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B2B Market Research Company

Business-to-Business Market Research Experience

B2B Market Research Company

Our Market Research Experience in Business-to-Business Industires

SIS is a leading Global B2B Market Research and Strategy company. Gain from our experience in Business-to-Business Industries.

  • Conducted in-depth interviews with directors and officers in charge of procurement and supply chain logistics for manufacturers and distributors of appliances, lighting, and electrical components. Countries studied: Argentina, Brazil, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, and Taiwan.
  • Conducted in-booth surveys and intercepts on a trade show for a gas utilities manufacturer.


  • Strategic information audit for a major automotive manufacturer that gathered strategic and competitive information into the system on an ongoing basis.
  • Competitive assessments on firms in the wire harness business for the automotive and trucking industries.
  • The Mexican automotive market including manufacturing, distribution, etc.
  • Competitor profiles of automotive components, producers, and distributors.
  • Competitor study of two major competitors which are distributors of automotive components.
  • Conducted worldwide study of auto drives.  Conducted focus groups in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Thailand, and the UK.
  • Business Intelligence Study to research the competitive assessment of second stage manufacturing of automobile corporations.
  • Competitive assessment of Honda in Thailand.
  • Competitive analysis of two major distributors of automotive components.
  • Conduct 50 Interviews with respondents responsible for forklift purchases.
  • Conducted study to identify potential buyers that are interested in buying of light metal parts for automotibles.


Conducted a business and market intelligence study on auto step less transmission systems for bicycles in the USA.


  • Strategic information audit for a major Bell operating company: analyzed corporate information needs, information flow, and information sources, and developed the prototype for a BI/CI system.
  • Daily intelligence briefing for an RBOC company with interests in Europe and Asia.

Call Center and IVR

Conducted a survey of procurement activities related to the purchase of PCs for large businesses.

Cell Phone Market

  • Surveyed US corporate purchasers of cell phones regarding emerging technologies and future needs.
  • Cellular systems management study conducted in 9 countries: China, Thailand, Australia, UK, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, the US, and Latin America.

Credit Cards

  • Determine the universe for a large credit card company.
  • Research study regarding business owners who have a debit card and use ATM’s/branch


Conducted in depth interviews with CRM Software Vendors.

Desktop PCs

Conducted telephone interviews with IT professionals who are involved in evaluating, recommending, or purchasing desktop PCs for their companies in Japan.

Electronic Components

Acquisition study for a British-based electronic components manufacturer, evaluating which candidates represented a strategic fit with the company’s existing interests in the US and could facilitate the company’s entry into emerging markets.


  • Secondary research on vertical-type small wind turbines.
  • Market intelligence project on the global market for nuclear pressure vessels.

General Manufacturing Studies

  • Interviewed CEOs of mid-sized manufacturing firms to determine the strategic issues facing their industry.
  • Competitor profile of a major industrial packaging firm.

Glass Manufacturers

Repositioned the brand strategy of a window manufacturing client to target professional contractors.


Conducted a large study among US HR managers about large scale contract HR management solutions.

IT Decision Makers

  • Conducted in-depth interviews with senior level IT decision makers in the US, Europe, and Asia.
  • Conducted focus groups with senior level IT decision makers regarding emerging network products and technologies.
  • Conducted interviews with technology decision makers in small-to-midsized companies
  • Video case study among CIOs, CTOs, IT Directors, Chief Architexts, Database Managers and other Senior IT staff with a significant level of influence on purchasing database products.

IT Spending

  • Business intelligence study to assess IT spending in the Food and Beverage industry.
  • Business intelligence study to assess IT spending in the Tool and Manufacturing industry.

IT Systems and Technology

  • Interviewed CEOs of IT firms to identify strategic issues facing the industry.
  • Quantitative study of data processing managers in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Benelux countries.
  • Quantitative telephone study of data processing managers throughout Latin America, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, and several Central American countries.
  • Quantitative study of IT managers in the Banking and Healthcare industries regarding a new email product concept in the UK.
  • In-depth interviews of senior technology professionals in Japan regarding their attitudes and usage of select technology products.

Mainframe Computers

  • Study of the distribution and utilization of mainframe computers in Eastern Europe.
  • Market potential for open-systems in China, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Mailing Systems

Market study for a large mailing systems firm that identified relevant technologies that could either be acquired or developed to protect its strategic position in the market.

Manufacturing Systems

Conducted a worldwide study on computer-integrated manufacturing systems.

Middle Market Survey

Market study of middle market IT decision makers in the US, Europe, and Asia.

Motors and Drives

  • Market size, segmentation, and pricing study of the Motors and Drives market in Mexico and in Venezuela.
  • Assessment of the Motors and Drives market in Mexico.


  • Conducted focus groups with IT decision makers specializing in network technology.
  • Quantitative research survey of network managers in the US from small, medium, and large firms.
  • New Technology

Business intelligence study of the new technologies used in the production of credit cards.

Conducted study to understand pharmaceutical and biotech areas regarding drug delivery systems and selection of product development and manufacturing companies to partner with for new technologies.

Office Furniture

Conducted low-incidence office visit ethnography among B2b decision-makers who make the decision on office furniture procurement.


Conducted market intelligence study on the Indian aluminum can market.

Paper Mills

Conducted global study of paper mill managers to analyze manufacturing techniques.

Pavement Marking – Reflective tape

Global market study of reflective tape and pavement marking equipment.


Market study analyzing technical specifications of PBX systems for a leading supplier in Canada.


Conducted study to understand pharmaceutical and biotech areas regarding drug delivery systems and selection of product development and manufacturing companies to partner with for new technologies.

