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有些人对他们所购买的产品非常痴迷,有时没有意识到包装在他们的购买决策中起到了决定性作用——这就是为什么最好的包装公司(以及打算成为最好的包装公司)会定期咨询 SIS International Research 以获得专业的消费包装商品研究。

What Is Consumer Packaged Goods Research?

消费包装商品 (CPG) 研究对于该行业的企业保持竞争力、创新力以及满足消费者需求和偏好至关重要。它提供了有关消费者行为、市场趋势、新兴技术和竞争策略的重要见解。

… And our unparalleled primary and secondary market research teams can provide the insight to make tactical decision-making easier. With accurate data and market analysis, each link in the supply chain is strengthened. Our competitive intelligence services open windows into the winning ways of business adversaries, while our knowledge of international markets and people bridges difficult cultural divides. 



  • The primary focus of consumer packaged goods research is understanding the consumer’s interaction with these products. This includes studying how consumers discover, choose, use, and dispose of these goods.
  • 消费包装商品研究采用各种研究方法,包括调查和实验等定量方法,以及焦点小组和深入访谈等定性方法。
  • 这项研究还涉及分析市场趋势。它可以帮助企业了解最新的市场发展、消费者偏好和新兴趋势。
  • 消费包装商品研究的另一个关键方面是竞争分析。这涉及研究竞争对手的产品、营销策略和市场表现。

Why is Consumer Packaging So Critical?

SIS 国际市场研究与战略


Many companies conduct extensive research on designs and color schemes for product packaging. These companies need to know the types of packaging most attractive to the intended consumer. Why do they go to such lengths? Product packaging is often what entices the consumer to take a look at the product.

Marketers need to look at the quality of materials. They also need to look at shipping methods to get value for their money. Another consideration is brand reinforcement. The design features used on a company’s packaging are a principal part of its brand identity. It uses packaging to communicate that identity to its target audience. Ease of use is another critical factor. A package that is easy for consumers to carry, use, or store will perform better than one that is hard to manage. 

So… What Are the Benefits of Consumer Packaged Goods Research?

SIS 国际市场研究与战略


• 增强对消费者需求和偏好的理解:  帮助企业了解消费者选择的驱动因素、生活习惯以及这些因素如何影响他们的购买决策。

• 明智的产品开发: 消费包装商品研究 可以揭示市场空白、新兴趋势以及消费者对现有产品的反馈,指导企业开发新产品或改进现有产品以更好地满足消费者需求。

• 竞争优势: 通过更好地了解市场和消费者行为,企业可以制定独特的战略,使其从竞争对手中脱颖而出。这可能涉及创新的产品设计、有针对性的营销活动或基于深入的消费者洞察的独特销售主张。

• 更好的预测和趋势预测: 另一个重要的好处是能够预测市场趋势和消费者行为。消费品研究的这种预测性使企业能够保持领先地位,为未来的市场变化做好准备并相应地调整其战略。

• 具有成本效益的商业决策: Consumer packaged goods research supports cost-effective decision-making. Providing a clear understanding of the market helps businesses allocate resources more efficiently, avoiding investments in unprofitable areas and focusing on strategies that yield the highest return on investment.



  • 焦点小组
  • 消费者访谈
  • 民族志
  • 在线社区
  • 调查
  • 商店审计
  • 在线社区
  • 感官研究
  • 眼动追踪


The consumer packaged goods market is competitive, with several key players leading the industry. These companies have established themselves through innovative product offerings, strong brand identities, and extensive market reach. Let’s explore some of the notable brands in this sector.

• 宝洁公司: 宝洁公司 (P&G) 是该行业的巨头。宝洁拥有洗衣粉、尿布和个人护理产品等多个类别的品牌组合,在全球建立了强大的影响力。 

• 联合利华: Unilever is another major player known for its extensive range of products, including food and beverages, cleaning agents, and personal care products. With popular brands like Dove, Lipton, and Axe, Unilever significantly impacts consumer preferences and market trends worldwide.

• 雀巢: Nestlé, primarily recognized for its food and beverage products, is a leading name in the CPG market. With brands like Nescafé, KitKat, and Maggi, Nestlé has a diverse product range caters to various consumer needs and tastes globally.

• 百事可乐: PepsiCo is not just about beverages; it’s also a significant player in the snack food sector. With brands like Pepsi, Lay’s, and Quaker, PepsiCo has a strong market presence and is known for its innovative marketing strategies and product development.

• 强生公司: Johnson & Johnson is a prominent name, especially in the CPG market’s healthcare and personal care segments. With products ranging from baby care to medical devices, brands like Neutrogena, Band-Aid, and Tylenol have cemented their place in consumers’ daily lives.

