Czym jest badanie wejścia na rynek?

Czym jest badanie wejścia na rynek?

Market entry projects are comprised of Secondary and Primary research. 

Projects may flow as follows:

  • Initial secondary research on macro-economic environment – market potential, market size, competition and general market information.
  • Primary research in the form of telephone interviews (B2B) and online-surveys (B2C).
  • Additional secondary research in support of any new information learned in the primary research (may run in parallel with the primary research).
  • Data structuring and the market analysis and market potential summary consistent with project objectives.

Kluczowe tematy wywiadowcze

We examine many topics to be able to provide a comprehensive view of the market and your company’s position.

  • Market Landscape
  • Market Segments
  • Market Opportunity
  • Market Forecast
  • Market Trends
  • Potencjał rynkowy
  • Analiza konkurencji
  • Key Opinion Leader Insights
  • Subject Matter Expert Perspectives
  • Standard Certification
  • Distribution Channels

Analiza strategiczna

While interviews are structured to obtain specific pieces of information such as market size, trends, growth drivers, buying criteria, comments and explanations of concepts or issues can also prove valuable in understanding market dynamics. SIS will capture individual comments and report them with full attribution. This adds richness to the quantitative data, and a depth of understanding that numeric results alone cannot achieve.

Once all the data is organized and structured, SIS will complete a professional and thorough analysis of the data employing the required market research analytical techniques to provide clear, accurate and reliable findings and their implications. The report will be structured to provide a clear assessment and analysis of all project objectives and any additional key findings that emerge during the research phases. Supporting graphs and charts will be included to effectively organize and present all key information learned from the secondary and primary research.

SIS will take the learning from Phase I and Phase II and deliver a strategic report and analysis.

The strategic report and analysis will be based on the following table of contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Key Findings Desk Research
  • Key Findings Primary Research
  • Key Finding Strategic Analysis
    • Analiza SWOT
    • Strategic Roadmap
    • Routes for Expansion
    • Marketing Material
    • Price Points
  • Wnioski
  • Zalecenia

Zdjęcie autora

Ruth Stanat

Założycielka i CEO SIS International Research & Strategy. Posiada ponad 40-letnie doświadczenie w planowaniu strategicznym i globalnym wywiadzie rynkowym, jest zaufanym globalnym liderem w pomaganiu organizacjom w osiąganiu międzynarodowego sukcesu.

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