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Badania rynku FinTech

Badania rynku FinTech

Badania rynku FinTech

With digital disruption reshaping traditional financial services, businesses must navigate this dynamic terrain with agility and insight. FinTech market research emerges as an indispensable tool in this endeavor, offering deep insights into emerging trends, regulatory landscapes, and disruptive technologies.

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, where financial transactions are increasingly digitized, the need for insightful FinTech market research has never been more crucial… But, how are businesses navigating this dynamic environment? What insights can be gleaned to stay ahead in this competitive arena?

What Is FinTech Market Research?

FinTech market research focuses on understanding market dynamics, consumer behavior, emerging technology trends, competitive landscapes, and regulatory environments. This research is critical for FinTech companies aiming to innovate, scale, and compete in a highly lucrative and competitive market.

It helps businesses leverage technological advancements to enhance financial services, streamline operations, and capitalize on emerging opportunities. Through comprehensive market research, organizations can gain valuable insights into market trends, customer preferences, and competitive strategies, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Why Do Businesses Need FinTech Market Research?

FinTech market research provides insights into customer needs, preferences, behaviors, and pain points, enabling FinTech firms to design user-centric products and services. This customer-focused approach is vital for creating intuitive and secure platforms that meet the evolving expectations of digital-savvy consumers.

Secondly, FinTech market research allows companies to benchmark themselves against competitors, identify unique value propositions, and understand the competitive forces at play. This knowledge is crucial for carving out a niche in the market, differentiating offerings, and strategizing for sustainable growth.

Moreover, the pace of technological change in FinTech is relentless. Keeping abreast of emerging technologies, from blockchain and artificial intelligence to regulatory technology (RegTech), is essential for staying relevant. Therefore, market research helps businesses anticipate technological trends, assess their potential impact on the market, and integrate innovative solutions that enhance their offerings and operational efficiency.

What Are the Benefits of FinTech Market Research?

Engaging in FinTech market research offers several benefits that can significantly impact a company’s strategy, product development, and market positioning. Understanding these advantages gives firms the necessary insights to navigate the FinTech landscape effectively.

• Informed Decision-Making: This research illuminates various market aspects, from consumer needs and behaviors to competitive landscapes, enabling firms to base their strategies on evidence rather than assumptions. This approach reduces risks and increases the likelihood of success in product launches and market entry strategies.

• Enhanced Customer Insights: FinTech companies thrive on understanding their customers deeply. Market research provides nuanced insights into customer preferences, expectations, and financial behaviors. These insights are crucial for developing personalized and user-centric financial solutions that meet or exceed customer expectations, boosting satisfaction and loyalty.

• Adaptation to Market Trends: The financial technology sector is dynamic, with trends evolving rapidly. FinTech market research keeps companies at the forefront of technological and regulatory changes, ensuring they remain relevant and proactive in adapting their offerings to meet new market demands and opportunities.

• Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation: Market research aids in understanding the regulatory landscape, helping companies comply with existing regulations and prepare for upcoming changes. This proactive approach to compliance mitigates legal risks and builds trust with customers and regulators.

• Investment and Funding Opportunities: FinTech market research demonstrates a company’s knowledge of its market and its potential for success, making it more attractive to investors. Detailed market insights can support funding pitches, highlighting the demand for the product and the company’s competitive positioning.

Who Uses FinTech Market Research

The FinTech startups and innovators are at the forefront who use market research to validate their business ideas, understand their target audience, and refine their product offerings. For these entities, market research is vital for identifying market gaps, understanding customer pain points, and tailoring their technology solutions to meet specific needs. 

Traditional banks and financial services companies also rely on FinTech market research as they navigate digital transformation and innovate to remain competitive. This research helps them to understand the competitive landscape, identify partnership opportunities with FinTech firms, and stay abreast of emerging technologies that could enhance their service offerings or operational efficiencies.

Inwestorzy specializing in FinTech use market research to inform their investment decisions. By understanding the trends, challenges, and opportunities within the FinTech landscape, investors can identify promising startups, assess the viability of business models, and gauge potential returns on investment. 

Moreover, regulatory bodies and policymakers leverage FinTech market research to understand the implications of technological innovations on the financial market’s stability and integrity. This research informs the development of regulations and policies that promote innovation while ensuring consumer protection and financial system security.

When to Conduct FinTech Market Research

FinTech market research aligns with various stages of a company’s lifecycle and the dynamic nature of the FinTech industry. Thus, understanding when to engage in this research can significantly enhance its effectiveness and strategic value.

