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Marktonderzoek in Marseille | Frankrijk

Market Research in Marseille

Marseille is the second-largest city of France with a population near 1 million people.

Marseille has a GDP of around $60 billion. It has France’s largest research centre with 3,000 research scientists within Aix Marseille University.  Tourism is a large industry for Marseille, and the port is a major gateway to the Mediterranean Sea.  The city’s location, population size and industries provide vibrant opportunities for conducting market research and product testing.  Other large towns nearby include Aix-en-Provence, Aubagne, Martigues, and Toulon.

Shipping, Logistics and Tourism industries

It is also home to CMA CGM, the global container-shipping company, and Airbus Helicopters.  It is France’s largest port for freight and cruise ships, and the fifth largest in Europe by cargo tonnage.  It specializes particularly in shipping liquid bulk, such as crude and refined oil. It is one of the major employment areas of the regional economy. The area hosts many hotels and tourism companies.  Due to its position as a Mediterranean port, many immigrants from surrounding countries have taken up residence.

Technology and Media sectors

Recently the service sector of the economy has been growing, as the city shifts from light manufacturing to high tech industries. The vast majority of the companies are small and medium enterprises with less than 500 employees. There are three main technopoles in Marseille: Château-Gombert for technological innovations, Luminy for biotechnology and La Belle de Mai for multimedia activities. Other business clusters include Capenergies for green energy technology, Pass for making Scents, Pole MerPaca for sustainable maritime development, Pole Safe for aeronautical solutions, Risk Management, Secured Communicating Solution, and Photonic Optics.

About Market Research in Marseille

SIS International Research provides full-service solutions for the high-technology industries, tourism, media, and maritime services industries. Industry and consumer preferences are evolving, and SIS can provide actionable market intelligence to stay abreast of these trends. Other services include market opportunity research, and competitor analysis.

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