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Education Technology Market Research

Education Technology Market Research

Education Technology or “EdTech” is the use of tools to simplify and enhance learning.

EdTech opens up a whole new avenue of opportunities in education. With Education Technology, the opportunities are endless. The industry is developing more resources, tools, services and applications. These resources will benefit both educators and the learning community.

Examples of opportunities available in this field are:

  • Schools are now integrating technology into their learning curriculums. They are in need of persons who can plan and put these new programs in place. Job opportunities such as Computer Instructor and Course Designer are opening up.
  • Businesses need Trainers, Designers, and Evaluators to solve everyday performance issues. These workers can also test employees and produce workshops.
  • Instruction Design Companies need people to develop courseware, curriculums, and software.
  • The military needs Educational Technologists for training programs to create manuals. They can also plan curriculums and design software.

Innovating Learning Solutions

In this high tech world, educators need to find innovative ways of teaching. EdTech equips students with the tools necessary to meet the future world. That world will be very different from the one students know now. The challenge is the various paces at which children learn and their different skills. Thus educators have to hone in on each child’s unique interests, needs, and strengths. Some schools have begun uploading assignments to the Internet. Students can then download these assignments at home. Tablets are now an item on the required list of learning materials for classrooms.

Adaptive Learning

Adaptive learning is a computer-based educational system. This system delivers customized resources based on a learner’s specific needs. The system bases the customized delivery on analysis. The US Government endorses this method of teaching, as it is very beneficial. Students are better able to understand their capabilities. Teachers can also have a better idea of the different stages at which children learn. This analysis is faster than the personal one on one interaction.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is another EdTech method. It places a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a merged perspective. This method makes learning more engaging and fun. All levels of education use AR: from pre-school up to college, and even in the workplace. It educates learners both in and out of the classroom.

Digital Textbooks

Students can use digital textbooks as resource materials for classes. These textbooks are also referred to as e-texts or e-textbooks. They are a significant component of Education Technology. The implementation of e-texts in the classroom has its advantages and disadvantages. The main perk of e-texts is that it has solved the issue of high prices of printed textbooks. It eases the economic pressure on students and parents. Educators can share one PDF text with hundreds of students without incurring costs.

The downside to digital textbooks is that some school texts can be as expensive online. They also may not be available in the needed digital format, and e-books cannot be lent to someone else or resold.

Distance Learning

Distance Learning is yet another EdTech method. Educators can use this method to set lesson plans and deliver course materials. With this method, these educators never have to set foot in an actual classroom. Hundreds of accredited colleges and universities worldwide use the distance learning method. It is very beneficial for persons who do not have the opportunity to travel for the benefit of education. They can pursue degrees online and be as successful as if they attended physical classes.

Differentiated Learning    

Differentiation means modifying teaching to meet specific needs. With this method, teachers respond to the differences among students in the classroom. Teachers can use it to differentiate at least four classroom elements. These elements are content, process, products, and learning environment.

It’s easy to see that EdTech levels the playing field for many students, who would have otherwise had a difficult time grasping concepts. It also makes things easier for parents and educators. Opportunities abound in the EdTech field, for computer software and hardware producers, and also for technical service providers and for educators.

About SIS EdTech Market Research Solutions

SIS has over 30 years experience in the Education Market.  We provide Market Research and Strategy Consulting solutions to launch new products, assess the competitive landscape and satisfy stakeholder needs.  In the Education Industry, there can be many stakeholders in decision making and purchasing decisions.  We offer global research and strategy coverage to help you make your next project a success:

  • Norming Studies and Data Collection
  • Market Assessments and Competitive Analysis
  • Market Opportunity, Entry and Sizing
  • Bruikbaarheidstesten
  • New Product Concept Testing
  • Focusgroepen
  • Marktonderzoek voor jongeren

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