

菲律宾 SIS 市场研究

The Philippines is one of the most important countries in Southeast Asia. It has always been a confluence of East and West, as reflected in its varied cultural influences, languages, and economic ties. With a population pushing past the 100 million mark and an economy that’s shown consistent growth in the past decades, the Philippines presents an enticing prospect for businesses globally. 

… But to make the most of these opportunities, it’s vital to undertake market research in the Philippines, given the nation’s unique socio-cultural dynamics and diverse regional markets.



• 风险缓解: 了解当地挑战、潜在监管障碍和市场动态有助于企业做出明智的决策,从而降低进入新市场的风险。通过了解菲律宾消费者的行为,公司可以制定更能引起共鸣的营销活动,确保更高的投资回报率。

• 产品本地化: 菲律宾经常需要对产品进行调整以满足当地口味和偏好。市场研究促进了这一本地化过程。通过了解当地消费者的价值观、偏好和痛点,企业可以培养更深层次的关系和忠诚度。

• 明智的投资决策: 投资者可以基于全面的市场洞察来评估各个行业的可行性、发现新兴行业并确定潜在回报。通过市场研究获得的洞察可以帮助企业更清楚地了解竞争格局,从而发现差距并抓住机遇。

• 未来增长预测: 通过识别趋势和了解不断变化的市场动态,企业可以预测未来的增长领域并相应地调整其战略。



• 业务流程外包 (BPO): 菲律宾是 BPO 领域的全球领先者之一,提供的服务范围包括客户支持和后台任务以及分析、软件开发和财务咨询等高端服务。

• 农业: 菲律宾是一个热带国家,农业发达,主要产品包括大米、甘蔗、椰子、香蕉和菠萝。根据菲律宾的市场调查,它是世界上最大的椰子油生产国之一。

• 旅游业: 旅游业拥有纯净的海滩、优美的风景和丰富的历史,是菲律宾经济的重要贡献者。长滩岛、巴拉望岛和宿务岛等热门旅游胜地每年吸引数百万国际游客。

• 房地产和建筑: BPO 行业的增长和城市化进程的加快刺激了对住宅和商业地产的需求,从而导致房地产和建筑行业的激增。

• 矿业和自然资源: 菲律宾矿产资源丰富,拥有大量金、镍、铜和铬铁矿。然而,该行业面临着环境和监管方面的挑战,企业可以通过菲律宾的市场研究来克服这些挑战。

• 金融与银行业: 随着金融包容性的提高、数字银行等创新以及海外菲律宾工人的汇款,金融和银行业依然保持强劲。




• 长滩岛: 长滩岛以其细腻的白色沙滩和充满活力的夜生活而闻名,是休闲和娱乐的热带天堂。在短暂关闭进行环境修复后,该岛重新开放,并实施了更严格的监管,以确保旅游业的可持续发展。

• 巴拉望岛: 巴拉望岛常被视为菲律宾的“最后的边疆”,拥有令人惊叹的风景,从爱妮岛的碧绿海水到联合国教科文组织世界遗产普林塞萨港的地下河。

• 宿务: 除了城市魅力之外,宿务还拥有历史遗迹、瀑布和白沙滩。它也是通往周边景点的门户,例如莫阿尔博阿尔的沙丁鱼洄游和奥斯洛布的鲸鲨。

• 马尼拉: 首都融合了新旧元素,拥有马尼拉城内城、黎刹公园等景点以及现代化的购物中心和娱乐中心。

• 维甘:维甘是联合国教科文组织世界遗产,是菲律宾殖民历史的见证,拥有保存完好的西班牙时代建筑和鹅卵石街道。


We believe that the Philippines offers a diverse and dynamic market with significant potential for growth, particularly in industries such as business process outsourcing (BPO), technology, and tourism. The country’s young and tech-savvy population, combined with its strategic location in Southeast Asia, makes it an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand. We recommend conducting thorough market research in the Philippines to understand the various consumer behaviors and industry trends that can help guide your business decisions.

One of the Philippines’ unique features is its strong emphasis on the service sector, particularly BPO and remittances from overseas workers. These sectors play a critical role in the country’s economy and provide substantial opportunities for foreign and local businesses alike. We recommend focusing on regions such as Metro Manila and Cebu, where infrastructure is well-developed and opportunities for BPO and tech companies are abundant. Market research in the Philippines will help you identify the best areas to invest in and understand how consumer demands vary across regions.


菲律宾拥有全球最大的市场之一,中产阶级不断壮大,人口结构也是东南亚最年轻的国家之一。该国人口中很大一部分年龄在 20 岁以下。约有 90% 的菲律宾人具有实用识字能力。强劲的消费需求和令人印象深刻的劳动力市场支撑着该国充满活力的经济。菲律宾市场通过能源特许经营以及交通、基础设施、ICT 和健康行业展现其实力。



