Badania rynku generacji Z

Badania rynku generacji Z


What is Generation Z?

Generation Z is the generation following the Millennial generation born between 1995 and 2014.  Key characteristics include significant adoption of digital technologies, openness to new ideas, and more pronounced changes in Consumer Behavior influenced by technology.

Why is Generation Z Important?

In many countries, Gen Z is prosperous, digitally influential, open to new product offerings, and adept at technology.  Reaching these consumers is important for companies to:

  • Develop and launch new products
  • Modify existing products to be relevant
  • Create new customer relationships with consumers of the present and future
  • Understand ways to create emotional connections with consumers
  • Uncover new insights for messaging and targeting
  • Develop Omnichannel strategies

Many countries experienced a population boom, providing growth to companies due to a large rising consumer population.  In certain Emerging Markets, people part of Generation Z may be more prosperous and have larger disposable incomes than their parent generation.

About Generation Z Market Research

During the past 25 years, children’s research was mostly limited to Focus Groups, Dyads, Triads and One-on-One interviews. With the emergence of technology and Digital Disruption, Generation Z is a more complex group to research.

First of all, Generation Z has technology at their finger tips.  They grew up with Smart Phones, Tablets, Smart Tech Home Assistants, Laptops and a wide range of technology tools in their classrooms.  They even have different social media usage and site preferences from Millennials.  Their shopping habits have shifted online more than any other generation.

Gen Z has a wider awareness of the environment around them, and of the products in their world. With their hand held devices, these children can make decisions, influence others rapidly, and navigate through a vast amount of information that was not available even to Millennials.

We conduct the following research solutions to capture the thought processes of Generation Z:

In-depth interviews (One-on-One Interviews)

Usability Testing (UX): researching engagement of websites, products and user interfaces

Ethnography and Shop-alongs

Społeczności wglądu online

Grupy fokusowe online

Mobilna etnografia

Sensory and Mood Research

Mobile and Video Ethnography

Ankiety internetowe

In addition, statistical methods can be applied to children’s research data to generate insights into their decision making process.

Zdjęcie autora

Ruth Stanat

Założycielka i CEO SIS International Research & Strategy. Posiada ponad 40-letnie doświadczenie w planowaniu strategicznym i globalnym wywiadzie rynkowym, jest zaufanym globalnym liderem w pomaganiu organizacjom w osiąganiu międzynarodowego sukcesu.

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