Pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária
Banking technology is a union of several unrelated disciplines. It includes information technology, finance, communication technology, computer science, and marketing science. The term refers to the use of these disciplines to glean high-level information. This information will enable banks to offer better services to customers. With banking tech, banks can provide consistent, secure, affordable services. They can also maintain competitive advantages over other banks.
Compreendendo a pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária
A pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária envolve o estudo de tendências emergentes, avaliação de soluções tecnológicas e avaliação das preferências do consumidor para informar a tomada de decisões estratégicas no setor bancário. Este tipo de pesquisa visa identificar oportunidades de inovação, otimizar a eficiência operacional e melhorar a experiência geral do cliente nas instituições bancárias.
Por que as empresas precisam de pesquisas de mercado de tecnologia bancária?
Banking technology market research enables businesses to stay abreast of emerging trends and technological advancements shaping the banking industry. It also empowers businesses to identify opportunities for innovation and differentiation.
Furthermore, banking technology market research helps businesses navigate regulatory complexities and compliance requirements associated with adopting new technologies. However, it brings many other benefits for businesses, including:
• Tomada de decisão informada: A pesquisa de mercado fornece informações valiosas sobre tendências emergentes, preferências do consumidor e cenários competitivos. As empresas podem tomar decisões informadas sobre investimentos em tecnologia, desenvolvimento de produtos e iniciativas estratégicas.
• Vantagem competitiva: A pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária permite que as empresas identifiquem oportunidades de nicho, diferenciem suas ofertas e forneçam soluções inovadoras que atendam às crescentes necessidades dos clientes.
• Experiência aprimorada do cliente: Esta pesquisa ajuda as empresas a adaptar seus produtos e serviços para atender às necessidades específicas de seus clientes, levando a um aumento de satisfação e fidelização.
• Mitigação de riscos: A pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária permite que as empresas identifiquem riscos potenciais e desenvolvam estratégias para mitigá-los, garantindo a implementação tranquila de soluções tecnológicas.
• Conformidade regulatória: A pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária ajuda as empresas a manterem-se informadas sobre os requisitos regulamentares e os padrões de conformidade, garantindo que as iniciativas tecnológicas se alinhem com os quadros legais e regulamentares.
Como a pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária difere da pesquisa de mercado tradicional?
Banking technology market research specifically focuses on evaluating and analyzing technological solutions and advancements relevant to the banking industry. This includes digital banking platforms, mobile payments, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity solutions. In contrast, traditional market research tends to have a broader focus.
Moreover, banking technology market research significantly emphasizes understanding and navigating regulatory requirements and compliance standards specific to the banking sector. This includes regulations related to data privacy, cybersecurity, financial transactions, and customer protection. Traditional market research may touch on regulatory considerations but typically not to the same extent as banking technology market research.
O que esperar da pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária:
No domínio da pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária, as empresas podem antecipar vários resultados importantes, incluindo:
Experiência Especializada:
Banking technology market research is conducted by seasoned professionals boasting specialized acumen in the banking sector and technological innovations. These experts provide tailored insights and strategic recommendations to navigate the ever-evolving banking landscape.
Insights baseados em dados:
Businesses can anticipate data-centric recommendations to streamline operational processes, enhance customer experiences, and mitigate risks inherent to technological transformations.
Recomendações Estratégicas:
Beyond surface-level analysis, banking technology market research furnishes strategic recommendations tailored to businesses’ unique needs and objectives.
Tendências atuais no mercado de tecnologia bancária:
Várias tendências notáveis estão a moldar a trajetória da indústria, oferecendo informações valiosas para as empresas que navegam nas complexidades do setor bancário – e aqui estão algumas tendências atuais na pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária:
• Inteligência Artificial e Aprendizado de Máquina: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are revolutionizing various aspects of banking, from customer service chatbots and virtual assistants to fraud detection algorithms and personalized financial recommendations. These technologies enable banks to automate processes, analyze vast amounts of data, and deliver more customized customer services.
• Blockchain e criptomoeda: Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies disrupt traditional banking systems, offering alternative methods for financial transactions, asset management, and cross-border payments. Banks are exploring blockchain-based solutions to improve transparency, security, and efficiency in their operations while also considering the potential implications of digital currencies for the future of banking.
• Open Banking e integração de API: Open banking initiatives and API (Application Programming Interface) integration foster collaboration and innovation within the banking industry. Banks are leveraging APIs to enable seamless integration with third-party fintech providers, allowing customers to access a broader range of financial services and applications from multiple providers within a single banking platform.