• 尚未开发的市场: 尽管菲律宾经济不断增长,但仍有许多利基市场尚未得到充分开发。菲律宾的市场研究可以发掘这些隐藏的机会,让企业能够推出创新的产品或服务。

• 数字化转型洞察: 随着菲律宾经历数字革命,企业可以研究并适应当地市场不断变化的数字消费习惯、偏好和关注点。

• 电子商务增长: 随着越来越多的菲律宾人转向网上购物,企业有大量机会分析电子商务趋势并优化其在线业务。

• 区域特性: 鉴于菲律宾的地理分布,区域市场研究可以确定该国不同地区的具体需求、偏好和机会。

• 创新与产品开发: 通过发现市场空白,企业可以推动创新,创造出满足菲律宾民众独特需求的产品或服务。



• 官僚主义和监管: 菲律宾以其官僚程序而闻名,这有时会耗费企业的时间,特别是对于不熟悉当地监管环境的企业而言。

• 基础设施瓶颈: 尽管有所改善,但菲律宾某些地区仍然存在基础设施问题,影响交通、物流和连通性。

• 多元文化: 文化和语言多样性虽然是一项资产,但对于试图创造具有普遍吸引力的产品或信息的企业来说,也可能是一种挑战。

• 互联网连接: 尽管数字化转型正在兴起,但一些地区仍然面临互联网连接不稳定或速度缓慢的问题,这可能会阻碍数字化企业的发展。

• 消费者价格敏感度: 菲律宾市场虽然巨大,但对价格也很敏感。平衡质量和价格是赢得消费者信任的关键。

• 技能差距: 虽然该国拥有年轻且受过良好教育的劳动力,但某些行业可能存在技能差距,需要培训和发展举措。


SIS 国际市场研究与战略




• 数字优势: 菲律宾是社交媒体使用率最高的国家之一,因此数字平台已成为菲律宾市场研究的关键。在线调查、社交媒体分析和网络流量洞察提供了大量有关消费者行为的信息。

• 定性在线研究: 除了传统的面对面焦点小组之外,人们越来越重视在线定性方法,例如虚拟焦点小组、在线社区和深入的在线访谈。

• 可持续发展见解: 随着人们对环境问题的认识不断提高,人们对研究消费者对可持续性、环保产品和企业社会责任的态度的兴趣越来越浓厚。

• 电子商务评估: Lazada、Shopee、Zalora等在线购物平台的兴起,将人们的注意力转向研究电子商务趋势、消费者购买模式和在线购买行为。

• 民族志研究: 为了更深入地了解菲律宾人的生活方式,民族志研究(研究人员深入当地文化的研究)正变得越来越重要。

SWOT Analysis of the Philippines Market


  • Young and Tech-Savvy Population: The Philippines has a large, youthful population that is highly adaptable to technology, making it an attractive market for tech-driven businesses. This provides a strong foundation for industries such as e-commerce, telecommunications, and digital services.
  • Growing BPO Industry: The Philippines is a global leader in BPO. The country’s skilled, English-speaking workforce and competitive labor costs make it a top destination for outsourcing services, offering a significant opportunity for companies in this sector.
  • Strategic Geographic Location: The Philippines offers businesses a gateway to other fast-growing markets in the region, making it a favorable base for regional operations.


  • 基础设施挑战: While major cities like Metro Manila and Cebu are well-developed, many parts of the country still face infrastructure issues, particularly in transportation and logistics, which can hamper business expansion and operations.
  • 监管复杂性: The Philippines’ regulatory environment can be unpredictable, with bureaucratic hurdles that may delay business processes. Navigating foreign investment rules and compliance can be a challenge for new entrants.
  • 收入不平等: Despite economic growth, income inequality remains a concern. This can create disparities in consumer demand across different regions and socioeconomic groups.


  • Rising Middle Class: The Philippines has a rapidly growing middle class with increasing purchasing power, presenting opportunities for businesses in retail, real estate, and consumer goods. Market research in the Philippines can help businesses understand the needs and preferences of this expanding demographic.
  • 旅游: With its stunning natural landscapes and vibrant culture, the Philippines is a top destination for tourists. There is significant potential for investment in hospitality, tourism services, and eco-tourism, particularly as the industry rebounds post-pandemic.
  • 再生能源: The government is focused on developing renewable energy sources to meet growing demand and sustainability goals. This presents opportunities for companies involved in solar, wind, and geothermal energy projects.


  • 政治格局动荡不安: While the Philippines has seen growth and modernization, political changes and instability remain a concern, potentially affecting business regulations and investment climates.
  • 自然灾害: The Philippines is prone to typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic activity, which can disrupt business operations and infrastructure. Businesses need contingency plans to mitigate these risks.
  • 全球竞争: With globalization, the Philippines faces increasing competition from other emerging markets in Southeast Asia, particularly in industries like BPO and manufacturing. Companies need to continually innovate to maintain competitiveness.


菲律宾 SIS 市场研究

菲律宾是通往东亚经济的门户。这个群岛位于东西方商业的十字路口。“东南亚门户”这个名字意义重大。它源于菲律宾与美国的关系。菲律宾是东盟 4 亿多人的重要入境点。它也是国际航运和投资的门户。每年有大量人经过菲律宾。因此,有超过 20 家不同的航空公司为该国提供服务。菲律宾从美国和欧洲企业中获益最多。这些航空公司支持着这项贸易。

How SIS International’s Market Research in the Philippines Helps Businesses

SIS 国际’s market research in the Philippines provides businesses with crucial insights to thrive in this dynamic and evolving market. Our research services offer several key benefits, including:

  • 全面的市场洞察: We provide detailed reports on consumer behavior, market trends, and competitive landscapes, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions that align with the realities of the Philippine market.
  • 风险评估与缓解: We understand the challenges specific to the Philippines, including infrastructure limitations and regulatory hurdles. We deliver actionable strategies to mitigate risks and navigate the local business environment effectively.
  • 量身定制的商业策略: SIS International’s market research in the Philippines helps businesses create customized strategies that resonate with local consumers and adapt to regional differences, ensuring market entry or expansion is successful.
  • 竞争分析: We offer in-depth analysis of key industry players and emerging competitors, giving businesses the tools to position themselves strategically and capitalize on growth opportunities in the Philippines.
  • 识别增长机会: Our research highlights emerging industries and sectors, such as renewable energy and technology, guiding businesses toward high-potential investment areas.

关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。



SIS 国际研究与战略创始人兼首席执行官。她在战略规划和全球市场情报方面拥有 40 多年的专业知识,是帮助组织取得国际成功的值得信赖的全球领导者。

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