During the Ideation Phase

Understanding the market landscape is crucial before a FinTech startup launches its first product or service. Market research at this stage helps validate the business idea, identify the target market, and assess the feasibility of the solution in meeting an unfulfilled need or solving a specific problem.

Before Market Entry or Expansion

Conducting FinTech market research helps companies enter new markets or expand their product lines by understanding the regulatory environment, competitive landscape, and customer demographics of those markets.

In Response to Technological Advancements

With the rapid pace of technological innovation in FinTech, staying updated through market research helps companies leverage new technologies to enhance their offerings, improve operational efficiency, and create a competitive edge.

To Inform Strategic Decisions

FinTech market research provides the data and insights needed to make informed decisions that align with market trends and opportunities.

FinTech Market Research Vs Traditional Market Research

While traditional market research spans various industries with a broad focus, FinTech market research is deeply entrenched in understanding the rapid pace of technological innovation and its impact on financial services. This requires a nuanced approach to evaluating emerging technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and digital payments and assessing their adoption, scalability, and regulatory implications.

FinTech market research significantly emphasizes the regulatory landscape, more so than traditional market research. It involves analyzing current regulations, anticipating changes, and understanding their impact on business models, product development, and market entry strategies. This regulatory focus is crucial for ensuring compliance and identifying regulatory-driven opportunities.

Given the digital nature of FinTech products and services, market research in this sector emphasizes user experience (UX) and digital interaction. This involves studying user behaviors, preferences, and pain points in a digital context, employing usability testing, digital journey mapping, and interaction analysis methods. The goal is to create seamless, intuitive digital experiences that drive adoption and customer satisfaction.

Main Players

Given the evolving nature of the FinTech landscape, pinpointing the main players involves highlighting a mix of established giants, innovative startups, and critical intermediaries shaping the sector.

Established Financial Giants

• JPMorgan Chase & Co.: A leading global financial services firm with a significant investment in blockchain technology for secure and efficient transactions.

• Goldman Sachs: Engages in various FinTech initiatives, including its digital banking platform, Marcus, which offers savings and loan products.

Innovative FinTech Startups

• Stripe: A technology company that builds economic infrastructure for the internet, facilitating payments for online businesses.

• Square: Known for its payment processing solutions, Square has expanded into providing a wide range of financial services for small businesses and individuals.

• Revolut: A digital banking alternative offering various banking services, including currency exchange, global spending, and cryptocurrency trading.

• Ant Financial: A subsidiary of Alibaba Group, it operates Alipay, one of the world’s largest mobile and online payment platforms.

Regulatory and Advisory Bodies

• Financial Conduct Authority (FCA): The UK’s financial regulatory body promotes innovation through its regulatory sandbox, allowing startups to test new products in a controlled environment.

• Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): This agency focuses on protecting consumers in the financial sector and has shown interest in regulating and fostering FinTech innovation.

Critical Success Factors for a Successful FinTech Market Research

Effective FinTech market research hinges on several critical success factors that organizations must consider to derive meaningful insights and drive actionable outcomes:

  • Domain Expertise: Successful FinTech market research requires domain expertise in financial services and technology. Businesses require professionals with a deep understanding of the FinTech landscape, regulatory frameworks, and technological innovations to interpret market trends accurately and provide strategic recommendations.
  • Adaptability and Agility: In a rapidly evolving FinTech ecosystem, organizations must demonstrate adaptability and agility in their research approaches. This involves continuously monitoring market dynamics, reassessing assumptions, and adjusting research methodologies to capture emerging trends and opportunities in real-time.
  • Collaboration and Cross-functional Alignment: Effective FinTech market research requires collaboration and cross-functional alignment across different organizational departments. Businesses can ensure that research insights are integrated into strategic decision-making by involving stakeholders from marketing, product development, finance, and regulatory compliance.

Expected Results from SIS International’s FinTech Market Research

Through SIS International’s comprehensive FinTech market research services, businesses can expect to achieve several key outcomes:

In-depth Market Insights: 

SIS provides deep insights into the FinTech landscape, including emerging technologies, market trends, regulatory developments, and competitive dynamics. By leveraging our research expertise, businesses gain a nuanced understanding of market opportunities and challenges, enabling informed decision-making.

Strategic Recommendations: 

Our FinTech market research goes beyond data analysis to offer strategic recommendations tailored to each client’s unique needs and objectives. Whether entering new markets, launching innovative products, or optimizing existing offerings, SIS International provides actionable insights to drive business growth and profitability.

