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不丹是一个位于喜马拉雅山脉的偏远小国。它位于其强大的邻国中国和印度之间。不丹语名称“Drak Yul”意为“雷龙之地”。

旺楚克王朝自 1907 年起在不丹执政。几个世纪以来,不丹一直与外界隔绝。它担心外来者会破坏其君主制和文化。不丹于 20 世纪 70 年代开放,直到 1999 年才出现电视和互联网。

What Is Market Research in Bhutan?

Market research in Bhutan analyzes the unique cultural and economic landscape of this Himalayan kingdom. With a population that values Gross National Happiness over GDP, market research here often emphasizes consumer well-being and sustainability.

Key Aspects:

  • Economic Context: Bhutan’s economy is largely driven by agriculture, hydropower, and tourism. The emphasis on sustainable development influences consumer preferences.
  • 方法论: Both qualitative and quantitative research methods, including surveys and focus groups, are used to gather insights on local consumer behaviors and attitudes.
  • 挑战: Geographic isolation and a small population can limit data collection efforts, making tailored approaches essential.
  • 好处: Effective market research helps businesses understand local needs, allowing them to create products and services that align with Bhutanese values and preferences.



Agriculture, hydropower, and forestry are Bhutan’s main sources of income. Over 50 percent of its people live off these industries.

Bhutan’s main export is hydropower to India. Once Bhutan sorts out chronic construction delays, it can spur growth in the near future.


The economy has grown at a moderate pace post-pandemic, and all the data points to that growth continuing over the next few years. Moreover, the country’s modest tax burden supports economic freedom. On the downside, Bhutan has a growing trade deficit. Rising import costs have also impacted the country’s financial health. The government is responding. It has put systems in place to control the prices of essential goods.


廷布 is the capital and largest city of Bhutan and the third-highest capital city in the world. La Paz is the highest, and Quito is the second-highest.

帕罗 is a small town in a valley with the same name. It’s an excellent location for those who like being close to nature and a wonderful place to visit if you want to see sacred spaces.

通萨宗 is another excellent place to visit in Bhutan. Located in the country’s center, it sits atop a cliff and provides a beautiful view of the Black Mountains and the surrounding valleys.


SIS 国际市场研究与战略

Bhutan has shifted to a new strategy. In 2008, it became a democratic constitutional monarchy. Since then, it has based everything on the principle of Gross National Happiness. In fact, Bhutan has made tremendous progress in promoting gender equality and reducing extreme poverty.

The country’s valleys have abundant water resources, which create the ideal conditions for developing the hydropower sector. This move has spurred further growth. Another key point is that the entire country has access to low-cost electricity.


Bhutan is experiencing rapid change. The population of the capital, Thimpu, has grown almost fivefold in the last few decades. Despite so many people moving to urban areas, 60 percent of Bhutanese still live in rural areas. The informal sector dominates the economy. Only 23 percent of employment is “regular paid.” Officially, Bhutan is a secular state, but three-quarters of the people practice Buddhism.




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