


Is your hotel truly meeting its potential? Appealing to guests requires more than routine management—it demands continuous evolution. For this reason, hotel repositioning consulting emerges as a vital strategy for those in the hospitality industry seeking to rejuvenate their brand and offerings.


Hotel repositioning consulting aims to transform and revitalize hotels to better meet market demands and enhance their competitive edge. It involves a holistic approach that encompasses not just physical renovations but also rebranding, redefining target markets, updating marketing strategies, and enhancing service offerings.

At the heart of hotel repositioning consulting is the recognition that the hospitality industry is constantly evolving. What appealed to guests a decade ago may no longer hold the same charm today. That’s why repositioning is about aligning a hotel with current and future market trends. This process typically involves:

  • 市场分析: 了解当前市场,包括客人偏好、新兴趋势和竞争对手的产品。
  • 品牌评价: Assess the hotel’s existing brand and determine how it fits into the current market landscape.
  • 策略计划: 制定全面的计划来重新定位酒店。这可能包括改变品牌、目标人群、服务产品和运营实践。
  • 物理改造: Updating the physical aspects of the hotel such as rooms, lobbies, and amenities, to reflect the new positioning.
  • 服务提升: 提高服务标准和服务质量,以符合新的品牌形象和客人的期望。
  • 营销与沟通: 修改营销策略,有效地向目标市场传达酒店的新定位。


The hospitality industry’s landscape is perpetually changing, influenced by evolving traveler preferences, technological advancements, and competitive pressures. Hotel repositioning consulting plays a pivotal role in preventing stagnation.








  • 现职评估: 第一步是全面分析酒店当前的市场地位。这包括评估酒店的物理状况、品牌认知度、客人人口统计以及入住率和收入等绩效指标。
  • 市场和竞争分析: This involves researching current trends in the hospitality industry, identifying emerging guest preferences, and analyzing competitors’ strategies and performance.
  • 识别重新定位机会: 根据评估和市场分析,顾问们找出重新定位的机会。这些机会可能包括瞄准新的细分市场、增强服务产品和重塑品牌。
  • 制定战略计划: With a clear understanding of where opportunities lie, consultants develop a strategic plan. This plan outlines the repositioning’s objectives, the target market, proposed changes in branding and operations, and a timeline for implementation.
  • 设计和装修计划: 如果实体装修是重新定位战略的一部分,顾问将制定详细的设计和装修计划。这些计划应与新品牌方向保持一致,旨在提升整体客户体验。
  • 服务和运营改进: 重新定位还涉及审查和加强服务标准和运营流程。这可能包括员工培训、推出新服务或实施新技术以提高效率和客户满意度。
  • 营销和沟通策略: This involves developing a marketing strategy that highlights the hotel’s new positioning and targets appropriate channels to reach the desired audience.
  • 实施和监测: 实施和监控需要谨慎的项目管理,以确保翻新和改造按时并在预算范围内完成。持续监控也很重要,以评估重新定位的影响并根据需要进行调整。
  • 反馈和持续改进: After the repositioning, gathering guest feedback and monitoring market responses is crucial. This feedback helps fine-tune the strategy and make ongoing improvements.





On the other hand, traditional market research in the hotel industry typically involves collecting and analyzing data on market trends, customer preferences, competitor analysis, and industry benchmarks. Its primary goal is to gather actionable insights about the market environment as a whole rather than focusing on strategic changes for a specific hotel.


Hotel repositioning consulting takes a more holistic and strategic approach. It involves a comprehensive analysis of the hotel’s current position, internal capabilities, and external market conditions. Then, a strategic plan to reposition the hotel is formulated, which may include rebranding, refurbishing, service or amenity enhancements, or changing the target customer segments.




However, traditional market research usually results in a report or analysis that provides insights into the market. These insights are valuable, but they don’t usually come with a specific implementation plan for a particular hotel. Applying these insights requires additional strategic planning.