Łagodzenie ryzyka: 

Regulative compliance is a critical concern in the FinTech sector. SIS International helps businesses navigate complex regulatory landscapes and mitigate compliance risks. By staying ahead of regulatory changes and industry developments, organizations can ensure compliance while maintaining operational efficiency.

Przewaga konkurencyjna: 

By leveraging our FinTech market research insights, businesses can gain a competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving financial services industry. SIS International equips clients with the intelligence needed to stay ahead of the competition.

Current Trends in FinTech Market Research

FinTech market research is crucial for businesses looking to innovate and compete effectively in this sector – and here are some of the prevailing trends in FinTech market research that highlight the sector’s dynamic nature:

Adoption of AI and Machine Learning: Artificial intelligence and machine learning are being explored for their potential to transform various aspects of financial services, from customer service with chatbots to fraud detection and credit risk assessment. Market research is focused on identifying best practices, implementation challenges, and the impact of AI on operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

RegTech’s Rise in Prominence: Regulatory technology, or RegTech, is gaining traction as financial institutions seek more efficient ways to comply with increasing regulatory demands. Research in this area examines the adoption barriers, benefits, and the regulatory landscape shaping the development and uptake of RegTech solutions.

Sustainable Finance and ESG Investing: Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are becoming increasingly important in investment decisions. FinTech market research is looking into how digital platforms can support sustainable investing, the demand for ESG investment products, and the role of FinTech in promoting financial inclusion and sustainability.

Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Concerns: As FinTech companies handle large volumes of sensitive financial data, research into cybersecurity and data privacy is critical. This includes studying consumer trust levels, data protection measures, and the impact of data breaches on brand reputation.

Payment Innovations: The payments sector continues to be a hotbed of innovation, with research focusing on contactless payments, cross-border transactions, and integrating payment services into non-financial platforms.

Emerging Markets vs Mature Markets

In the FinTech landscape, there is a notable distinction between emerging and mature markets, each presenting unique business opportunities and challenges.

Emerging Markets: Emerging markets, characterized by rapid economic growth and increasing internet penetration, offer immense potential for FinTech innovation. These markets often have large unbanked or underbanked populations, presenting opportunities for financial inclusion through mobile banking, digital payments, and microfinance solutions. Companies entering emerging markets must navigate regulatory complexities, infrastructure limitations, and cultural nuances to succeed.

Mature Markets: Mature markets, on the other hand, have well-established financial systems and high levels of digital adoption. In these markets, FinTech innovations often focus on enhancing efficiency, security, and customer experience within existing financial services. However, competition is fierce in mature markets, with established incumbents and disruptive startups vying for market share. Success in mature markets requires differentiation through innovation, superior customer service, and strategic partnerships.

Regional Insights

Regional differences significantly shape the FinTech landscape, with varying levels of market maturity, regulatory frameworks, and consumer preferences across different regions.

North America:

North America boasts a mature FinTech ecosystem, with established hubs in cities like Silicon Valley, New York, and Toronto. The region is home to various FinTech startups, from payment processors and digital lenders to robo-advisors and blockchain innovators. Regulatory clarity and access to capital have fueled the growth of FinTech ventures in North America, making it a hotbed for innovation and investment.


Europe is another key region driving FinTech innovation, with leading hubs in London, Berlin, and Amsterdam. The European Union’s regulatory environment, including initiatives like PSD2 and Open Banking, has spurred competition and innovation in financial services. European FinTech startups are disrupting traditional banking, insurance, and wealth management sectors, while also expanding into emerging technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence.


The Asia-Pacific region is witnessing rapid growth in FinTech adoption, fueled by rising smartphone penetration, expanding digital infrastructure, and government support for innovation. Countries like China, India, and Singapore are at the forefront of FinTech innovation, focusing on digital payments, peer-to-peer lending, and remittances.

Latin America:

Latin America is emerging as a promising FinTech market, driven by a large unbanked population, growing smartphone adoption, and supportive regulatory reforms. Countries like Brazil, Mexico, and Colombia are witnessing a surge in FinTech startups offering solutions for financial inclusion, digital payments, and alternative lending.

Middle East and Africa:

The Middle East presents unique opportunities and challenges for FinTech innovation. While countries like the UAE and Kenya have emerged as FinTech hubs, much of the region still lags in digital financial services adoption. Regulatory uncertainty, political instability, and limited access to banking infrastructure are vital barriers to FinTech expansion in many African and Middle Eastern countries.

