Pesquisa de Mercado Análise TAM

Pesquisa de Mercado Análise TAM

Pesquisa de Mercado Análise TAM

This analysis provides a comprehensive market view, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions that align with their growth objectives.

How can you ensure your product or service captures the full market potential? TAM analysis market research helps businesses understand the Total Addressable Market, clearly showing the opportunities ahead. Knowing your TAM is essential for making strategic decisions and prioritizing resources in a competitive business environment!

O que é a análise do mercado total endereçável (TAM)?

TAM é o mercado total endereçável para seu produto ou serviço. É o número total de pessoas no seu espaço que podem se tornar compradores. É um valor monetário teórico. Este valor representa todas as oportunidades de vendas para sua organização. Você obtém isso calculando o universo de usuários potenciais de um produto ou serviço.

Por que as empresas precisam de uma análise de mercado totalmente endereçável

Depois de calcular o TAM, é hora de decidir se vale a pena entrar naquele setor. Uma indústria com um tamanho de mercado na faixa mediana pode valer o investimento. Mas se o tamanho da indústria for demasiado pequeno ou demasiado grande, pode não ser. Daria muito trabalho convencer os investidores a financiar sua empresa. Se o tamanho do mercado for muito pequeno, pode ser uma categoria de nicho demais e, se for muito grande, pode estar muito lotado.

Determining TAM is vital for a would-be startup. It’s doubtful your startup will operate as a monopoly. Thus, it would be best if you shared the TAM. You’ll have to split it even if you gain only one competitor. The amount of the TAM you end up with is your market share. You’ll undoubtedly have a small market share if you have many competitors. You’ll split the TAM into many small pieces in such a case.

O mercado disponível para manutenção é outro indicador de mercado. Ajuda a determinar o valor da receita que você pode gerar com seu produto ou serviço. Mas o TAM mostra quanto espaço há para crescimento potencial.

When to Conduct TAM Analysis Market Research

Understanding when to conduct TAM analysis market research is crucial for maximizing market opportunities and aligning business strategies with market potential. Here are some specific moments when TAM analysis is particularly valuable:

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  • Product Launch Preparation: When a company is preparing to launch a new product or service, TAM analysis market research helps gauge the potential success and determine if there is sufficient demand.
  • Expansão do Mercado: During market expansion, especially when entering a new region or country, TAM analysis market research is crucial for guiding investment decisions and prioritizing efforts.
  • Startup Funding: Startups seeking funding often conduct TAM analysis market research to demonstrate the size of the opportunity to potential investors, showcase the potential return on investment, and validate their business model.
  • Planejamento estratégico de negócios: When companies develop long-term business plans, conducting TAM analysis market research helps determine market opportunities and align strategic goals with market potential.
  • Evaluating Market Trends: When significant market changes or emerging trends are identified, TAM analysis market research helps businesses understand the impact on their potential market size and adapt accordingly.

Como calcular o TAM

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Você pode fazer o TAM de duas maneiras. A primeira é a abordagem Bottom-up, que é o melhor método porque utiliza dados reais da sua empresa. A fórmula para calcular o TAM é Receita por usuário x Número total de usuários possíveis. Você pode usar uma pesquisa de mercado primária e um perfil do cliente. Dessa forma, você pode determinar quantos compradores existem no mercado.

There’s also the top-down approach, an inverted pyramid style. This method uses secondary market research to determine whether customers fit into specific segments and market criteria. It also shows the size of your industry, as you’re taking a massive sample of people and whittling them down to your end user.

Then, there’s the value theory approach. A firm calculates how much value it can add and considers why it should capture this value through product pricing. Companies use value theory to calculate TAM for new products coming to the market and when cross-selling certain products to existing customers.

Critical Success Factors for Finding Your Target Market

When defining your TAM, you must know: What size companies will you sell to? Has there been growth in the market? Are there new players? Are there larger budgets? Where will development take place?

Use your B2B database to spot firms in your TAM. Filter them by company size, location, and industry. Your filters should be enough to narrow down a target market. However, it would be best not to have so many filters that your market prospects become too small.

Divide your TAM into smaller TAMs based on headcount and industry. This will help you focus on which accounts to target first. The micro-TAMS will help you see where you win big, often compared to markets with higher loss rates and smaller deal sizes.

