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SIS International Appoints Duilio Bini to Run London Office

Survey Master

SIS International Research announced the appointment of key sales representative, Duilio Bini, from our NYC Headquarters as our new Director of Operations, EMEA. Duilio will lead the SIS EMEA regional office in London.

Duilio Bini will be responsible for sales, project management, and client servicing throughout the EMEA Region.  He is based now in London, UK.

“I’m thrilled to be going to London to lead the EMEA team,” Bini said. “Getting to work with top clients around the world was one thing that attracted me to SIS in the first place, and now I will get to be even more hands on helping clients across Europe.”

Background at SIS

As a key part of the SIS team for over two years, Duilio has extensive experience in complex project management, having directed multi-country Focus Group studies, international in-depth-interview moderation, and store-intercepts across the US. Duilio is bilingual, fluent in both English and Spanish.  

SIS Międzynarodowe badania rynku i strategia“I look forward to using the wealth of project management and research experience I have gained at the SIS Headquarters in New York to lead the growing EMEA team. This is the beginning of a very exciting chapter, both for me and for the whole SIS International team,” he said.

In addition to his research and project management experience, Duilio brings a solid foundation of marketing knowledge to SIS’ EMEA operations, having previously served in a marketing capacity at SMARP, a European Software company. He also holds a degree in International Business and Marketing from SUNY New Paltz.

Ruth Stanat, President of SIS International Research, “We are so pleased to have Duilio in London.  SIS Fieldwork and Data Collection teams provide rapid, affordable fieldwork and data collection across Europe, the Middle East and around the world. We serve Consumer, B2B, Healthcare, Industrial, and Automotive projects.”

Highlights of SIS EMEA

SIS recently launched a FinTech Research and Strategy Consulting unit. Stanat mentioned that having Strategy Research hubs in London and New York positioned the company well for FinTech Strategy Research projects.  

The SIS Strategy Team provides secondary research, market opportunity & entry research, and competitive analysis.

SIS will be exhibiting at The Quirks Event London 2019 in February.

About SIS International Research Inc.

SIS Międzynarodowe Badania (https://www.sisinternational.com) is a leading global full-service Market Research & Strategic Market Intelligence firm providing comprehensive market research solutions in China, Asia, the Americas, Europe and worldwide. The company provides Qualitative Research, Quantitative Data Collection, Market Intelligence and Market Strategy Research.

Headquartered in New York City and founded in 1984, the company has key offices in London, Miami, Los Angeles, Paris, and Shanghai. Our coverage is Nationwide US, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia and we serve over 50 industries. SIS offers many other innovative products and services for our client’s decision-making.

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