Key Industries in the FinTech Market

The FinTech market spans various industries, each experiencing disruption and transformation driven by technological innovation. Some key industries within the FinTech market include:

Banking and Financial Services: Banking and financial services are at the core of the FinTech industry, with startups and established players alike revolutionizing traditional banking, lending, and wealth management services. Digital banking platforms, peer-to-peer lending platforms, and robo-advisors are examples of FinTech solutions transforming the financial services landscape.

Payments and Remittances: The payments and remittances industry has undergone significant transformation with the rise of FinTech solutions offering faster, cheaper, and more secure payment options. Mobile payment apps, digital wallets, and blockchain-based remittance platforms disrupt traditional payment methods and drive financial inclusion worldwide.

Insurance Technology (InsurTech): InsurTech is reshaping the insurance industry by leveraging technology to streamline processes, enhance customer experiences, and mitigate risks. InsurTech startups are innovating across various insurance segments, including property and casualty, life and health, and reinsurance, with solutions such as usage-based insurance, peer-to-peer insurance, and AI-powered underwriting.

Wealth Management and Investment: FinTech innovations democratize wealth management and investment services, making them more accessible to retail investors and individuals. Robo-advisors, automated investment platforms, and social trading networks disrupt traditional wealth management models and empower investors to make informed investment decisions.

RegTech and Compliance: Regulatory technology (RegTech) is crucial in helping financial institutions comply with complex regulatory requirements efficiently and cost-effectively. RegTech solutions automate compliance processes, monitor regulatory changes, and enhance risk management practices, enabling organizations to navigate regulatory landscapes effectively while minimizing compliance costs and risks.

Real Estate and Mortgage Technology: Real estate and mortgage technology (RealTech) startups leverage FinTech innovations to streamline real estate transactions, automate mortgage underwriting, and improve property management processes. Blockchain-based property registries, online mortgage marketplaces, and property management platforms are transforming the real estate industry and increasing transparency, efficiency, and accessibility.


FinTech has the potential to transform the design and delivery of financial services and revolutionize the underlying processes of clearing, payments, and settlement. Consumers can now complete any transaction on a mobile device. These transactions include streaming TV shows, ordering groceries, arranging childcare, or purchasing furniture. Consumers have access to several different applications for each of these undertakings.

Another opportunity is alternative banking. The alternative-banking puzzle has several pieces. These pieces include virtual branches, Artificial Intelligence (AI), open banking, Blockchain, and Machine Learning. These startups have shown that they are as good as their conventional peers. They can attract, underwrite, and service their customers with as much efficiency as possible.

A third opportunity is small businesses. FinTech providers are finding ways to service these businesses and profit from them. With the development of emerging technologies, the potential is almost unlimited. Some emerging technologies are biometrics, AI, and big data. Startups are already having a significant impact on the industry. They offer a small-business lending platform that circumvents conventional banks.


Collaboration between FinTechs and conventional financial institutions remains a challenge. This lack of cooperation is a shame. FinTech startups and financial institutions stand to benefit if they can work together. The fast pace of technology highlights the importance of getting FinTech adoption right.

The banks are wary because the increasing competition with Fintechs signifies a challenge. If banks do not act, they can lose between 29-35 percent of their revenues to Fintechs. These revenues will disappear due to shrinking margins and customer churn. A further weakness is the banks’ lack of customer orientation. Fintechs have out-of-the-box strategies that benefit customers, while banks tend to be bottom-line oriented.

A third challenge is regulation, which is abundant. After the global economic crisis, governments took an interest in the financial industry, and their policies determined the failure or success of FinTech companies. These regulations are loosening. The US Treasury Department recently recommended giving regulatory relief to FinTech startups.

Czynniki napędzające rynek

The FinTech market is propelled by several vital drivers that fuel innovation, adoption, and growth within the industry:

• Technological Advancements: Rapid technological advancements, including artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and mobile technology, drive innovation within the FinTech sector. These technologies enable the development of new financial products and services, streamline processes, enhance security, and improve customer experiences, driving adoption and growth.

• Changing Consumer Behaviors: Shifting consumer preferences and behaviors, particularly among younger generations, are driving demand for digital financial services. Millennials and Gen Z consumers, in particular, prefer seamless, convenient, and personalized digital experiences, leading to increased adoption of mobile banking, digital payments, and alternative financial services.

• Regulatory Changes: Regulatory changes, including open banking initiatives, PSD2, GDPR, and other regulatory reforms, are shaping the FinTech landscape and driving innovation. Regulatory frameworks that promote competition, innovation, and consumer protection encourage FinTech startups and established players to develop new products and services that comply with regulatory requirements while meeting consumer needs.

• Financial Inclusion Initiatives: Financial inclusion initiatives aimed at providing underserved and unbanked populations access to affordable financial services are driving demand for FinTech solutions. Mobile banking, digital wallets, and microfinance platforms are expanding access to banking and financial services to previously underserved communities, driving financial inclusion and economic empowerment.

• Industry Partnerships and Collaboration: Partnerships and collaboration between FinTech companies, traditional financial institutions, technology firms, and regulatory bodies are accelerating innovation and adoption within the industry. Strategic partnerships enable FinTech startups to access capital, expertise, and distribution channels, while traditional financial institutions benefit from access to innovative technologies and customer-centric solutions.

Ograniczenia rynkowe

Despite the promising growth prospects, the FinTech market faces several challenges and restraints that could hinder its expansion:

• Regulatory Uncertainty: Regulatory uncertainty and fragmentation pose significant challenges for FinTech companies operating across multiple jurisdictions, particularly startups. Varying regulatory requirements, compliance costs, and legal risks can impede innovation and market entry, limiting the growth potential of FinTech ventures.

• Cybersecurity Risks: The increasing digitization of financial services exposes consumers and businesses to cybersecurity risks, including data breaches, fraud, and identity theft. Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures and maintaining consumer trust are critical for FinTech companies to mitigate cybersecurity risks and safeguard sensitive financial information.

• Legacy Systems and Infrastructure: Legacy systems and infrastructure within traditional financial institutions present barriers to innovation and digital transformation. Outdated technology architectures, siloed data systems, and legacy processes hinder agility, scalability, and interoperability, making it challenging for incumbents to compete with agile FinTech startups.

• Data Privacy Concerns: Growing concerns over data privacy and protection pose challenges for FinTech companies collecting, storing, and utilizing consumer data. Compliance with stringent data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, requires significant investment in data security, governance, and compliance, increasing operational costs and regulatory burdens for FinTech firms.

• Lack of Trust and Consumer Adoption: Building trust and gaining widespread consumer adoption are ongoing challenges for FinTech companies, particularly in highly regulated sectors like banking and insurance. Overcoming skepticism, educating consumers, and demonstrating reliability, security, and transparency are essential for adopting and retaining FinTech products and services.

Industry Attractiveness: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis of the FinTech Market

Porter’s Five Forces framework provides a comprehensive analysis of the competitive dynamics and attractiveness of the FinTech market:

  1. Threat of New Entrants: The threat of new entrants to the FinTech market is moderate to high, driven by low barriers to entry, technological advancements, and changing consumer behaviors. While the ease of launching a FinTech startup has led to a proliferation of new entrants, established players benefit from brand recognition, regulatory compliance, and economies of scale, creating barriers to entry for newcomers.
  2. Bargaining Power of Buyers: The bargaining power of buyers in the FinTech market is moderate to high, as consumers have access to a wide range of options and can easily switch between providers. However, customer loyalty and switching costs vary depending on the type of FinTech service, with higher switching costs in areas like banking and insurance compared to payment processing and investment management.
  3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Suppliers in the FinTech market have moderate bargaining power, including technology providers, regulatory bodies, and financial institutions. While technology providers and regulatory bodies hold some leverage, FinTech companies can mitigate supplier power through strategic partnerships, supplier diversification, and in-house development of proprietary technologies.
  4. Threat of Substitutes: The threat of substitutes in the FinTech market is moderate to high, as traditional financial services and alternative technologies compete for market share. While FinTech solutions offer convenience, accessibility, and innovation, traditional banking, payment methods, and financial intermediaries remain viable substitutes for particular consumer segments.
  5. Intensity of Competitive Rivalry: The intensity of competitive rivalry in the FinTech market is high, driven by many players, rapid innovation, and aggressive competition for market share. FinTech companies compete on product differentiation, pricing, customer experience, and brand reputation, leading to frequent product launches, strategic alliances, and price wars.

Industry Attractiveness: SWOT Analysis of the FinTech Market

A SWOT analysis provides insights into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats facing the FinTech market:

Mocne strony:

  • Innovation and Agility: The FinTech industry is characterized by rapid innovation and agility, which allows companies to adapt quickly to market changes and consumer preferences.
  • Access to Technology: FinTech companies have access to cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data analytics, enabling them to develop innovative solutions and enhance customer experiences.
  • Disruption of Traditional Models: FinTech companies are disrupting traditional financial services models, offering more accessible, affordable, and convenient alternatives to consumers and businesses.


  • Regulatory Uncertainty: Regulatory uncertainty and compliance costs pose challenges for FinTech companies, particularly startups, who must navigate complex regulatory landscapes across different jurisdictions.
  • Cybersecurity Risks: The increasing digitization of financial services exposes FinTech companies to cybersecurity risks, including data breaches, fraud, and cyberattacks, which can undermine consumer trust and confidence.
  • Fragmented Market: The FinTech market is highly fragmented, with numerous players competing across different segments and geographies. This leads to intense competition, price pressures, and commoditization of services.


  • Financial Inclusion: Expanding digital banking, mobile payments, and microfinance solutions presents opportunities for FinTech companies to drive financial inclusion and reach underserved and unbanked populations.
  • Emerging Technologies: Advances in artificial intelligence, blockchain, and decentralized finance (DeFi) create opportunities for FinTech companies to develop innovative products and services that address evolving consumer needs and market demands.
  • Ekspansja globalna: FinTech companies have opportunities for global expansion, targeting emerging markets with large untapped populations and mature markets with sophisticated financial infrastructures and high digital adoption rates.


  • Regulatory Changes: Regulatory changes and compliance requirements threaten FinTech companies, requiring them to stay abreast of evolving regulations and adapt their business models accordingly to avoid legal and regulatory risks.
  • Competitive Pressure: Intense competition within the FinTech market, including competition from traditional financial institutions, technology giants, and other FinTech startups, poses threats to market share, profitability, and sustainability.
  • Economic Instability: Economic instability, geopolitical tensions, and market volatility threaten the FinTech industry, affecting consumer confidence, investment sentiment, and funding availability for startups and emerging companies.

How SIS International’s FinTech Market Research Helps Businesses

SIS International offers comprehensive FinTech market research and consulting services to help businesses navigate the complex and rapidly evolving FinTech landscape. Our expertise in these areas enables us to provide valuable insights and strategic recommendations that drive business success.

Reducing Risk:

SIS International’s FinTech market research helps businesses mitigate risk by providing insights into market trends, regulatory developments, and competitive dynamics. Businesses can make informed decisions and minimize potential pitfalls by understanding market risks and opportunities.

Boosting Revenue:

Our market research and consulting services identify market opportunities, customer needs, and competitive strategies that enable businesses to optimize their offerings and capture market share. By aligning products and services with market demands, businesses can enhance revenue generation and profitability.

Saving Money:

Investing in market research upfront can save businesses money by helping them avoid costly mistakes, such as launching products that fail to resonate with customers or entering markets with unfavorable regulatory environments. By leveraging market insights, businesses can allocate resources more effectively and optimize their investment decisions.

Saving Time:

SIS International’s efficient and timely delivery of market research insights enables businesses to save time and stay ahead of competitors. Our streamlined research processes and industry expertise ensure businesses receive actionable insights quickly, allowing them to make agile decisions and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Accelerating Growth and Innovation:

Our FinTech market research accelerates business growth and innovation by providing insights into emerging technologies, consumer behaviors, and market trends. Whether entering new markets, launching new products, or forging strategic partnerships, businesses can leverage our research to drive innovation and stay ahead of the curve.

Boosting ROI:

SIS International’s FinTech market research and consulting services help businesses maximize their return on investment (ROI) by providing actionable insights and strategic recommendations that drive business success. By leveraging our expertise, businesses can achieve their goals, optimize performance, and create long-term value for stakeholders.

About SIS FinTech Market Research

SIS launches our FinTech Market Research and Strategy group to provide insights and strategies to capture new opportunities and navigate the competitive landscape.  We provide:

Market Opportunity Solutions

  • Wielkość rynku, wejście i wykonalność
  • Nowe śledzenie trendów
  • Go To Market Strategy

Innowacja modelu biznesowego

  • Strategia transformacji cyfrowej
  • Best Practices
  • Strategia startupowa
  • Identyfikacja Partnerstwa

Customer Insights

  • Badania klientów
  • Sales Strategy
  • Inteligencja kanału

Competitive Strategy

  • Analiza konkurencji
  • Ocena łańcucha wartości
  • Digital Disruption Strategy
  • Doradztwo strategiczne

SIS Międzynarodowy offers Quantitative, Qualitative, and Strategy Research. We provide data, tools, strategies, reports and insights for decision-making. We conduct interviews, surveys, focus groups and many other Market Research methods and approaches. Skontaktuj się z nami dla Twojego kolejnego projektu badania rynku.

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