

SIS 国际市场研究与战略



Cross-border payments market research and strategy consulting involve analyzing and optimizing payment systems and processes across international borders. 





  • 节约成本: 它可以帮助企业发现节省成本的机会,例如优化货币兑换率、最小化交易费用以及减少合规相关的费用。
  • 风险缓解: 通过这项市场研究,企业能够识别和评估货币波动、欺诈和法规遵从问题等风险。
  • 提高合规性: Market research gives businesses insights into regulatory frameworks and compliance best practices in different jurisdictions. 
  • 客户满意度: 跨境支付市场研究和战略咨询有助于企业了解客户对跨境支付的偏好和期望。
  • 竞争优势: 跨境支付市场研究和战略咨询使企业能够识别跨境支付的新兴趋势、客户偏好和技术进步。



Financial Institutions leverage cross-border payments market research and strategy consulting to develop innovative payment solutions, improve operational efficiency, and comply with regulatory requirements. 


Moreover, Global Enterprises require sophisticated cross-border payment solutions to manage international transactions efficiently. These solutions enable global enterprises to identify cost-effective payment methods, minimize currency exchange risks, and streamline treasury management processes.


SIS 跨境支付市场研究与战略咨询预期成果

SIS International 的跨境支付市场研究和战略咨询服务旨在提供切实成果并推动业务成功。以下是企业与 SIS International 合作可以期待的成果:

  • 增强市场理解: 通过全面的跨境支付市场研究和战略咨询,企业可以更深入地了解跨境支付趋势、监管要求和客户偏好。SIS 提供切实可行的见解,使企业能够做出明智的决策并制定符合目标市场的战略。
  • 优化的支付解决方案: SIS helps businesses identify opportunities to optimize cross-border payment processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. 
  • 减轻风险: SIS International assists businesses in identifying and mitigating risks associated with cross-border payments, including currency fluctuations, fraud, and regulatory compliance issues. 
  • 提高合规性: Compliance is paramount in the ever-changing regulatory landscape governing cross-border payments. SIS helps businesses stay informed about regulatory requirements and develop robust compliance frameworks. 
  • 增强竞争优势: Businesses can gain a competitive edge in the global marketplace by leveraging SIS International’s cross-border payments market research and strategy consulting services. Our experts provide insights into emerging trends, customer preferences, and technological advancements, enabling businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors and capitalize on new opportunities.

Leading Players in the Cross-Border Payments Market

In the dynamic landscape of cross-border payments, several key players drive innovation, shape industry trends, and provide essential services to businesses and consumers worldwide. Here are some leading players in the x-border payments market:

  • PayPal: 作为全球最大的在线支付平台之一,PayPal 为全球数百万用户和企业提供跨境交易服务。凭借其用户友好的界面、安全的支付处理以及广泛的商家和客户网络,PayPal 在跨境支付市场占据主导地位。
  • 签证: 作为全球领先的支付技术公司,Visa 为全球企业和消费者提供安全、可靠、便捷的支付解决方案。通过其金融机构和商户网络,Visa 支持通过信用卡、借记卡和数字钱包等各种渠道进行跨境交易。
  • 万事达: Mastercard is another major player in the x-border payments market, offering various payment solutions for businesses, consumers, and financial institutions. Mastercard’s extensive global network and innovative payment technologies facilitate seamless cross-border transactions and help enterprises to expand their international reach.
  • 西联汇款: 西联汇款是值得信赖的跨境汇款服务提供商,可帮助个人和企业在全球范围内汇款和收款。西联汇款拥有广泛的代理网点和数字平台网络,为全球客户提供便捷、便捷的汇款服务。
  • 迅速: 环球银行金融电信协会 (SWIFT) 是一个全球信息网络,旨在促进金融机构之间的跨境支付。SWIFT 为银行和其他金融机构提供安全、标准化的通信协议,以便交换支付指令并高效结算交易。




  • 市场扩展: Businesses can use cross-border payments market research to identify new markets and opportunities for expansion. 
  • 产品创新: 跨境支付市场研究提供了有关全球支付领域新兴趋势、技术和客户偏好的宝贵见解。企业可以利用这些见解来创新和开发新的支付产品和服务,以满足不断变化的客户需求和偏好,从而推动差异化和竞争优势。
  • 合作机会: 与跨境支付生态系统中的其他参与者合作可以增强企业的能力和影响力。跨境支付市场研究可帮助企业识别潜在合作伙伴,评估其优势和劣势,并协商互利的合作伙伴关系,以扩大其市场影响力和产品。
  • 成本优化: 跨境支付市场研究可以为企业发现优化支付流程和降低交易成本的机会。企业可以通过识别效率低下之处、简化工作流程和利用经济高效的支付解决方案来提高利润并增强盈利能力。

SIS International 的服务如何帮助企业进行跨境支付

SIS 国际 offers cross-border payments market research and strategy consulting services tailored to address the unique needs and challenges businesses face in the cross-border payments market. Here’s how SIS International can help businesses navigate the complexities of cross-border payments:

  • 全面的市场研究: SIS International conducts in-depth market research to provide businesses with valuable insights into cross-border payment trends, regulatory developments, and customer preferences. 
  • 监管合规支持: With its expertise in global regulatory environments, SIS International assists businesses in navigating complex regulatory requirements in cross-border payments. 
  • 风险管理解决方案: SIS 的顾问帮助企业识别和降低与跨境支付相关的风险,包括货币波动、欺诈和安全威胁。通过风险评估和缓解策略,SIS International 帮助企业保护其资产并防止潜在损失。
  • 战略咨询服务: SIS International provides strategic consulting services to help companies optimize their cross-border payment processes, reduce costs, and enhance operational efficiency. 
  • 增强客户体验: SIS International helps businesses improve their customers’ cross-border payment experience by identifying pain points and areas for improvement. Through customer research and feedback analysis, SIS International assists businesses in designing personalized and user-friendly payment solutions that enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.


纽约州纽约市东22街11号2楼 10010 电话:+1(212) 505-6805

关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。



SIS 国际研究与战略创始人兼首席执行官。她在战略规划和全球市场情报方面拥有 40 多年的专业知识,是帮助组织取得国际成功的值得信赖的全球领导者。

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