


Through B2B e-commerce market research, businesses gain the actionable insights needed to refine their platforms, enhance user experiences, and stay ahead of industry trends.

How do businesses optimize their online sales strategies in an ever-expanding digital marketplace? B2B e-commerce market research provides insights into buyer behavior, emerging trends, and competitive dynamics in this rapidly growing sector.

What Is B2B e-Commerce Market Research?

B2B e-commerce market research analyzes data to understand the dynamics of the B2B online sales ecosystem. It focuses on uncovering insights into buyer behavior, industry trends, technological advancements, and competitive landscapes specific to the digital business-to-business environment.

Unlike traditional market research, B2B e-commerce market research delves into the unique challenges and opportunities of selling online to businesses. It addresses key areas such as:

  • Buyer Preferences: How do businesses make purchasing decisions online? What features and functionalities do they prioritize on e-commerce platforms?
  • 技术整合: Which tools and technologies drive innovation in the B2B e-commerce space?
  • 市场机会: What industries or regions offer the most growth potential for B2B e-commerce platforms?

Why Do Businesses Need B2B e-Commerce Market Research?


B2B e-commerce market research equips organizations with the insights to navigate the current business landscape, ensuring their platforms and offerings remain competitive and aligned with customer needs.

Optimizing Platform Design and Functionality

An effective e-commerce platform must cater to the specific needs of B2B buyers. Research identifies which features are critical, such as:

  • Customizable catalogs and bulk pricing options.
  • Integration with ERP and CRM systems.
  • Advanced search and filtering capabilities.


B2B e-commerce market research helps businesses identify underserved segments, emerging trends, and geographic regions with high growth potential. For example, companies can explore:

  • The rising adoption of mobile commerce in developing regions.
  • The growing demand for eco-friendly products among corporate buyers.
  • Opportunities to serve niche industries, such as specialized manufacturing or healthcare.

Staying Ahead of Competitors

Research enables businesses to benchmark their performance against competitors and identify areas for differentiation. Companies can position themselves more effectively in the market by analyzing competitors’ offerings, pricing models, and customer engagement strategies.

Techniques for Effective B2B e-Commerce Market Research

To maximize the potential of B2B e-commerce, businesses need to employ robust research techniques that provide actionable insights. The following methods are central to effective B2B e-commerce market research:


1. Customer Surveys and Questionnaires

Surveys help businesses understand buyer expectations, preferences, and pain points in the purchasing process.

2. 深入访谈

One-on-one interviews with key stakeholders provide qualitative insights into complex buying behaviors and platform requirements. 

3. Competitor Analysis

Understanding competitors’ offerings is essential for differentiation. 

4. Behavioral Analytics

Tracking user behavior on existing e-commerce platforms provides data on how buyers interact with features such as search filters, checkout processes, and product recommendations.

5. Social Listening and Online Forums

Monitoring discussions on social media and industry-specific forums can highlight emerging trends, common pain points, and customer expectations in the B2B e-commerce space.

6. Focus Groups

Engaging small groups of B2B buyers in structured discussions provides direct feedback on platform designs, marketing strategies, and service offerings.

Ecommerce Market Research: B2B vs B2C


B2B e-commerce market research differs significantly from B2C as decision-making is done through a systematic research process based on a team of experts. While just one consumer typically makes B2C purchases.

This means that B2B market research must take into account each team member’s different needs and concerns and how they influence the final decision. Likewise, B2B e-commerce market research considers the supply chain, a long network of intermediaries that includes distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and resellers, among others.

As a result, B2B e-commerce market research is typically complex compared to B2C market research, and the emergence of new technologies and changes in consumer preferences during the pandemic accelerated wholesalers’ transition to a digital environment. This scenario brings opportunities and challenges to market research specialist who needs to quickly move from a physical store model to a digital transformation based on e-commerce analysis driven by AI and Machine learning (ML).


The B2B e-commerce market has improved customer experience as a result of technological proliferation, such as cloud computing and AI. For this reason, market research should adopt new approaches and leverage innovative technologies to keep up with industry technological advances.


