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The New American Consumers Analysis: Trends Facing US Retailers

Following the “Great Recession” of 2009, consumers are living in the “new normal”.  Here are some of the changes facing consumers and retailers in 2010.  


Consumers are spending less. Coupons, private labeled goods, loyalty rewards cards, products in bulk, self-service and discount stores are increasingly part of the consumer’s protection against financial worries. Deflation in prices is a fear among retailers.

Consumers are both more educated and risk-averse when purchasing products.  They use product rating sites to read other users’ product ratings and to compare prices and functionality. 

American consumers increasingly seek to enhance their wellness without the help of a medical professional. Organic retail stores have become more mainstream, despite the obesity epidemic.

Redefined consumerism and values

American attitudes toward ravenous consumerism has changed.  According to one survey, 75% of respondents mentioned they would rather spend more time with family than make more money.

Consumers are increasingly pressured to pay off debt and consume only necessary products, instead of continue past consumption habits.

Increasingly, consumers want to know about product sustainability and the origination of goods.  Locally produced goods are increasingly becoming a fixture in supermarkets. 

Brick-and-Mortar not dying for all retailers

While brick-and-mortar shopping malls and video stores have declined, retail banks and specialty stores (e.g. Apple store and Sony Store) are still relevant to consumers. Online shopping and local retailers are gaining more importance. 

New consumption trends are emerging, such as online grocery shopping in urban areas.

Retailers finding new ways to be relevant to consumers 

Sophisticated digital signage is becoming a way for retailers to promote deals and track the effectiveness of in-store point of purchase advertising and messaging.

“Nostalgia marketing” is a rising trend, particularly with products targeted toward Baby Boomers. Marketers are creating goods emphasizing emotional connections to meaningful symbols. 

SIS Unveils China Business Transaction Data Suite

NEW YORK, May 20// SIS International Research announced today the launch of its company data services in China. The company described the customized service as a database of Chinese buyers, sellers and transaction data.  Clients request industry segments and individual specific target companies in China.  SIS provides 2 different sets of transaction data. One data … Czytaj dalej

Market Research Industry Insight from the AIMRI Rome 2010 Conference

By Michael Stanat, Research Executive

The SIS team headed to Rome to share our perspectives and research to industry leaders and gain a barometer on industry conditions.  SIS Global Research Director Neal Sandin and I attended the 2010 AIMRI Online Market Research and Panel conference in Rome on behalf of SIS International Research on March 5, 2010. 

There, I delivered a presentation called “Harnessing Social Media” on an emerging field—social media market research.  The presentation focused on how researchers can harness social media to make conventional methodologies more robust, persuade clients of the need for this research and provide actionable ways for researchers to make their existing operations more efficient.  In the interest of disseminating our thought leadership, the presentation is available (here) for download.

During the conference, we observed the following trends and discussions occurring in the market research industry:

Marketing Strategy in Education Services

Many do not often realize that Education is a business, even for non-profit universities.  Attracting appropriate students and planning ahead financial are vital in a competitive industry with many different competing substitutes.  The rise of the Digital Disruption means that more substitutes to traditional Education services are flourishing.  Developing and implementing cogent strategies are critical. … Czytaj dalej

What are some Analytical Tools in Market Research?

What are some of the key Analytical Tools in Market Research? Here are some common analytics: Customer Satisfaction/Unmet Needs Some examples:  Matrix Analysis, Customer Loyalty Drivers or Stage Diagrams Competitive Analysis Competitive Issue Targeting Graphics, Loyalty Quadrants, Venn Diagrams Winn/Loss Research Win/Loss Factor Displays Brand Awareness and Equity Brand Equity Driver Diagram, Structural Equations Modeling, … Czytaj dalej

Corporate Sustainability Strategies: A Siemens Case Study

Siemens is one of the world’s most prominent companies and Europe’s largest technology conglomerate. With 430,000 employees, $77 billion in revenue and industrial manufacturing, the company naturally has a major impact on greenhouse gases emissions emitting 4.53 million tons CO2e.

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Qualitative Research in China

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When to Resume your Slashed and Burned Market Research Budget

Worldwide market research budgets have been slashed.  Much of this is my own primary research in Asia, North America and Europe in the past 3 weeks speaking among colleagues and clients on-the-ground.  In the US, management has decimated their budgets often to zero; or US marketers have not released funds, even if they have been allocated budgets.  In Europe, budgets have been dramatically reduced, but not eliminated as in the US.  Asia and the Middle East have also reduced their market research budgets.  Clearly, corporate management has focused on survival in this horrific global recession.  But research shows that management should very closely look at when to resume their currently slashed and burned budgets.

US Employers Note Generation Y Skill Deficits

In a new survey by Experience, Generation Y is unclear about the necessary skills for success in their careers.  The survey explored the ideas of both employers and Generation Y.  Experience found that 54% of Gen Y respondents were unclear about exactly the skills considered desirable by employers.  But a large number of Gen Y respondents felt that they were not lacking necessary skills desired by employers.  This optimism contrasted with the reality of employers believing Generation Y was deficient in important skills.  Employers can take confidence in the study’s findining that 97% of Gen Y respondents would take action to rectify their skill deficit.

An Overview of the Contraceptive Sector

The contraceptive market consists of all products used for birth control or as prophylaxis in sexual relationships and includes the following forms: oral, chemical, barrier and hormonal.[1]

Gone with the Wind? The Financial Crisis and Wind Energy

Undoubtedly, the Global financial crisis is impacting formerly high growth energy sectors.  The wind energy sector has witnessed dramatic growth over the past 10 years.   Our researchers explored some of the ways the wind industry has been impacted by the financial crisis.

American Food Habits during the Recession: Organics

Amidst the growing food prices, many American consumers are still leaning towards natural and organic foods that are pesticide-free, hormone-free and non-GMO. The cost-conscious American consumer is putting a premium on practicing healthier eating habits, as certified organic growers begin to develop specialized niches and loyal customer base in the market. 

The natural and organic food and beverage market is reshaping the US consumer lifestyle, with a wide range of products available in every retail outlet in the country.  US consumers are also increasingly becoming health savvy consumers with preference on purchasing natural alternatives to processed foods and other mainstream offerings.

US Consumerism during the Great Recession

The growing financial crisis in the US is taking its toll on consumer confidence in the economy with real consumer spending falling at an annual rate of 3.1% in the third quarter of 2008 and real spending on durable goods falling at an annual rate of 14%.  American consumers have long been living beyond their means; however, this lifestyle is expected to end as consumers began to focus on saving their money. In the mid-1980s Americans saved about 10% of their income. Lately, however, the savings rate has generally been below two percent, sometimes registering negative percentages; and consumer debt rose to 98 percent of G.D.P., twice its level a quarter-century ago.

The current financial crisis has influenced the changes in American consumer behavior. The “new” American consumer can be characterized as: