Badania potwierdzające koncepcję

Badania potwierdzające koncepcję

What is Proof of Concept?

Each new business has an enormous risk attached. A company is off to a great start if it can prove its business idea works and is viable. We call this “proof of concept.” Venture capitalists tend to wait for proof of concept before investing in a business. It measures how much a company can achieve in a way that’s quantifiable.

Proof of Concept vs Pilot: What is the difference?

A pilot project is a preliminary release of a product or service. It aims at a partial determination of the projected final solution, which can have several limitations, including the business associates involved and the procedures affected. Another restriction is the number of users with access to the system.  The goal of a pilot project is testing in a production setting. The goal of a proof of concept is to confirm the potential of a model. A proof of concept is usually small and may not be complete.

What is the Difference Between a Prototype and Proof of Concept?

Many people use these two terms as if they are interchangeable. Companies use Proof of Concept to test whether they should put a particular theory or idea in place. A prototype is different. Its primary purpose is to help manufacturers decide what to do with a product in development. It also helps them reduce the number of mistakes made. Proof of concept offers a model of one aspect of the product; a prototype is a working model of several elements.

Who Should Use Proof of Concept?

  • Software Developers: Developers can use proof of concept in the early development cycle. They can also use it to sell the idea of the software. They can also use POC to detect performance issues. The outcomes of POC include the assurance aspects of technical viability. They also include the problems affecting the general estimate of the efforts. The scope of efforts is also part of the outcome.
  • Manufacturers: A POC can help a manufacturer to recognize potential problems. Technical and logistical issues can obstruct success. Alternatively, it can give organizations the chance to ask for internal feedback. Such feedback is valuable if it’s a promising product or service. Also, it decreases unnecessary exposure and risk. It allows stakeholders to test design choices early in the development cycle.

When Should a Company Use Proof of Concept?

A company should use POC if it wants to confirm marketability on a shoestring budget. For example, say a company wanted to build a video doorbell. It would need to apply the POC technique to prove it’s not wasting time on something nobody wants. To ascertain if the idea is workable, it would need to answer specific questions. For example, “why buy a video doorbell when one can install a security system?”

How to Use Proof of Concept

The best thing to do when working on a new product is to adopt a lean approach. With this approach, the company invests the lowest amount of time and money at the beginning. It also gathers insights from customers. The company can spend more as it receives positive feedback from the market. Engineers will jump in at a certain point of this process. They will see how much of the proposition the company can deliver and how much it will have to outsource. They will also say what it costs.

Why is the Proof of Concept Important?

The POC helps stakeholders to understand the limitations of a system. It also shows them the system’s capabilities. They can thus select only the processes that generate the most benefit. These processes should deliver rapid business returns and minimal development troubles. A POC project may, in some cases, determine that the company cannot solve the problem. Thus, POC can prevent the company from launching an unsuccessful product.

How Research Helps

Strategy Research can provide the insights, data, and strategies to develop and improve your Proof of Concept.  We provide Research-Support solutions through

  • Badania jakościowe
  • Badania ilościowe
  • Go-To-Market Solutions
  • Strategy & Competitive Intelligence
Zdjęcie autora

Ruth Stanat

Założycielka i CEO SIS International Research & Strategy. Posiada ponad 40-letnie doświadczenie w planowaniu strategicznym i globalnym wywiadzie rynkowym, jest zaufanym globalnym liderem w pomaganiu organizacjom w osiąganiu międzynarodowego sukcesu.

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