


Businesses aiming to establish or expand their presence in the Solomon Islands must leverage market research in the Solomon Islands to understand the region’s unique economic environment. This research provides a foundation for making informed business decisions in a rapidly evolving market.

With market research, businesses can gain insights into the Solomon Islands’ local consumer preferences, industry dynamics, and growth opportunities, ensuring they are well-positioned for success.

What Is Market Research in the Solomon Islands?

Market research in the Solomon Islands helps businesses looking to operate or expand in the Solomon Islands, and market research is essential to navigating the complexities of this developing economy.

The Solomon Islands has a growing economy, with key industries like agriculture, fisheries, and tourism playing important roles. Market research in the Solomon Islands allows businesses to gain insights into the demand for goods and services, evaluate the competitive landscape, and understand the local regulatory environment. This information is crucial for companies aiming to tailor their products or services to meet the needs of local consumers and industries.

Why Do Businesses Need Market Research in the Solomon Islands?

The population’s preferences, purchasing power, and cultural influences play a crucial role in shaping demand for products and services. Businesses must adapt to these factors to ensure they are meeting the needs of their target audience.

Another significant aspect of 市场调查 in the Solomon Islands is assessing the regulatory and infrastructure environment. The country’s regulatory framework and infrastructure development, particularly in transport and communications, can impact the ease of doing business. Understanding these elements through market research enables businesses to plan more effectively and avoid potential hurdles.

Furthermore, with the Solomon Islands relying heavily on industries such as agriculture, fisheries, and tourism, businesses can use market research to identify sector-specific trends and opportunities. For instance, the growing focus on sustainable practices in agriculture and eco-tourism opens new avenues for businesses to innovate and differentiate themselves.


Fishing, forestry, and mining are the main sectors in the Solomon Islands. Food, beverages, tobacco, and wood products account for most factory-made goods. Tuna and lumber also play a vital role in the country’s growth. The Solomon Islands’ tourism sector, mainly diving, is vital to their economy. Yet factors such as service gaps, transit, and security threats are all holding back tourism growth.


SIS 国际市场研究与战略

所罗门群岛是一个自治国家。它由大洋洲的六个主要岛屿和 900 多个小岛组成。该国包括瓜达尔卡纳尔岛和其他一些小岛和珊瑚礁。人口主要由黑人岛民组成。该国首都霍尼亚拉位于该国最大的岛屿瓜达尔卡纳尔岛上。官方语言是英语。但通用语是所罗门群岛皮津语。该地区大约有 80 种不同的方言和语言。在所罗门群岛,基督徒占人口的很大一部分。

瓜达尔卡纳尔岛以二战沉船和著名的 Bonegi 海滩等潜水胜地而闻名。此外,这片海滩上还有两艘在战争期间沉没的日本战舰。霍尼亚拉以西的维卢战争博物馆收藏着二战飞机和其他纪念品。另一个必看景点是国家博物馆。霍尼亚拉还有一个热闹的中央市场,人们在那里出售当地的工艺品和农产品。




The Solomon Islands’ population is small (around 720,000) and spread across more than 300 islands. The communications sector became liberal in 2009, leading to high mobile phone penetration. Most of the population is now within reach of a mobile signal. Still, most people are not used to the ICT innovations and will need time to learn to conduct online transactions.


How SIS International’s Market Research in the Solomon Islands Helps Businesses

SIS 国际’s market research in the Solomon Islands provides businesses with the insights and strategies they need to thrive in this evolving market. Our in-depth research ensures companies can make informed decisions that align with the local business environment. Here are seven key benefits of working with SIS International for market research in the Solomon Islands:

  • Local Consumer Insights: We provide businesses with a comprehensive understanding of local consumer behavior, helping them tailor products and services to the specific needs of the Solomon Islands market.

  • 风险缓解: By identifying potential challenges such as infrastructure limitations and regulatory hurdles, our research helps businesses develop strategies to minimize risks and operate efficiently.

  • Navigating the Regulatory Environment: SIS International offers businesses clear insights into the Solomon Islands’ regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance and helping businesses avoid costly delays or legal issues.

  • 识别市场空白: Our research highlights gaps in the market, allowing businesses to capitalize on unmet consumer needs or untapped industry sectors.

  • 竞争分析: We provide detailed competitor analyses, helping businesses understand the local competition and identify strategies for gaining a competitive advantage.

  • Tailored Growth Strategies: For businesses looking to expand, we deliver customized growth strategies that align with the specific opportunities in sectors like agriculture, tourism, and fisheries.

  • Long-Term Sustainability: With a focus on sustainability, SIS International’s research helps businesses plan for long-term success by addressing environmental and economic changes in the Solomon Islands.



关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。



SIS 国际研究与战略创始人兼首席执行官。她在战略规划和全球市场情报方面拥有 40 多年的专业知识,是帮助组织取得国际成功的值得信赖的全球领导者。

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