Mandarin Chinese Translation and Transcription

Mandarin Chinese Translation and Transcription

About 16% of the global population speaks Chinese as their first language. That figure comprises almost 1.2 billion people. Nearly a billion people speak Mandarin, the most common variant. Standard Chinese is the Mandarin dialect of Beijing. It is China’s official language. The United Nations recognizes it as an official language. Standard Chinese enjoys official language status in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Macau.

Economic Importance of Mandarin-Speaking China

China now has the fastest growing of any of the major economies of the world. It is the world’s second-largest economy. “Made in China” is a fact of life. China has become the factory of the world and is moving up in the technology food chain. Knowing Chinese can give job candidates an edge when interviewing for a position. There are large Chinese communities all over the world. Understanding the language can provide businesses with a competitive advantage.

The Chinese business segment encompasses everything. China produces engineers, IT specialists, pharmaceuticals, technology, automobiles, and consumer goods. The Chinese business segment is a goliath in the international world of business. Being able to communicate with the major players in the Chinese language is crucial. It can help establish a company as a leader in any field. China is a role-player that will continue to strengthen and expand. Fluency in Mandarin is an essential component for the future success of any business.

Czym jest transkrypcja?

Knowledge of Mandarin is the best practice. However, transcription and translation services are a viable alternative. Transcription is the conversion of spoken words into writing. Here at SIS Research, we can take your Chinese audio file and transcribe it into words in a document. We also do direct translation. In this scenario, we transcribe the words from your audio file into English.

So what’s the difference between transcription and translation? Transcriptionists make a written file from spoken words. Translators convert those words into another language. For example, we offer transcription services. We take your Chinese speeches, interviews, and other audio files, and write each word in a document. However, our Mandarin to English transcription is, in essence, a translation service. With this type of transcription, we convert the spoken words into another language.

Mandarin-to-Mandarin Transcription

Documentation of meetings is becoming an essential feature of international commerce. Accuracy and speech to text quality are crucial to business service users. Our transcription team helps organizations from small-scale enterprises to top-tier multinationals. We offer services across a wide range of industries. These industries include technology, fund management, education, consultancy, and investment holdings.

Mandarin to English Transcription

Since the seventeenth century, linguists have struggled with the Mandarin language. They have made more than two-dozen efforts to create parallels with Western languages. This task is laborious because the Chinese use symbols to represent words. They do not use letters as Westerners do. Chinese is a complicated language. However, we use transcriptionists who are fluent in both languages. This practice ensures the accuracy of your translation.

We engage in general transcription. The essential skills for general transcription are verbal and written comprehension. We ensure that our transcriptionists are smart, good listeners, responsible, and informed. They have excellent spelling and grammar skills. Demand for this category has been growing. This increase occurred as businesses are going global at an unprecedented pace.

Importance of Cultural Nuance in Transcription and Translation

Transcription involves far more than exchanging words from one language to another. Computer transcriptions exist, but no software can take cultural nuance into consideration. Linguists often face idioms, colloquialisms, and the like. The transcriptionist should be fluent in both languages to avoid a cultural faux pas. At SIS Research we solve that problem for you.

Transcription is a hybrid of translation and interpretation. Our linguists have all the skills required for accurate transcription. They are familiar with various Mandarin accents. They also have excellent listening comprehension skills. We ensure that they pay keen attention to detail. They must also have a strong command of colloquialism in both languages. Your business dealings are too sensitive to take chances with transcription and translation. Let SIS Research handle these aspects of your commerce. You can then focus on doing what it takes to make your business successful.  

Zdjęcie autora

Ruth Stanat

Założycielka i CEO SIS International Research & Strategy. Posiada ponad 40-letnie doświadczenie w planowaniu strategicznym i globalnym wywiadzie rynkowym, jest zaufanym globalnym liderem w pomaganiu organizacjom w osiąganiu międzynarodowego sukcesu.

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