Oportunidades no mercado de tecnologia bancária para empresas
Businesses have ample opportunities to leverage innovative solutions and capitalize on emerging trends. These opportunities encompass various areas where companies can harness technology to drive growth, enhance customer experiences, and stay competitive in the banking sector. Here are some key opportunities in the banking technology market for businesses:
• Parcerias Fintech: A colaboração com empresas fintech apresenta às empresas oportunidades de aproveitar tecnologias de ponta e soluções inovadoras para melhorar os seus serviços bancários. As parcerias Fintech permitem que as empresas aproveitem a experiência de startups e empresas especializadas, acelerando o desenvolvimento e a adoção de novas tecnologias, como pagamentos digitais, consultores robóticos e soluções blockchain.
• Serviços Financeiros Personalizados: By leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence, businesses can offer personalized financial services tailored to individual customers’ unique needs and preferences.
• Soluções de segurança cibernética: With the increasing threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches, businesses can invest in robust cybersecurity solutions to protect customer data and secure banking operations. Offering advanced cybersecurity services such as threat detection, incident response, and data encryption helps businesses build customer trust and differentiate themselves in the market.
Desafios da pesquisa de mercado de tecnologia bancária para empresas
Customer expectations are changing. More customers are using their phones for transactions, for example. More than half of all customers rely on mobile banking. However, banks should not think about mass branch closures just yet. Customers still like dealing with their local branches. One large bank added an option to order checks through its mobile app after market research showed that it mattered in customers’ decision to bank there.
Customer engagement is another challenge. Banking will remain very competitive for the foreseeable future. Banks must ensure that they do not lose wallet share. Banks must give customers what they want. And what do customers want? Customers want rewards for their business. They also want banks to “see them as people.” Another universal want is a desire for wealth-building advice.
A third challenge is the proliferation of FinTech companies. These companies are (usually) startups that use software to provide financial services. The growing popularity of FinTech companies is upsetting the traditional banking model. The industry has seen massive changes in technology, culture, and operations. Conventional banks cannot adjust to the changes fast enough, creating a considerable challenge. Other challenges include:
• Rápidas Mudanças Tecnológicas: The pace of technological change in the banking industry is relentless, making it challenging for businesses to keep pace with the latest advancements and trends. Effective market research can help businesses stay abreast of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and biometrics and their potential implications for banking operations and customer experiences.
• Complexidade Regulatória: O setor bancário é altamente regulamentado, com requisitos rigorosos que regem a privacidade de dados, a segurança cibernética, as transações financeiras e a proteção do consumidor. As empresas que realizam pesquisas de mercado de tecnologia bancária devem navegar por um cenário regulatório complexo e garantir a conformidade com vários quadros regulamentares, como os regulamentos GDPR, CCPA, PSD2 e KYC.
- Cenário competitivo: O mercado de tecnologia bancária é altamente competitivo, com inúmeras startups de fintech, bancos estabelecidos e fornecedores de tecnologia disputando participação de mercado. As empresas que realizam pesquisas de mercado de tecnologia bancária devem analisar cuidadosamente o cenário competitivo, identificar os principais concorrentes e diferenciar as suas ofertas com base em propostas de valor únicas, soluções inovadoras e experiências superiores do cliente.
Como a pesquisa de mercado pode ajudar
Na maioria das organizações, a pesquisa é um recurso negligenciado durante a fase de planejamento. Uma pesquisa bem planejada começa com o exame dos dados observados. Em seguida, migra para pesquisas deliberadas com públicos-alvo. A pesquisa deve se concentrar nos objetivos definidos antes de começar.
In short, research should not only result in charts and graphs. Market research helps banks by giving them detailed recommendations for action. It shows banks how their customers can best meet their objectives. It should identify the challenges banks are facing and identify opportunities for them to overcome those barriers. It should also identify gaps in the brand image of financial institutions. Market research enables these institutions to build stronger brands.
Os bancos devem compreender a sua base de clientes para encontrar novos clientes potenciais. A pesquisa de mercado responde a perguntas como:
- Quem utilizará os produtos e serviços do banco?
- Qual é a faixa etária dos clientes?
- Qual é o seu estado civil, nível de renda e localização geográfica?
- Eles são predominantemente masculinos ou femininos?
There are many ways to carry out market research. Most of it will call for the services of a market research company. However, banks can do some of their research at little cost. Market research is not perfect, but it’s a tool worth having. It helps banks discover whether a market exists for their products and services and avoid costly mistakes.
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11 E 22nd Street, andar 2, Nova York, NY 10010 T: +1(212) 505-6805
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