Blockchain w doradztwie strategicznym w opiece zdrowotnej

Blockchain w doradztwie strategicznym w opiece zdrowotnej

SIS Międzynarodowe badania rynku i strategia

The healthcare industry is undergoing a digital revolution, I blockchain technology is at the forefront of this transformation.


Blockchain in healthcare strategy consulting is helping healthcare organizations improve data security, patient privacy, interoperability, and operational efficiency.

At SIS International Research, we provide strategic insights into how healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and insurers can leverage blockchain to address key industry challenges and drive innovation.

What is Blockchain in Healthcare?

Blockchain in healthcare can solve many of the problems the industry faces. Such issues include medical research, medical supply chain, drug integrity, and medical data. Blockchain also addresses the obstacles of interoperability, accessibility, and security. Because of its ability to produce fantastic data efficiency, Blockchain can disrupt healthcare. It can ensure flexible data access, transparency, interconnection, and better security. It is important to note that healthcare and technology are inseparable.

Why Blockchain in Healthcare Matters

Healthcare Hospital Decision Maker Market Research

The healthcare sector faces significant challenges, including data breaches, inefficiencies, fraud, and lack of transparency. Blockchain offers a decentralized, secure, and tamper-proof solution that enhances patient care and streamlines processes.

✅ Securing patient records and preventing data breaches 
✅ Improving interoperability between healthcare providers 
✅ Eliminating inefficiencies in medical billing and insurance claims 
✅ Ensuring pharmaceutical supply chain integrity 
✅ Enhancing clinical trial transparency and data integrity 

Key Use Cases of Blockchain in Healthcare

1. Securing Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

A decentralized health record system ensures that only authorized users can access patient data, reducing fraud and enhancing security.

📌 Impact: Patients gain control over their records while healthcare providers access real-time, verified data.

2. Interoperability and Seamless Data Sharing

A secure, standardized system that allows hospitals, insurers, and laboratories to seamlessly share patient data.

📌 Impact: Faster diagnoses, reduced errors, and improved patient care coordination.

3. Medical Billing and Insurance Claims Processing

Smart contracts can automate insurance claim verifications and payments, eliminating fraud and reducing delays.

📌 Impact: Faster claims processing, lower administrative costs, and improved patient trust.

4. Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Transparency

Real-time tracking of drugs from manufacturer to pharmacy, ensuring authenticity and preventing fraud.

📌 Impact: Improved drug safety, regulatory compliance, and efficient recalls.

5. Clinical Trials and Research Data Integrity

A tamper-proof, timestamped ledger ensures the integrity of trial data and research findings.

📌 Impact: Increased credibility, regulatory compliance, and patient safety.


SIS Międzynarodowe badania rynku i strategia

Blockchain is a shared record of transactions. With Blockchain, providers no longer store health records on a single, hackable computer. Doctors and insurers can maintain these same records across many computers. This method makes it very difficult to tamper with the data. One insurance company may call a doctor’s office to verify an address. The beauty of Blockchain is that if it updates the record, all members of the alliance will see the change.

Healthcare Challenges Today

Many medical institutions use inconvenient and outdated methods for maintaining medical data, including data for prescription drugs and health records. It also includes patient medical data and insurance information. Improper handling of data can harm the treatment of patients. It can also slow down patient recovery. Even worse, many medical facilities have developed their own record-keeping systems.

These circumstances have led to a lack of transparency. Medical facilities and insurance agencies are operating in vacuums. Their mode of operation is to the detriment of the patients. They create an avenue for serious medical errors. Such errors are the leading cause of death for cancer and heart disease patients in the US.

This outdated system spreads patients’ medical data across various medical facilities. Doctors and insurance companies keep separate records. In today’s world, the medical history and records of patients are like puzzles. This juggling of data between different entities is terrible and results in loss of accuracy and integrity. It is a particular concern when it comes to diagnostics and drug prescriptions. All of these can impact the efficient treatment of patients.

Benefits of Blockchain in Healthcare

  • Blockchain technology in the healthcare sector can make a significant difference. It enables effective data management. This technology makes the secure and transparent exchange of medical data possible. Providers can now exchange data across various sectors.

  • With blockchain technology, it’s easy to establish medical records. The system eliminates unnecessary administrative charges. It also makes it possible for the effective use of health care. Also, this technology removes the need for different intermediaries.

  • Blockchain in healthcare can go a long way in making the jobs of providers more straightforward. They have more time for their core responsibility, which is to improve patients’ health. Providers can also have access to the complete picture of the medical record of any patient. All previous health data is immutable in the healthcare system. Changes to the data can be visible.

  • Proper management of medical information is one of the most significant benefits of Blockchain. It eliminates most of the problems the healthcare sector faces. It makes fraud and data loss during disaster things of the past. It also enhances data completion and interoperability.

The Future of Blockchain in Healthcare

SIS Międzynarodowe badania rynku i strategia

The next wave of blockchain-driven healthcare innovations will include:

AI + Blockchain integration for predictive healthcare analytics 
Decentralized identity management for secure patient authentication 
Tokenized healthcare models for incentivized patient engagement 
Increased partnerships between healthcare and blockchain startups 

Final Thoughts from Ruth Stanat, CEO of SIS International Research

Na SIS Międzynarodowe Badania, we provide blockchain market intelligence, regulatory insights, and strategic consulting to help healthcare organizations implement scalable blockchain solutions.

Why Strategy Consulting Helps

Blockchain continues to evolve. Thus, providers and insurers will have to change their strategies from time to time. SIS International Research understands the Blockchain space. We are familiar with the security frameworks for regulatory needs and legal compliance. Thus, we are best suited to help companies develop and maintain a Blockchain strategy. With Blockchain, it’s easy to stand out among the competition. SIS’s consulting services help to make that happen.

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Zdjęcie autora

Ruth Stanat

Założycielka i CEO SIS International Research & Strategy. Posiada ponad 40-letnie doświadczenie w planowaniu strategicznym i globalnym wywiadzie rynkowym, jest zaufanym globalnym liderem w pomaganiu organizacjom w osiąganiu międzynarodowego sukcesu.

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