


Are businesses truly maximizing the potential of their customer relationships? How can they ensure long-term profitability in an increasingly competitive landscape? These questions emphasize the critical importance of customer lifetime value market research, a strategic tool that delves deep into understanding the value of a customer throughout their relationship with a brand.

So… What Is Customer Lifetime Value Market Research?

Customer lifetime value market research is a comprehensive analysis that calculates the total value a customer brings to a business throughout their relationship. It assesses the immediate revenue generated from a customer and the potential for future purchases, loyalty, and referrals. 


SIS 国际市场研究与战略

Customer lifetime value market research provides the necessary framework for businesses to make data-driven decisions prioritizing customer retention and lifetime value. Organizations can tailor their offerings and experiences to foster loyalty and drive repeat purchases by understanding customers’ unique needs, preferences, and behaviors.



  • 优化营销策略: Customer lifetime value market research allows businesses to tailor their marketing efforts more effectively by targeting high-value customer segments with personalized messaging and offers.
  • 提高客户保留率: 通过了解客户忠诚度和满意度的驱动因素,企业可以主动解决问题,预测需求,并提供促进长期关系的卓越体验。
  • 增强收入预测: 客户终身价值分析为企业提供了有关未来收入流的宝贵见解,从而实现了更准确的预测和预算。通过预测客户的终身价值,组织可以就资源分配、定价策略和投资机会做出明智的决策。
  • 增加交叉销售和追加销售的机会: 市场研究洞察通过识别能引起高价值客户共鸣的互补产品或服务来揭示交叉销售和追加销售的机会。


SIS 国际市场研究与战略


  • 业务发展初期: Conducting market research early in business development allows organizations to establish a solid foundation for understanding customer value and loyalty.
  • 战略转折点: Businesses should consider conducting customer lifetime value market research during strategic inflection points such as major product launches, mergers and acquisitions, or significant shifts in business strategy.
  • 客户生命周期阶段: Market research can be conducted at various stages of the customer lifecycle, including acquisition, onboarding, retention, and reactivation. Businesses can tailor their engagement strategies to address specific needs, enhance customer experiences, and maximize lifetime value.


Successful customer lifetime value analysis implementation hinges on several key factors that organizations must prioritize and address. Here are the critical success factors:

  • 数据质量和集成: 准确、全面的数据对于客户终身价值市场研究至关重要。组织必须确保跨各种来源和接触点的数据完整性、一致性和可访问性。
  • 跨职能协作: 这项市场研究需要跨部门协作,包括营销、销售、财务和 IT。跨职能协作可确保将客户终身价值洞察融入战略规划流程和运营工作流程,从而推动以客户为中心的统一计划,并最大限度地发挥客户终身价值战略的影响。
  • 持续监控和优化: 客户终身价值市场研究不是一次性工作,而是一个需要持续监控和优化的持续过程。组织应建立 KPI、指标和绩效基准,以跟踪客户终身价值策略的长期有效性。


SIS 国际市场研究与战略


  • 客户关系管理 (CRM) 系统: CRM 系统是客户数据的中央存储库,使组织能够捕获、存储和分析跨多个接触点的客户互动。通过将 CRM 数据与客户终身价值分析相结合,企业可以全面了解客户行为和偏好,从而促进有针对性的营销活动和个性化的客户体验。
  • 数据分析平台: Tableau、Power BI 和 Google Analytics 等数据分析平台提供了强大的数据可视化、报告和预测建模功能。这些平台使组织能够发现其数据中的模式、趋势和相关性,从而更准确地计算客户生命周期价值并获得切实可行的见解。
  • 客户反馈和调查平台: 通过 SurveyMonkey 和 Qualtrics 等调查和反馈平台收集客户的直接反馈,可以提供有关客户满意度、偏好和痛点的宝贵见解。将客户反馈数据与客户终身价值分析相结合,使企业能够主动满足客户需求、增强产品供应并改善整体客户体验。


SIS 国际市场研究与战略


  • 有针对性的营销活动: With customer lifetime value insights, businesses can identify high-value customer segments and target them with tailored marketing campaigns. 
  • 优化的产品和服务: Understanding customer lifetime value allows businesses to optimize their product and service offerings to better meet customer needs and preferences. Organizations can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by aligning offerings with high-value customer segments while maximizing profitability.
  • 高效的资源分配: 客户终身价值市场研究通过专注于产生最高回报的计划,帮助企业更有效地分配资源。通过确定最有价值的客户和渠道,组织可以优化营销支出、销售工作和运营投资,从而最大限度地提高盈利能力。



  • 分析的复杂性: Analyzing customer lifetime value involves complex statistical modeling and predictive analytics techniques. Many businesses lack the internal expertise and resources to effectively perform sophisticated customer lifetime value analyses. Outsourcing to third-party analytics firms or investing in training and development programs can help address this challenge.
  • 组织孤岛: 客户终身价值市场研究需要跨部门的跨职能协作和协调,包括营销、销售、财务和 IT。然而,组织孤岛和地盘之争可能会阻碍协作,并妨碍客户终身价值计划的有效实施。打破孤岛并培养协作文化对于克服这一挑战至关重要。
  • 隐私和数据安全问题: 收集和分析客户数据会引发隐私和数据安全问题,尤其是在 GDPR 和 CCPA 等严格监管要求的情况下。企业必须确保遵守数据保护法规,并实施强有力的安全措施,以保护客户信息并维持信任。

SIS International 的客户终身价值市场研究如何帮助企业

The SIS’s approach to customer lifetime value market research provides businesses with critical insights for fostering long-term customer relationships and maximizing profitability. This perspective is crucial for several reasons:

  • 战略决策: SIS 国际‘s customer lifetime value market research equips businesses with the data to make informed strategic decisions.
  • 客户保留和忠诚度: 客户终身价值研究可帮助企业确定客户忠诚度和留存率的驱动因素。了解客户回头率的因素可帮助企业改进其产品和服务策略,从而提高更长时间留住宝贵客户的可能性。
  • 优化营销支出: Through customer lifetime value analysis, SIS International helps businesses determine the most effective ways to invest their marketing dollars.
  • 个性化和定位: Customer lifetime value insights enable businesses to personalize their interactions and tailor their products or services to meet their most valuable customers’ specific needs and preferences.
  • 未来收入预测: 通过了解客户的终身价值,企业可以更准确地预测未来收入。这种洞察力对于长期规划至关重要,并有助于公司设定切合实际的增长目标。


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SIS 国际研究与战略创始人兼首席执行官。她在战略规划和全球市场情报方面拥有 40 多年的专业知识,是帮助组织取得国际成功的值得信赖的全球领导者。

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