

Fintech Trends

Private equity market research is essential in the arsenal of savvy investors looking to outperform the market and achieve their financial aspirations. By engaging in comprehensive research, private equity professionals can decode the complexities of market trends, competitive dynamics, and investment potential. 


Private equity market research involves scrutinizing industries, evaluating company performance, and understanding consumer behavior to provide private equity firms with the actionable intelligence to make informed decisions. Each study meets the unique requirements of private equity clients seeking insights beyond surface-level data. The depth of analysis in private equity market research is rigorous, often incorporating advanced financial modeling, due diligence investigations, and market forecasting.


Private equity market research equips investors with a panoramic view of the market landscape, enabling them to identify risks and rewards. It provides a deep dive into industry cycles, regulatory changes, and technological advancements, all of which can drastically influence investment outcomes.


• 战略性定位: 私募股权市场研究可帮助公司在市场中战略性地定位自己。通过了解竞争环境,公司可以制定战略,充分利用自己的优势并抵御行业逆风。

• 加强尽职调查: Rigorous market research underpins the due diligence process, offering a granular analysis of target companies. 

• 市场趋势分析: Staying ahead of market trends is crucial, and private equity market research provides the foresight to anticipate shifts in consumer behavior, regulatory changes, and technological advancements, ensuring that investments remain relevant and profitable.

• 运营改进: 持续的市场研究所获得的见解可以指导投资组合公司的运营改进。持续的市场研究工作带来的直接好处是确定降低成本、增加收入和优化整体绩效的领域。

• 退出策略制定: Private equity market research plays a significant role in shaping exit strategies. Understanding market conditions and the potential buyer landscape allows timing exits to maximize returns and ensure a smooth transition.


SIS 国际市场研究与战略

The utilization of private equity market research is widespread. It cuts across different actors within the financial ecosystem, each harnessing its insights to serve varied yet critical functions. 

• 私募股权公司 站在私募股权市场研究的前沿。他们依靠它来挖掘市场中隐藏的宝石,进行彻底的尽职调查,并持续监控其投资组合公司的表现。 

• 投资组合公司 are consumers of private equity market research. With insights into their competitive environment, consumer trends, and potential growth areas, these companies can make strategic decisions to drive business expansion and operational efficiency. 

• 投资银行 和咨询公司 利用私募股权市场研究为客户提供准确的建议。无论是协助并购、融资还是重组,市场研究的见解都能确保建议立足于现实并根据当前市场动态量身定制。

- 最后, 服务供应商, such as law firms, accounting firms, and consultants, utilize private equity market research to serve their private equity clients better. Understanding the market helps them provide mo重新获取相关建议、构建更好的交易并有效地驾驭监管环境。


进行私募股权市场研究的过程通常始于定义 研究范围和目标。这一阶段至关重要,因为它确定了研究的方向并确保研究工作符合私募股权公司或其利益相关者的特定需求。 

• 初步研究 is a key component, involving direct engagement with industry experts, competitors, customers – and sometimes even the target company’s management team. Tools such as surveys, interviews, and focus groups gather firsthand insights that clarify market sentiments and operational realities.

• 二次研究 complements these efforts, drawing on existing data from a range of sources, such as industry reports, financial statements, news articles, and market databases. 

- 最后, 尽职调查 确保没有隐藏的陷阱或被忽视的机会。这包括法律审查、背景调查以及对目标公司运营各个方面的深入研究。


SIS 国际市场研究与战略

Traditional market research typically focuses on understanding consumer behaviors, preferences, and trends. Companies often use it to inform product development, marketing strategies, and sales initiatives. On the other hand, private equity market research: aims to inform investment decisions. The focus extends beyond consumer insights to include a comprehensive analysis of financial performance, industry dynamics, competitive landscapes, and potential for company growth and value creation.

This is generally more in-depth, with a narrower focus tailored to investors’ specific interests. It requires a granular assessment of a target company and its market, often including bespoke financial models and forecasts.


The private equity market is a dynamic and multifaceted arena where numerous players vie for lucrative investment opportunities. The private equity ecosystem is diverse and robust, from firms that specialize in leveraging companies for growth to those that focus on turning around underperforming businesses.