  • 人工智能将影响B2B电子商务市场研究。全球 B2B 电子商务市场研究策略师可以利用机器学习和人工智能来更好地了解 B2B 市场中消费者意图的驱动因素。
  • 市场研究人员可以利用颠覆性的数字技术 与供应商、专家、批发商、经销商和所有利益相关者联系以获取更准确的数据。
  • 利用机器学习算法 分析历史非结构化数据并预测未来市场趋势。

即使即将发生所有变化,B2B 电子商务市场研究的基础仍然牢固,并将基于当前的研究方法,例如焦点小组、决策者访谈、共同创作会议、视频访谈、电子邮件调查以及与行业专家分享知识的任何方式。


  • 缺乏优质客户数据. Due to the smaller number of buyers and the specialized nature of services, a shortage of quality customer information hinders personalization efforts.
  • 快速采用新的研究技术随着企业对企业交易变得更加智能和复杂,快速的技术进步将发挥越来越重要的作用,市场分析师将不得不依靠新的分析工具来跟上这些快速的变化。
  • 数据限制. Many governments worldwide are amending and strengthening their data security and privacy protection laws as part of their efforts to build consumer trust in B2B e-commerce platforms.


SIS 国际市场研究与战略


  • 增加人工智能和机器学习的使用 since they are game-changer technologies revolutionizing the business environment.
  • 数据驱动的决策 is becoming increasingly prevalent in business, and market research is key in providing the data needed to support these decisions.
  • Market researchers use 大数据获取见解 了解客户行为和偏好,并预测 B2B 电子商务的未来市场趋势。
  • 更多企业 收集并分析移动设备的数据 随着越来越多的客户使用移动设备和社交媒体,我们可以通过社交媒体来深入了解客户行为和偏好。
  • 企业越来越依赖 实时数据用于决策 并适应不断变化的市场条件。


预计未来几年全球 B2B 电子商务市场的主要参与者将保持不变,并扩大其业务市场份额。一些市场领导者是:

  • 亚马逊
  • DIY贸易
  • 阿里巴巴
  • 中国东盟贸易。
  • 乐天
  • 沃尔玛
  • 易趣
  • 梅尔卡蒂奥
  • 环球资源
  • 印度市场



Asia Pacific (APAC) has established itself as one of the leading regional markets for B2B e-commerce, and APAC is expected to remain the leader in the sector. However, North America is expected to exhibit strong growth, and most of the market research will be done in this region due to the presence of major B2B companies and business consulting firms.


B2B 电子商务是一个快速增长的市场,为企业提供了巨大的机遇。通过了解 B2B 市场的独特特征,并使用最先进的数字工具进行研究,咨询公司和 B2B 公司可以做出明智的业务决策,并根据市场需求制定营销策略,在 B2B 电子商务领域取得成功

What Makes SIS International a Leader in B2B e-Commerce Market Research?

SIS 国际 is a globally recognized authority in B2B e-commerce market research. We offer comprehensive solutions that empower businesses to thrive in the digital marketplace. 

SIS International customizes its research approach to align with each client’s goals and market dynamics. We help businesses explore new markets, optimize platform features, or identify emerging trends.

With a presence in key markets worldwide, SIS International gives businesses a nuanced understanding of regional variations in buyer behavior, regulatory environments, and industry trends. This ensures strategies are both globally informed and locally effective.

Innovative Methodologies
SIS employs cutting-edge techniques, including behavioral analytics, AI-driven tools, and advanced segmentation methods. These methodologies enhance the depth and accuracy of insights, giving businesses a competitive edge.

Expertise Across Industries
We have extensive experience in the technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics industries. This breadth of knowledge allows the firm to address these sectors’ unique challenges and opportunities.

Having worked with Fortune 500 companies and emerging leaders, SIS has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to dominate their e-commerce markets.


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关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。




SIS 国际研究与战略创始人兼首席执行官。她在战略规划和全球市场情报方面拥有 40 多年的专业知识,是帮助组织取得国际成功的值得信赖的全球领导者。

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