Marktonderzoek voor velddiensten

Marktonderzoek voor velddiensten

Marktonderzoek voor velddiensten

What is Field Service Market Research?

Field Service Management (FSM) requires the sectors of a company to work in tandem. With FSM, a company deploys its resources, which includes equipment and workers, away from the company compound. They go to other worksites to perform different tasks and work activities.

Field Service Market Research firms only do data collection. They receive a research question and then collect the data needed to answer the question. Another key point is that field service companies do not design studies, nor do they analyze the results.

Another task for Field Service Market Research firms is to provide licensed persons to collect and record data. Also, they conduct Surveys, Interviews, and case studies, and the run Focus Groups. They’re perfect for smallish firms that know what they need but lack resources. As a matter of fact, such firms can gain from a Field Service Market Research Company.

Why is Field Service Market Research Important?

Firms often need to install hard-to-replace equipment. Yet, creating, producing, and installing something doesn’t mean that that is the only firm that can do it.

At the scheduled time for updating or replacing equipment, there are still ways:

  • to maintain the link to your service provider
  • keep further service contract income coming in
  • stay on your customer’s mind when the time comes to update or replace equipment
  • continue to provide consistent, on-time, and high-quality service

In this case, it’s vital to know the importance of Field Service to your company in the long term. At least, Field Service can help you with many things, from customer calls to dispatching technicians to completing service.

Belangrijkste functienamen

  • Service Technician
  • Maintenance Technician
  • Senior Field Service Engineer
  • Computer Technician
  • Electronics Technician
  • Technical Support Specialist
  • Projectmanager
  • Systems Administrator
  • Field Engineer

Why Businesses Need Field Service Market Research

Firms often merge their field services with cloud-based enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management. By linking everything, they can get vital info about consumers. This data includes products, equipment, tools, and qualified techs (with billing info).

Field service management can reduce service times by hours or even days. Service quality and timeliness are also improved. By the same token, it is easier to ensure the right people use the right tools for the job. Further, it results in customer delight, which improves the bottom line. The faster service also gives your company a competitive advantage.

Other reasons are;

  • Effective scheduling. Scheduling is often a big issue for both on-field and in-house dispatchers. FSM systems allow real-time scheduling, complete with notifications. You can also achieve more efficient bookings with FSM software’s auto-scheduling. It enables the experts on the ground to select the best order for doing jobs.
  • Improve your time management skills. If they have to do it by hand, on-field people often input their worked hours at the end of the day. Manual data entry is hard to do and time-consuming. Instead, field service software allows techs to enter job details in real-time.

Belangrijkste succesfactoren

  • In the analysis phase, think about the customer journey and experience.
  • Early on, make a plan to use real-time data and analytics.
  • Know who you are and what makes you unique.
  • Make a good impression. The customer’s perception of the products and services you offer depends on the employees who interact with them. All vital info must always be at these workers’ disposal. Mobile apps can provide access to this.

About Field Service Market Research

Does your business need a field service technician? Would you also like to learn more about Field Service Market Research? You’ve come to the right place if that’s the case. We set up Focus Groups for you. We can conduct Qualitative, Quantitative, and Strategic Research for your firm. Field Service Market Research is vital to ensure your company’s success.

Foto van auteur

Ruth Stanat

Oprichter en CEO van SIS International Research & Strategy. Met meer dan 40 jaar expertise in strategische planning en wereldwijde marktintelligentie is ze een vertrouwde wereldleider in het helpen van organisaties om internationaal succes te behalen.

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