Choosing the appropriate price to sell a product or service is more than a challenge for every business. Getting it right is crucial to its eventual survival.
- 由于房地产或劳动力成本而产生的生产成本
- 潜在客户数量
- 运送货物的费用
Below are several common goals, which often change over time depending on their success rate and reactions from customers and competitors.
- 引发审判
- 吸引回头客
- 开拓新市场
- 拓展现有市场
- 扩大产品线——提供不同价格的不同型号或功能,以扩大对客户的整体吸引力
- 交叉销售多种产品(人寿、汽车和家庭保险;航空、酒店和汽车)
- 增加市场份额
- Defend against competition; create a barrier to entry
- Seek a specific profit margin over the cost of production, promotion and distribution
- 什么价格能使试用效果最大化?
- How low should initial price be? A survey can ask questions about different prices, or a market test can compare the percent who take the offer.
- 试用后,是否需要额外的折扣或优惠,或者是否可以提高价格而不失去客户?
- Will package or bundle pricing effectively sell more than one item or service?
- 可以测试各种优惠,例如“BOGO”或“twofers”,第二份主菜可优惠 50%;一个高尔夫球袋和一套新球杆;免费使用经纪服务进行检查。
- Can enough commodity products or supplies for the home or office be sold at a low price and still make a profit?
- Research can help analyze a market, its customers, and its competition regarding current pricing and purchase activity.
- Should you set a price to match your competition to remove that differentiator?
- In some cases, products such as batteries, printer paper, or cleaning supplies may be sold as “loss leaders” (even below actual cost) to generate sales of more and higher-margin items.
- 有足够的市场支付溢价吗?
- Is there support for high-priced, exclusive, or luxury items? (e.g. Tiffany, Prada, Mercedes, Apple)
- 是否还有其他客户层级,以后可以以更低的价格出售较便宜的型号?或者你可以定制产品或服务,并为专属版本收取更高的价格,以满足特定客户的需求?
You do not need to gamble and hope. Rather, you can calculate all the costs involved in producing, promoting/selling, and distributing a product and then set a price that covers expenses while providing some level of profit.
However, to approach an optimum price point, it may be useful to observe and/or survey your customers. Even better, get a sense of what your competition is or might be doing regarding pricing.
Asking customers what they would pay for a product or service is tricky. Getting insights into your competitors’ strategies is a bigger challenge.
客户 可以通过调查(在线或电话)或亲自接触产品。
- Here, a set of variables, including price, might be presented to a subject. A statistical technique called conjoint analysis may be applied to determine the optimal tradeoffs of features and prices.
- You can assess price elasticity and experiment within such a range.
- 此外,您可以确定潜在或现有客户的匹配群体,通过在线、优惠券、广告等方式为每个客户提供不同的价格,然后衡量以每个价格购买的百分比。
- (笔记: 在某些情况下,您可能希望在开始生产之前了解客户愿意根据概念或原型支付多少钱,以确保有盈利空间!)
竞争活动 can be monitored by following their channels of distribution (e.g. site visits to stores, following online and offline ads), attending trade shows, and perhaps speaking with your customers.
- 但要了解他们的未来计划,几乎总是需要通过第三方进行采访来发现这些信息。
Unfortunately, there is more to the equation! 您的公司并非在真空中运营。因此,就像您一样,您的竞争对手也可能会调整定价以实现特定目标。 因此,定价策略是一个持续的过程,需要几乎不断的关注和调整。
纽约州纽约市东22街11号2楼 10010 电话:+1(212) 505-6805
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