  • 清晰了解市场动态: Profound knowledge of current and emerging market trends, guest preferences, and competitor strategies is essential. This understanding helps identify the most effective areas for repositioning.
  • 强大的品牌愿景: It is crucial to have a clear and compelling vision for the hotel’s brand post-repositioning. This vision should resonate with target audiences and differentiate the hotel from its competitors.
  • 以客人为中心的理念: The repositioning strategy should center on enhancing the guest experience. This includes considering guest feedback, anticipating their needs, and tailoring services to meet their expectations.
  • 注重设计和美学: 在酒店业,酒店的外观和氛围至关重要。重新定位应包括周到的设计和美学提升,以反映新的品牌形象。
  • 技术整合: 在现代酒店业中,采用最新技术来改善客人体验和运营效率变得越来越重要。



  • 自然语言处理(NLP): Google Cloud Natural Language AI 等工具可以分析客户反馈、在线评论和社交媒体情绪。这有助于了解客户满意度水平、确定需要改进的领域并定制服务以满足客户期望。
  • 人工智能聊天机器人和虚拟助手: 使用 Dialogflow 或 Microsoft Bot Framework 等平台部署聊天机器人,以增强客人互动和参与度。这些 AI 助手可以提供全天候客户服务、处理预订并提供个性化建议,从而改善整体客户体验。
  • 个性化引擎: 利用 Adobe Sensei 或 Salesforce Einstein 等技术利用 AI 实现个性化。这些技术可以定制营销传播、推荐个性化优惠,并根据个人偏好和过去的行为定制客户体验。
  • 面部识别和物联网集成: 使用 AWS Rekognition 等平台或集成 IoT 系统,实现面部识别以实现个性化宾客服务,并通过 IoT 实现智能客房定制。该技术通过提供个性化问候、客房设置和服务来提升宾客体验。



  • 战略重新定位计划: 酒店重新定位咨询将制定重新定位战略计划,概述品牌、目标市场、服务产品和运营改进方面的变化。该计划旨在使酒店与市场趋势和客人期望保持一致。
  • 装修及设计建议: If physical changes are part of the repositioning, detailed recommendations for renovations and design updates will be provided. These recommendations aim to enhance the property’s aesthetic appeal and functionality.
  • 服务和运营增强策略: 酒店重新定位咨询将提供提高服务质量和运营效率的策略。这可能包括员工培训、新的服务协议或引入技术以简化运营。
  • 营销和品牌改革: A key component of repositioning is revamping the hotel’s marketing and branding strategies. This involves redefining the brand message, target audiences, and marketing channels to communicate the hotel’s new positioning effectively.
  • 绩效监控和反馈集成: 重新定位后,持续监控酒店业绩是否符合既定目标至关重要。这包括收集客人反馈并根据这些反馈不断改进。
  • 可衡量的结果: 最终,酒店重新定位咨询的目标是取得可衡量的成果。这包括提高客人满意度、增加入住率、增加收入和增强市场地位。



  • 可持续性和环保实践: The hospitality industry is placing a growing emphasis on sustainability. Hotels are being repositioned to be more eco-friendly, incorporating sustainable practices into their operations and using green technologies.
  • 技术集成: The use of technology to enhance guest experiences is on the rise. This includes mobile check-in/check-out, smart room features, and the use of AI and IoT to personalize guest experiences and improve operational efficiency.
  • 个性化: 个性化服务和体验变得越来越重要。酒店正在利用数据分析来了解客人的喜好并相应地定制服务。
  • 设计和美学改造: 反映当地文化和历史的当代设计和美学越来越受欢迎。酒店正在从千篇一律的设计转向更能引起客人共鸣的本地化和主题化设计。
  • 社交媒体和数字营销: 社交媒体和数字营销在重新定位工作中的作用日益增强。酒店正致力于打造强大的在线形象,并通过社交媒体平台与客人互动。

What Are the Key Segments of Hotel Repositioning Consulting?


  • 豪华精品酒店: In this highly competitive segment, repositioning often focuses on enhancing exclusivity, unique experiences, and personalized services. Luxury and boutique hotels need to continuously evolve to meet their clientele’s high expectations.
  • 商务酒店: Repositioning for business-oriented hotels might involve upgrading business facilities, incorporating advanced technology for conferences and meetings, and improving efficiency for busy travelers.
  • 度假酒店: 度假村越来越注重主题重新定位,以提供独特的体验,无论是健康、冒险、生态旅游还是以家庭为中心的活动。
  • 经济型酒店: 在这个领域,重新定位策略通常侧重于最大限度提高效率、实现设施现代化、并提供增值服务以吸引更广泛的客人。
  • 遗产和历史酒店: 这些酒店可能会重新定位,以突出其历史意义,同时对设施进行现代化改造。关键是要保留酒店的魅力和特色,同时满足当代标准。
  • 机场酒店: 该领域的重新定位可能侧重于提高便利性、效率,并为过境旅客提供便利设施,例如短期停留选择或休闲设施。
  • 生态酒店和生态度假村: 随着可持续性变得越来越重要,生态酒店正在重新定位,强调其环保实践,提供生态友好体验,同时不影响舒适度。



