SIS launches new Digital Research solutions

Ruth Stanat

SIS International Research announced the launch of its Digital Market Research solutions.

The new services emerged with the growing need for clients to rapidly and cost effectively engage with respondents worldwide. Clients benefit from digital analytics and increased respondent engagement. SIS launched a new video “The Future is Digital” on YouTube to showcase its Digital vision (view here).

The new Digital solutions include:

  • Digital Communities
  • Online Focus Groups
  • Video Interviews
  • SIS Intelligence Answering Monthly Subscriptions

SIS Digital Communities include the following features:

  • Online Forums & Bulletin Boards
  • Concept Testing
  • Online Diary
  • Respondent Journalling
  • Surveys and Polls
  • Research Exercises and Activities
  • File Sharing
  • Chat
  • Mobile Connectivity
  • Alerts and Reminders
  • Respondent Engagement with Rewards and Badges

The Digital Research solutions complement and expand the company’s recent work in doing qualitative and quantitative multicountry studies for major research companies and large companies. The launch coincides with a record year of global digital projects for the company about Smart Home, Smart Tech, Smart Lighting, Connected Cars, Wearables, EduTech and Smart Retail.

Ruth Stanat, CEO of SIS, mentioned, “We are very pleased to launch our Digital Research solutions to provide customer and digital insight solutions for a fast-paced global economy. Our differentiation is the human element. We deliver insight on the human side of technology. With strict human vetting and recruitment processes, we add value by providing more insight for better value. Digital research complements traditional primary research, providing better insight.”

Ruth explained the benefits of Digital Research as a Win-Win-Win value proposition: Participants Win because research is more fun, convenient and mobile. Research providers Win by launching larger studies faster and cheaper. Clients Win: More insights are generated with less cost. Automation and analytics are better. Clients enjoy scale cost benefits. Technology connects clients closer with consumers.

The company identified three points of differentiation with its Digital research offering. SIS has access to hard-to-reach audiences including High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs), B2B, Automotive and Healthcare segments. The Digital offering boosts global scale and cost efficiency. The company provides unparalleled language capabilities.

Ruth Stanat says, “There is increasing demand for tech clients to understand the human element in adopting technology. Our positioning is a strategic fit with our Company’s resources and current projects and our clients’ desire for both digital and human insights.”

SIS also announced the launch of its Digital Transformation Unit that is specifically devoted to tech innovations and new opportunities development. The strategic function demonstrates its commitment to agile development of new technologies.


About SIS International Research Inc.

SIS International Research ( is a leading global full-service Market Research & Strategic Market Intelligence firm providing comprehensive market research solutions in China, Asia, the Americas, Europe and worldwide. The company provides Qualitative Fieldwork, Quantitative Data Collection, Market Intelligence and Market Strategy Research.

Headquartered in New York City and founded in 1984, the company has key offices in London, Frankfurt, Los Angeles, and Shanghai. Our coverage is Nationwide US, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia and we serve over 50 industries. SIS offers many other innovative products and services for our client’s decision-making.

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Ruth Stanat

Founder and CEO of SIS International Research & Strategy. With 40+ years of expertise in strategic planning and global market intelligence, she is a trusted global leader in helping organizations achieve international success.

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