




The unbanked consumer market comprises individuals who lack access to mainstream banking services such as checking and savings accounts, credit cards, and loans. These individuals often belong to marginalized communities, including low-income households, rural populations, immigrants, and minorities. 




Moreover, the unbanked consumer market allows businesses to innovate and adapt to changing consumer preferences and market dynamics. However, it has several other benefits for businesses, including:

  • 明智的决策: 通过对无银行账户消费者市场进行彻底的研究和战略咨询,企业可以深入了解消费者的需求、偏好和行为。
  • 针对性解决方案: 了解无银行账户消费者的独特需求和挑战,使企业能够制定出满足其特定需求的针对性解决方案。
  • 市场差异化: 优先考虑无银行账户消费者市场的企业可以通过提供创新和包容的金融解决方案来使自己与竞争对手区分开来。
  • 社会影响: 参与针对无银行账户消费市场的研究和咨询活动,使企业能够通过促进金融包容性和赋权为社会做出积极贡献。


SIS 国际市场研究与战略

Financial Institutions: Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions use unbanked consumer market research to better understand the needs and preferences of underserved populations.

  • 政府机构: 负责金融监管和社会福利项目的政府机构依靠无银行账户消费者市场研究来为政策制定和实施提供信息。
  • 非营利组织: 致力于社会影响和社区发展的非营利组织利用无银行账户消费者市场研究来设计和实施满足服务不足社区需求的计划。
  • 技术提供商: 专门提供金融服务和数字解决方案的科技公司利用无银行账户消费者市场研究来开发满足无银行账户人群需求的创新技术和平台。
  • 投资者和资助者: 对社会影响力投资和慈善事业感兴趣的投资者和资助者依靠无银行账户消费者市场研究来寻找符合其价值观和目标的投资机会。
  • 学术及研究机构: 学术研究人员和研究机构对无银行账户消费市场进行研究和分析,以增进对金融包容性和不平等的认识和理解。



  • 深入了解: 深入了解无银行账户消费者的独特需求、挑战和行为对于开展有意义的研究和制定有效的战略至关重要。投入时间和资源进行全面的数据收集、分析和解读,使利益相关者能够深入了解金融排斥的根本驱动因素并找到干预机会。
  • 利益相关者参与: 吸引来自不同背景的利益相关者,包括政策制定者、金融机构、非营利组织、社区领袖以及没有银行账户的消费者本身,对于确保研究和咨询计划的相关性、合法性和可持续性至关重要。
  • 数据隐私和道德: 在开展研究和咨询活动时,尊重无银行账户消费者的隐私和自主权至关重要。遵守知情同意、保密和数据保护等道德原则,可以保障研究参与者的权利和利益,并在研究过程中建立信任和可信度。


SIS 国际市场研究与战略

Businesses can leverage unbanked consumer market research and strategy consulting to drive innovation, expand market reach, and create social impact. Here are key opportunities for companies in this space:

  • 产品创新: 开展无银行账户消费者市场研究和战略咨询可以激发产品创新。企业可以开发定制的金融产品和服务,例如移动银行应用程序、小额信贷解决方案和数字支付平台,以满足无银行账户人群的独特需求。
  • 市场扩展: The unbanked consumer market represents a large and underserved population segment. Targeting this market allows businesses to expand their customer base and increase revenue streams. Investing in research and consulting to understand the nuances of the unbanked consumer market enables businesses to tailor their marketing strategies and product offerings to effectively reach and serve this demographic.
  • 合作机会: Collaboration with government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and fintech startups presents businesses with opportunities to amplify their impact in the unbanked consumer market. 
  • 企业社会责任(CSR): Initiatives to promote financial inclusion align with corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals and values. Businesses can demonstrate their commitment to social impact by investing in research and consulting to understand and address the needs of unbanked consumers.
  • 新兴市场: Many unbanked consumers reside in emerging markets and developing economies with significant growth potential. Businesses that invest in understanding the dynamics of these markets and develop strategies tailored to local contexts can capitalize on emerging opportunities and gain a competitive advantage.

SIS International 的无银行账户消费者市场研究和战略咨询如何帮助企业

在 SIS,我们致力于在无银行账户消费者市场研究和战略咨询领域实现卓越、创新和社会影响,从而脱颖而出。以下是我们与众不同的关键方面:

  • 专业知识和经验: With decades of experience in market research and consulting, SIS International brings a wealth of expertise and knowledge to our engagements in the unbanked consumer market. Our team of industry experts, researchers, and consultants has a deep understanding of the financial inclusion landscape.
  • 综合方法: Our integrated approach to research and consulting enables us to provide end-to-end solutions that address the full spectrum of challenges and opportunities in the unbanked consumer market. From market assessment and opportunity analysis to strategy development and implementation support, we offer a comprehensive suite of services to guide clients through every stage of their journey towards financial inclusion.
  • 创新与科技: We leverage cutting-edge technologies and innovative methodologies to deliver timely, accurate, actionable insights. From advanced analytics and data visualization tools to mobile research platforms and virtual focus groups, we harness the power of technology to enhance the quality and efficiency of our research and consulting engagements.
  • 对社会影响的承诺:SIS 国际研究, we are driven by a commitment to social impact and corporate social responsibility. We believe in using our expertise and resources to make a positive difference in the lives of unbanked consumers and underserved communities. Through our research and consulting initiatives, we strive to promote financial inclusion, empower individuals, and create lasting social change.


纽约州纽约市东22街11号2楼 10010 电话:+1(212) 505-6805

关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。



SIS 国际研究与战略创始人兼首席执行官。她在战略规划和全球市场情报方面拥有 40 多年的专业知识,是帮助组织取得国际成功的值得信赖的全球领导者。

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