research solutions are designed to deliver measurable ROI by providing strategic guidance and actionable recommendations that drive business success in the European market.

About Market Research in Europe

SIS Internationaal Research has over 3 decades experience in conducting Qualitative Fieldwork, Focus Groups, Quantitative Data Collection, Market Entry research and Strategy Research in Europe. Our London EMEA regional Headquarters provides full-service solutions in Consumer, B2B, Industrial, Healthcare, Automotive and many other industries.  Our solutions include:

  • Online Insight Communities
  • Focusgroepen
  • Consumer Interviews
  • Video Interviews
  • Ethnography
  • Mobile Surveys
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Market Opportunity, Entry & Sizing Research

How we help companies:

  • Customer Loyalty Research: How do we make our customers more loyal?
  • Brand Strategy: How can we promote our brand for competitive advantage? What is our value proposition?
  • Marketing Mix: Which ways can we optimize our marketing tools? What are the channels to market?
  • Pricing: How can we adapt pricing to meet our strategic objectives? How can we better compete against price competition?
  • Supply Chain Management: How can we maximize our supply chain performance?
  • Channel Intelligence: How can we create more value in the Supply Chain?
  • Competitive Intelligence: How are competitors adapting to industry challenges?
  • Best Practices Research: What are our industry’s best practices?
  • Social Media Research: How can we gain more stakeholder insight from online tools?
  • Product Strategy: What new products can best meet our target customer’s needs?
  • Segmentation: How can we increase the value of our customer relationships?
  • Healthcare Research: How can healthcare companies better meet patient and provider needs amidst changing regulations?
  • Market Entry, Sizing & Opportunity: Which markets hold the best opportunity for growth?

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