  • 黑石集团: 作为全球领先的投资公司之一,黑石集团拥有横跨各种资产类别的庞大投资组合。黑石集团以精明的交易和丰厚的回报而闻名,在私募股权、房地产、对冲基金解决方案和信贷领域占有重要地位。
  • 凯雷集团: 凯雷集团拥有广泛的基金和多元化投资意愿,因其深厚的行业专业知识和对企业公民责任的承诺而闻名。 
  • 贝恩资本: Bain Capital has built its reputation on a consultative investment approach, emphasizing value addition and long-term growth. It operates across various areas, including private equity, venture capital, credit, public equity, and real estate.
  • 阿波罗全球管理: Apollo is known for its contrarian approach, focusing on distressed assets and companies needing operational turnaround. It employs a patient, value-oriented investment philosophy and has expanded its portfolio to include alternative asset management.


SIS 国际市场研究与战略


• 新兴市场扩张: Emerging markets present many opportunities for private equity investors willing to navigate the risks. These markets often offer high-growth potential due to favorable demographics, increasing consumer spending power, and ongoing economic development.

• 不良资产及扭亏情况: 经济衰退和行业动荡为私募股权公司创造了以折扣价收购不良资产的机会。专门从事经营转型的公司可以通过重组和振兴这些公司来获取巨大价值。

• 消费品和电子商务: 消费者习惯向网上购物的转变以及对小众品牌的偏好为消费品领域和电子商务平台开辟了新的投资机会,私募股权可以利用这些机会。

• 二级市场交易: 二级私募股权市场为投资者获得流动性提供了机会,也为买家在潜在的较低切入点或投资周期的不同阶段获取现有的私募股权权益提供了机会。

• 共同投资和合资企业: 与其他私募股权公司或战略合作伙伴共同投资可以共享专业知识、资源和风险,创造协同机会来应对更大、更复杂的交易。



At present, private equity firms do the biggest deals in the US, which is also their most significant source of capital. More capital is invested in the US than in other parts of the world. Industry players expect that private equity investment will become much more balanced. Emerging and developed economies will share the pie. They also predict that private equity firms will merge operations. The larger firms will buy out the smaller, independent ones.



  • 强劲的自由现金流(FCF)生成
  • 自由现金流(FCF)周期性有限
  • 领先且稳固的市场地位
  • 有限的外部威胁
  • 增长机会
  • 提高效率的机会
  • 低资本支出要求和净营运资本要求
  • 雄厚的资产基础
  • 经验丰富的管理团队能够留任并表现出色
  • 干净的资产负债表
  • 立即出售资产的可能性
  • 能够在没有公众监督的情况下更有效地经营企业
  • 可行的退出策略
  • 合理的收购价格


SIS 国际市场研究与战略

Information is by far the most valuable asset in financial markets. Market Research is essential because investors rely on the information gleaned to decide on investments. Traders need data to decide whether to do a deal, and corporate financiers need information to value companies and participate in transactions. 

PE 专业人士倾向于尽可能少地使用自己的资金并获得最高的投资回报。

PE 公司面临的两个常见挑战和机遇是:

  1. 寻找最佳杠杆收购公司
  2. 寻找在收购的公司中创造价值的方法

我们提供专家和关键意见领袖访谈,以帮助 PE 专业人士寻找交易并改善他们购买的公司。

Some private equity firms use a team of analysts to conduct market research, while others outsource this task to streamline their operations. Outsourcing can be beneficial as long as the PE firm can ensure the quality of its information.

关于 SIS FinTech 研究与咨询

SIS FinTech 研究与咨询提供洞察、数据、策略和企业情报,以抓住新机遇。我们提供:

  • 焦点小组
  • 行业追踪
  • 市场情报
  • 机会识别与分析
  • 产品测试
  • 店内研究
  • B2B 高管面试
  • 统计分析
  • 数据采集


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关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。




SIS 国际研究与战略创始人兼首席执行官。她在战略规划和全球市场情报方面拥有 40 多年的专业知识,是帮助组织取得国际成功的值得信赖的全球领导者。

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