• 可口可乐公司: 可口可乐公司以其旗舰产品可口可乐饮料而闻名,还提供各种软饮料、水和果汁产品。它是 CPG 市场饮料领域的主导者,以其标志性品牌和全球影响力而闻名。

• 凯洛格(Kellogg's): 家乐氏是早餐麦片和零食市场的主要参与者。家乐氏拥有玉米片、Frosted Flakes 和品客薯片等品牌,在市场上占有重要地位,并因其对营养和质量的承诺而闻名。

• 高露洁棕榄: Colgate-Palmolive stands out in the personal care and household cleaning market. With its flagship brand Colgate leading the oral care segment and other brands like Palmolive and Ajax, the company significantly influences daily consumer routines.


SIS 国际市场研究与战略

Determining the right time to conduct consumer packaged goods research is crucial for businesses seeking to stay ahead in a competitive market. This 研究 should be an ongoing process, but there are specific instances where its importance is critical.

• 品牌重新定位期间: When a company considers re-positioning its brand, consumer packaged goods research is essential. This research can help understand how the brand is currently perceived, identify the desired brand position, and develop strategies to bridge this gap.

• 销售额下滑后: 如果一家企业的销售额或市场份额出现下滑,那么开展消费品研究以了解其根本原因至关重要。这项研究可以揭示下滑是否是由于消费者偏好的改变、竞争加剧或其他因素造成的。

• 探索新市场时: 探索新市场或人口统计数据是消费品研究至关重要的另一个例子。这项研究可以深入了解新市场的可行性、消费者需求以及如何有效地吸引和吸引这些新受众。

• 为了持续改进产品: 持续进行消费品包装研究对于持续改进产品至关重要。密切关注消费者反馈和市场趋势可使企业不断改进其产品,确保其保持竞争力并吸引消费者。


公司可以利用 3D 打印等趋势来创建按需包装。这一趋势使品牌能够为客户提供个性化包装。它还允许企业针对特殊事件推出新包装。  

Pressure from lobby groups and the media also forces many brands to go plastic-free. Consumers also push brands to use 100 percent sustainable packaging. The challenge for marketers begins with defining which new material is best to use. This definition can be complex, given the oft-changing tide of public opinion. Changing packaging from a can to a pouch also takes time. Such a transition calls for a brand-new production line.



SIS 国际市场研究与战略


• 识别新兴市场趋势: 消费品包装研究使企业能够尽早发现新兴市场趋势。这种预见性对于保持领先地位并在竞争对手之前抓住新的市场机会至关重要。 

• 加强产品创新: Understanding consumer needs and preferences allows for developing new products or improvements to existing ones that more closely align with consumers’ wants, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

• 优化营销策略: 通过了解消费者的行为和偏好,企业可以创建有针对性的营销活动,更有效地与受众产生共鸣,从而提高参与度和转化率。

• 拓展新市场: 它提供了对这些新市场的消费者行为和偏好的洞察,帮助企业定制其方法和产品以满足不同消费者群体的特定需求。

• 建立更强的品牌忠诚度: 通过消费包装商品研究了解消费者的看法和态度可以帮助企业建立更强的品牌忠诚度。

• 告知定价策略: 消费品包装研究为明智的定价策略提供了重要数据。了解不同消费群体和细分市场的价格敏感度,使企业能够制定价格,从而最大程度地提高销售额和盈利能力,同时保持竞争力。


New product concept testing is a qualitative research method. It helps marketers by determining the reactions of individuals to alternative packaging designs.

Usability testing is another method that helps. This method compiles user observations on design features. It assists marketers by outlining the features that are easy or difficult to use. Qualitative research can also help marketers to use packaging to improve brand perception.


The spoken response to the question “Do you like this product?” may not always be the real answer. Respondents may give distorted responses because of cognitive biases. The solution is eye tracking. This metric helps marketers to understand a consumer’s experience better.

Surveys are another quantitative method that is valuable in measuring how the proposed packaging design works. They also help marketers to determine whether the new model is ready for market entry.


In-depth competitive analysis is indispensable to any organization. Another valuable tool is a Market Opportunity assessment. This engagement identifies requirements and barriers to entry into the market. Companies also need to research market sizing.

This tool helps firms to distinguish between the addressable and the available market. The addressable market is the total revenue opportunity for a product or service. The available market is a section of the addressable market for which a company can compete.

Another vital element of strategy research is industry tracking. The strategic monitoring of consumer observations, responsiveness, and behavior delivers crucial marketing intelligence. This intelligence helps guide companies through the chaotic, rapid changes in the marketplace. It also leads them through disruptions in technology and distribution channels. Strategic tracking answers essential questions such as how brand awareness is trending. This method enables companies to better compete in the market.


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