Marktonderzoek voor non-profitorganisaties

Marktonderzoek voor non-profitorganisaties

SIS is a Global Market Research company.  Explore our past experience.

Geselecteerde ervaring:

  • Conducted a study on the value of membership among members and non-members for a major B2B industry association and accreditation body.
  • Conducted survey for a non-profit clinical research association to determine its potential membership in the European markets.
  • Conducted a global survey for a competitive intelligence non-profit organization to determine the market needs assessment for current and potential members
  • Conducted a global positioning study for a US based B2B industry organization.
  • Conducted a large market assessment and competitive assessment in the US medical sector.
  • Conducted focus groups for a real estate non-profit organization to determine how to better meet the needs of their members
  • Conducted a global survey to determine the international market potential for a high end corporate board trade association
  • Conducted an extensive telephone survey of CEOs from mid-size firms to determine the key strategic issues facing the management trade association
  • Conducted a survey for an advertising trade association to determine key topics for their annual conference
  • Conducted a study for travelers from the UK for a Tourism Trade Commission
  • Conducted a study for a prominent government trade association on vendors in industrial sectors.
  • Conducted a study to determine the ability of the state of Florida to track high technology businesses to the state and potential advertising program necessary to attract these businesses
  • Conducted a study to determine the potential of specific bottle packaging products
  • Conducted a major study of the key opportunities and challenges facing small business in America
  • Online survey available to a Chamber of Commerce group’s members around the country
  • Conducted an in-depth study of the project management market in Japan & Korea.
  • Conducted focus group discussion among NGO managers concerning their financial organization.
  • Conducted an international project to research on people’s experiences with the laws and legal institutions of their country.

Sample of Current and Past Clients in the Non-Profit Sector

  • ACRP (Association of Clinical Research Professionals)
  • American Academy of Family Physicians
  • American Management Association
  • American Psychological Association
  • Closure Manufacturers Association
  • Onderneming Florida
  • Florida Board of Tourism
  • French-American Chamber of Commerce
  • HR Certification Institute
  • Project Management Institute
  • Select Real Estate Trade Associations
  • Small Business Trade Association
  • Society for Competitive Intelligence Professionals [SCIP]
  • The Conference Board
  • World Justice Project (Rule of Law Index)

Foto van auteur

Ruth Stanat

Oprichter en CEO van SIS International Research & Strategy. Met meer dan 40 jaar expertise in strategische planning en wereldwijde marktintelligentie is ze een vertrouwde wereldleider in het helpen van organisaties om internationaal succes te behalen.

Breid wereldwijd uit met vertrouwen. Neem vandaag nog contact op met SIS International!

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