Industry Applications of TAM Analysis

TAM Analysis market research

TAM Analysis Market Research is a critical tool across various industries. It helps companies gauge market potential, identify growth opportunities, and make informed expansion decisions.

Technology: Gauging Demand for Innovation

In tech, TAM analysis assesses potential for new solutions by estimating demand across sectors. For example, a SaaS company launching a CRM tool might evaluate the global number of businesses needing CRM, refine by cloud preference, and target vertical-specific needs. This guides market positioning, feature prioritization, and resource allocation.

Healthcare: Justifying High-Cost Developments

Healthcare companies leverage TAM analysis to estimate demand for new medical devices or pharmaceuticals, such as diabetes medications. By projecting the number of potential patients and refining by regions with high healthcare expenditure, they can tailor their clinical and market strategies, ensuring investments align with demand.

E-commerce: Expanding Product Reach and Market Presence

In e-commerce, TAM analysis helps optimize product catalogs and guide expansion strategies. For instance, a retailer entering the luxury market would evaluate purchasing power and spending behaviors across regions to tailor logistics, pricing, and marketing strategies for maximum profitability.

Financial Services: Refining Product Launches and User Focus

Fintech and traditional financial institutions use TAM analysis to validate demand for new services, like digital wallets. By estimating potential users among digitally-savvy demographics, companies can create targeted marketing strategies and design experiences aligned with user preferences, ensuring effective resource allocation.

Manufacturing: Planning Capacity and Scaling Responsibly

Manufacturers, especially those producing components for fast-growing sectors like electric vehicles, use TAM analysis to plan capacity and secure resources. An EV battery producer might assess TAM by evaluating the forecasted growth of EVs globally, allowing for informed production scaling and supply chain optimization.

Retail and Consumer Goods: Targeting High-Growth Segments

Retailers and consumer goods companies use TAM analysis to guide product development and regional expansions. For instance, a personal care brand entering the organic skincare market could gauge total demand and pinpoint high-spending regions, ensuring a brand-aligned approach that meets consumer expectations.

Drivers de mercado

One of the main drivers is the increasing digital transformation across industries, which is expanding the Total Addressable Market for tech-enabled solutions. Additionally, the rise in consumer spending power, especially in emerging markets, is a significant driver contributing to the expansion of the TAM analysis market research. Finally, government policies supporting innovation and business growth create favorable conditions for market expansion, making TAM analysis market research even more critical for understanding the opportunities available.

Restrições de mercado

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One restraint is the availability of accurate and up-to-date data, which can impact the reliability of TAM analysis market research. Additionally, the complexity of estimating the Total Addressable Market in industries with rapidly changing dynamics poses a challenge for businesses relying on TAM analysis market research. Finally, high costs associated with comprehensive market research can limit the ability of smaller companies to conduct a thorough TAM analysis, affecting their ability to make informed decisions.

Why Is SIS International a TOP Firm to Conduct TAM Analysis Market Research for Businesses?

SIS Internacional provides tailored TAM analysis pesquisa de mercado solutions that help businesses understand their full market potential and make informed decisions. By leveraging our expertise, we assist companies in identifying opportunities for growth and maximizing their impact.

  1. Insights abrangentes de mercado: We offer businesses valuable insights into the size and scope of their target market, helping them understand the full potential of their product or service.
  2. Soluções de pesquisa personalizadas: Our TAM analysis market research services are customized to meet each client’s specific needs, ensuring that the insights provided are relevant and actionable.
  3. Investor-Ready Analysis: We provide TAM analysis market research designed to appeal to investors, helping businesses demonstrate the value of their opportunities and secure funding.
  4. In-Depth Market Segmentation: SIS includes detailed market segmentation, allowing businesses to identify key customer segments and tailor their strategies accordingly.
  5. Recomendações acionáveis: Beyond data collection, we provide actionable recommendations that help businesses prioritize their efforts and focus on the most promising opportunities.
  6. Mitigação de riscos: By identifying potential challenges and opportunities, our TAM analysis market research helps businesses minimize risks and make data-driven decisions that lead to success.
  7. Regular Updates: We offer ongoing support to keep your TAM analysis current, ensuring your business remains agile and responsive to changing market conditions.

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Ruth Stanat

Fundadora e CEO da SIS International Research & Strategy. Com mais de 40 anos de experiência em planejamento estratégico e inteligência de mercado global, ela é uma líder global confiável em ajudar organizações a alcançar sucesso internacional.

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