Buy Now Pay Later Market Research

O que é pesquisa de mercado BNPL?
The Buy Now Pay Later option is a type of short-term debt financing. It allows consumers to buy a good or service and pay in the future. The payment agreement can be through monthly installments (which may be interest-free). It can also be paid on finance or after a set period.
Por que isso é importante?
Buy Now Pay Later was not always very popular as a credit option. However, as the world of credit emerged, businesses started to use this payment option. There are many reasons why this is important today.
First, BNPL enables businesses to offer their customers flexible payment options. Consumers may prefer to buy a good or service if they can pay in installments rather than the total price. Also, it is a convenient and disciplined way for consumers to purchase.
Moreover, when qualifying for BNPL, the consumer’s creditworthiness has little significance. Thus, there would be no credit check for previous purchases. Also, it has little to no impact on the consumer’s credit score.
Principais cargos
Algumas profissões pertinentes devem considerar a opção de pagamento Compre agora e pague depois. Esta opção seria benéfica ao fazer negócios. Por exemplo, essas funções incluem:
- A indústria do entretenimento
- O setor de saúde
- Negócios de comércio eletrônico
- Agências de viagem
- Empresas de reforma residencial
- Empresas de varejo
These areas are perfect for the Buy now pay later option. They sell big-ticket items, and so consumers would appreciate it if they could buy now and then pay later. In this way, companies can develop relationships with customers and, hence, brand loyalty.
Affirm, Sunbit, Klarna, Nelo, Simpli são alguns exemplos de fornecedores Compre agora, pague depois em todo o mundo.
Por que as empresas precisam da opção Compre agora, pague depois (BNPL)
As the world grows, businesses must keep in tune with emerging developments. Buy Now Pay Later has many benefits for companies. For example:
- Compre agora, pague depois, aumenta as vendas em sua entidade comercial. Freqüentemente, as pessoas estão prontas e ansiosas para comprar um bem ou serviço, mas seus bolsos não permitem. Com o BNPL, sua empresa pode transformar clientes visitantes regulares em clientes pagantes.
- BNPL gives customers a preferred, flexible, and affordable financing solution. This model may also develop trust between business and customer. Compared to other types of credit, such as credit cards, BNPL is doable for the average consumer. It also charges fewer fees to consumers. According to research, this payment type is cheaper in the long run. It can be an essential learning tool for the average person.
- BNPL is an excellent tool for attracting new customers. These people don’t want to pay the total amount for the product immediately. And some people would like to buy your goods but cannot afford to pay the full price immediately.
Principais fatores de sucesso
Como minha empresa terá lucro? Como meu negócio permanecerá competitivo? Ambas são ótimas perguntas!
With Buy Now Pay Later, you, the merchant, charge a fixed fee on every transaction made. You also earn a fixed percentage of the sale. You can set a price for using the business’s platform.
This payment option will expose you to a large pool of consumers and work wonders for your growing organization. You may ask, is it worth incorporating? It all depends on how you would like your company to please your customers.
Sobre a pesquisa de mercado Compre agora, pague depois (BNPL)
Você está pensando em adicionar a opção de pagamento Compre agora, pague depois ao seu negócio? A SIS International oferece pesquisas quantitativas, qualitativas e estratégicas usando entrevistas, pesquisas e grupos focais. Trabalhamos com startups e outras empresas, e também podemos ajudá-lo a adicionar BNPL ao seu negócio.
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11 E 22nd Street, andar 2, Nova York, NY 10010 T: +1(212) 505-6805
Sobre SIS Internacional
SIS Internacional oferece pesquisa quantitativa, qualitativa e estratégica. Fornecemos dados, ferramentas, estratégias, relatórios e insights para a tomada de decisões. Também realizamos entrevistas, pesquisas, grupos focais e outros métodos e abordagens de Pesquisa de Mercado. Entre em contato conosco para o seu próximo projeto de pesquisa de mercado.