Badania rynku franczyzowego

Badania rynku franczyzowego

SIS conducts the following Franchise Market Research solutions:

  • Franchisee Satisfaction Market Research
  • Employee Satisfaction Market Research
  • Site Feasibility and Location Assessment
  • Market Opportunity, Sizing Entry Assessments
  • Śledzenie branży
  • Analiza konkurencji
  • Customer Market Research

Strategic topics to examine:

  • What is the inherent strength of your franchise? in relation to other franchises? competitors?
  • Why do customers choose that specific franchise?
  • What is the value of that franchise to the community?
  • What is the derived measurement of the franchise brand equity at the local level?
  • What are the perceived weaknesses of your franchise?
  • What are the perceived strengths of your franchise?
  • What attributes of your franchise support customer loyalty?
  • Is your franchise subject to competitive risk in the marketplace?
  • What trends offer opportunities to your franchise?
  • What trends offer threats to your franchise?
  • How can you strategically reposition your franchise to strengthen the health of your franchise?

Strategic Decisions to be made

  • What are the current client trends, attitudes and expectations?
  • What are your current levels of customer satisfaction?
  • What are your clients met needs?
  • What are your clients unmet needs?
  • What are your clients likes?
  • What are your clients dislikes?
  • What is your franchise net promoter score? Vis a vis other franchises? vis a vis your competitors?
  • What are your client’s current levels of satisfaction?
  • Customer loyalty is a derivative of your customer satisfaction. What is your measure of customer loyalty?
  • How much are you at risk for losing a client given your current levels of customer satisfaction?
  • How will your levels of customer satisfaction impact your reputation?
  • What services do you need to employ to improve your customer satisfaction and customer loyalty index or ratings?
  • What are the training opportunities for franchises?
  • What are client recommendations for franchises?
  • Where does your franchise rank amongst fellow franchises? And competitors?
  • Where are the opportunities for your franchise to improve?
  • How likely are current clients to refer your franchise?
Zdjęcie autora

Ruth Stanat

Założycielka i CEO SIS International Research & Strategy. Posiada ponad 40-letnie doświadczenie w planowaniu strategicznym i globalnym wywiadzie rynkowym, jest zaufanym globalnym liderem w pomaganiu organizacjom w osiąganiu międzynarodowego sukcesu.

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