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Advertentiemarktonderzoek en testen

Advertentiemarktonderzoek en testen


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Advertising Market Research is best understood with the distinction of Pre and Post Ad Launch. This is because the messaging and approach can be different depending where you are in the process.

When do you use Pre and Post Advertising Testing?

It is critical to test the advertising messing pre launch of the product to avoid product and service failures in your domestic and international or global markets. Following the pre – launch, it is critical to conduct the post launch to determine the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. To ensure success, SIS has devised the following pre and post launch survey techniques:

Digital Advertising Research

Many companies are investing their marketing budgets on online advertising.  With the rise of digital advertising, we provide the following solutions:

  • Online focusgroepen
  • Online Insight Communities
  • Tele-Depth Interviews
  • A/B Testing
  • Eye Tracking
  • Online Concept Testing
  • Co-Creation
  • Usability Testing
  • Online Surveys

Application of Advanced Analytics to the data:

We recommend applying advanced analytics to the pre and the post recall data to ensure that the data “triangulated” with the advertisements.

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