Marktonderzoek voor non-profitorganisaties
SIS is a Global Market Research company. Explore our past experience.
Geselecteerde ervaring:
- Conducted a study on the value of membership among members and non-members for a major B2B industry association and accreditation body.
- Conducted survey for a non-profit clinical research association to determine its potential membership in the European markets.
- Conducted a global survey for a competitive intelligence non-profit organization to determine the market needs assessment for current and potential members
- Conducted a global positioning study for a US based B2B industry organization.
- Conducted a large market assessment and competitive assessment in the US medical sector.
- Conducted focus groups for a real estate non-profit organization to determine how to better meet the needs of their members
- Conducted a global survey to determine the international market potential for a high end corporate board trade association
- Conducted an extensive telephone survey of CEOs from mid-size firms to determine the key strategic issues facing the management trade association
- Conducted a survey for an advertising trade association to determine key topics for their annual conference
- Conducted a study for travelers from the UK for a Tourism Trade Commission
- Conducted a study for a prominent government trade association on vendors in industrial sectors.
- Conducted a study to determine the ability of the state of Florida to track high technology businesses to the state and potential advertising program necessary to attract these businesses
- Conducted a study to determine the potential of specific bottle packaging products
- Conducted a major study of the key opportunities and challenges facing small business in America
- Online survey available to a Chamber of Commerce group’s members around the country
- Conducted an in-depth study of the project management market in Japan & Korea.
- Conducted focus group discussion among NGO managers concerning their financial organization.
- Conducted an international project to research on people’s experiences with the laws and legal institutions of their country.
Sample of Current and Past Clients in the Non-Profit Sector
- ACRP (Association of Clinical Research Professionals)
- American Academy of Family Physicians
- American Management Association
- American Psychological Association
- Closure Manufacturers Association
- Onderneming Florida
- Florida Board of Tourism
- French-American Chamber of Commerce
- HR Certification Institute
- Project Management Institute
- Select Real Estate Trade Associations
- Small Business Trade Association
- Society for Competitive Intelligence Professionals [SCIP]
- The Conference Board
- World Justice Project (Rule of Law Index)