  • 数字营销工具: 这些工具包括 SEO 工具、社交媒体管理平台和电子邮件营销软件。它们对于制定和管理有效的数字营销活动以推广重新定位的酒店至关重要。
  • 物业管理系统 (PMS): 现代 PMS 对于提高运营效率、管理预订、计费和其他基本功能至关重要,并且具有增强的数据收集和分析能力。
  • 设计软件: 对于重新定位的物理方面,设计软件用于创建装修计划并为酒店可视化新设计,以协助决策过程。
  • 虚拟和增强现实(VR/AR): 这些技术越来越多地用于营销,让潜在客人虚拟体验酒店及其设施,这在重新定位后尤其有用。
  • 物联网 (IoT) 设备: 智能恒温器、语音控制和自动化客房服务等室内技术可提升客人体验和运营效率。



  • 吸引新的客户群体: 通过更新酒店以反映当前的趋势和客人的偏好,就有机会吸引千禧一代等新的人口群体,他们可能重视现代设计、技术和可持续性。
  • 提高宾客忠诚度: 一家定位正确、能够提供独特、高品质体验的酒店可培养更高的宾客忠诚度,从而吸引宾客重复光临并留下积极的口碑推荐。
  • 增加收入来源: 重新定位可以带来新的收入机会,例如为公司活动提供更新的活动空间、创新的用餐体验或健康休闲。
  • 运营效率: 通过采用现代技术和简化流程,酒店可以提高运营效率,从而节省成本并提高服务质量。
  • 品牌差异化: 酒店重新定位咨询可以让酒店在拥挤的市场中脱颖而出,无论是在设计、服务还是宾客体验方面,都能提供比竞争对手更独特或更优越的东西。
  • 可持续实践: With a growing focus on sustainability, repositioning offers an opportunity to implement eco-friendly practices, appeal to environmentally conscious travelers, and reduce operational costs.
  • 技术采用: 酒店重新定位咨询可以促进最新技术的采用,以增强客人体验和改善运营,使酒店及时了解技术进步。


While hotel repositioning consulting offers several opportunities, businesses must also navigate certain challenges. Effectively addressing these challenges is crucial for the success of any repositioning effort.

  • 重大投资: One of the biggest challenges is the financial investment needed for repositioning, especially if it involves major renovations or brand overhauls.
  • 运营中断: 在重新定位过程中,尤其是进行实体装修的情况下,酒店运营可能会中断,这可能会暂时影响客人体验和收入。
  • 市场不确定性: 预测市场趋势和客人偏好可能很复杂,并且重新定位可能与未来市场动态不完全一致的风险始终存在。
  • 员工培训与适应: Ensuring that staff are adequately trained and adapted to the hotel’s new direction and standards is crucial for delivering on the repositioning’s promise.
  • 衡量成功: Finally, determining the success of the repositioning effort can be challenging, as it involves assessing both tangible metrics like revenue and occupancy rates, as well as intangible aspects like brand perception and guest satisfaction.



  • 更加注重可持续性: The trend towards sustainability is expected to grow stronger, with more hotels repositioning to incorporate eco-friendly practices and sustainable operations. This shift is not just driven by environmental concerns but also by guests’ increasing preference for sustainable travel options.
  • 技术进步: 酒店业的技术融合将进一步加深,人工智能、物联网和虚拟现实等创新技术将在酒店业的重新定位中发挥重要作用。这些技术将提升宾客体验、提高运营效率,并为酒店业提供新的方式来脱颖而出。
  • 个性化和体验驱动的服务: 随着酒店利用数据分析和客户洞察来定制服务,对个性化体验的需求可能会增加。体验式旅行为客人提供独特而难忘的体验,将成为重点关注的领域。
  • 健康与保健趋势: The wellness trend is expected to continue growing, with more hotels repositioning to offer health-focused amenities, services, and experiences to cater to health-conscious travelers.
  • 适应不断变化的客人人口结构: 随着人口结构的变化,千禧一代和 Z 世代成为更重要的消费群体,酒店将重新定位以满足他们的偏好,包括数字连接、社交媒体存在和真实体验。
  • 将当地文化与奢华融为一体: 我们将更加注重将当地文化和体验融入豪华酒店服务,为客人提供舒适与当地风情的融合。
  • 合作与伙伴关系: 与当地企业、文化机构和技术提供商的合作将变得更加普遍,从而增强酒店的服务和市场吸引力。


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