Photographic Film, Papers, and Chemicals

Strategic information audit for a large manufacturer of photographic film, papers, chemicals, and related equipment and imaging systems.  Produced a monthly flow of competitive information into the system.

Portable Generator Sets

Conducted study to understand the portable generator market concerning the market size and its segments, customer buying behavior and customer segments, competition, and channels that are used to deliver the product to the market.


  • Market study on how much polyethylene duct is consumer annually in deploying communications cables underground in the US
  • Conducted a business and market intelligence study on plastic molding equipment in the USA.
  • Conducted phone survey on Korean about the use of a plastic manufacturers products in this country/


  • Quantitative study evaluating the market potential in European businesses for a new integrated printer system.
  • Conducted multi-function copier study with focus groups of IT administrators within companies.
  • Conducted CATI Interviews with respondents who manage day to day print operations in UK, France, and Germany.


Conducted central location test of stamp users in Toronto.


Conducted complex B2B global sourcing and purchasing study for a major publisher, with hundreds of pages in reporting involving total results and subgroups.

Scales and Balances

  • In-depth study of the market for scales and balances in China.
  • Market size, potential, segmentation, pricing, and competitor framework for CAT scan equipment in Malaysia and Thailand.
  • Conducted focus group study of the USA entrepreneurs’ perception of Poland under an economic standpoint. The study was in NYC, LA, and Chicago.


  • Conducted an in-depth study of the competitive market environment for building security fire alarms in China.
  • Conducted a low incidence study across the United States among SMB managers who manage the security function at their companies.


  • Study of the semi-conductors market in Japan.
  • Comparative study on semi-conductor fuel efficiency in the US vs. Europe.


  • Competitor profile of COSCO Container Lines in Beijing, China.
  • Conducted study to tailor offers and services to decision-makers in the Transport Sector / Air Cargo Shipping Industry.


  • Interviewed CEOs of major Software firms to identify strategic issues facing the Software industry.
  • Qualitative study on the successes and failures of knowledge-based systems.
  • Conducted study to understand how people use a particular program and how the purchase decision is influenced and made within businesses of differing sizes.


Market Intelligence Study of domestic sourcing for industrial firms

Technology Applications

  • Conducted telephone interviews for a brand awareness tracking study for a global manufacturer of a multi-purpose power tool in Australia, Chile, and Argentina.
  • Manufacturing market study analyzing a factory monitoring system that evaluates a foreign manufacturer on multiple safety issues.
  • Quantitative study of interviews with engineers in Japan and Taiwan to determine their usage of technical products.


In-depth, competitive assessment of eight global Telecommunications suppliers.


In-depth interviews with managers of flocked fabrics plants in Japan to determine a new competitive fabric technology.

Tool Industry

Monitored over 32 companies’ competitive effectiveness to analyze the Tool industry in the US market.


  • In-depth assessment of the Transportation industry: overall strategic direction of the industry, company profiles, use of information technology and systems.
  • Competitive assessment of technology usage in the automotive and trucking industries.
  • Conducted a supply chain and transportation study in Europe and Japan.

Water Filtration Systems

Comprehensive evaluation of water filtration systems in Europe and in Asia, assessing technology, competitors, and potential opportunities.


  • Quantitative survey of B2B wireless users in China, evaluating market potential and the future of the market.
  • Survey of IT decision makers regarding issues of wireless communications in their businesses.

Unified Messaging Market

Market intelligence study of the Unified Messaging market in the US.

A Sample of Our Past and Present Clients

  • 3M Traffic Control Materials
  • klon
  • Alphabet Company
  • Amway
  • Jabłko
  • Applied Materials
  • AT&T
  • Avery Dennison
  • Bain & Co.
  • Dzwon Południowy
  • Dzwonek
  • Brady Corp
  • Cisco
  • Closures Manufacturers Association
  • Connect Teleservices, LLC
  • Covidien Respiratory and Monitoring Solutions
  • Continuum
  • Cummins
  • Daimler
  • Digital Equipment Corporation
  • Diversy Lever
  • Dremel
  • Eastman Kodak
  • EC21
  • Electronic Data Systems
  • Elf Aquitaine
  • Exxon-Mobil
  • Fasson – Roll Division
  • Five Twelve Group
  • Fleishman Hillard
  • Firma Ford Motor Company
  • Genecor
  • Ogólne Elektryczne
  • Generalny Motors
  • Grainger
  • GTE Information Services
  • Hewlett-Packard
  • Wzgórze-Rom
  • IBM
  • W-Zlew-Erator
  • Itwaslina
  • Johnson Controls
  • Kohler
  • Milliken and Compan
  • Motorolę
  • MTS
  • Nicholson Kovac, Inc.
  • Nikkei
  • Nissan
  • Nokia
  • Nortel
  • Pacific Bell
  • Parsons Brinckerhoff
  • Pitney Bowes
  • Pohl-Boskamp
  • Polaroid Corporation
  • Reliance Elektryczne
  • Grafika Rexam
  • Rinnai
  • SC Johnson Wax
  • Zamknięcia Seaquist
  • Sensormatic Electronics Corporation
  • Shell
  • Siemens
  • Simplex Corporation
  • Dzwon południowo-zachodni
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Prace Stanleya
  • Obudowa ze stali
  • Teikoku Databank Ameryka
  • Wydawnictwo Thomas
  • Toyota
  • Unia Pacyfiku
  • Unisys
  • United Technology
  • Volvo North America Corp.
  • W.R. Grace & Company
  • Korporacja Whirlpool
  • Wirelution

Contact us for your next Business-to-Business Market Research project.

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