


Banking as a Service (BaaS) market research and strategy consulting are critical services for businesses looking to capitalize on the opportunities presented by BaaS. By providing insights into market trends, customer preferences, and regulatory requirements, consultants help businesses develop strategies to enter or expand their presence in the BaaS market and drive business growth.

The future of banking is not just about transactions; it’s about transformation. As a service market research and strategy consulting, banking is at the forefront of this revolution, guiding financial institutions and fintech firms to reimagine their offerings and strategies in a digital-first world.


Banking as a Service market research and strategy consulting help financial institutions, fintech companies, and other organizations understand the market dynamics and develop strategies to capitalize on the opportunities BaaS presents. BaaS refers to providing banking services such as payments, lending, and account management, through APIs that can be integrated into third-party applications.


对于希望在金融服务领域进行创新的企业来说,银行即服务市场研究和战略咨询至关重要。了解 BaaS 产品不断变化的格局和消费者偏好对于制定竞争战略至关重要。通过 BaaS 市场研究和战略咨询,企业可以获得有关市场趋势和机会的宝贵见解,从而使他们能够对其 BaaS 产品做出明智的决策。

Moreover, as the financial services industry undergoes a rapid digital transformation, staying ahead is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. Banking as a service market research and strategy consulting provide businesses with the knowledge and expertise needed to develop and implement BaaS solutions that meet their customers’ needs.

This market research and consulting can help businesses navigate the regulatory landscape. Ensuring BaaS solutions comply with relevant regulations and standards is crucial for building trust with customers and regulators. This proactive approach mitigates risks and enhances businesses’ reputation as responsible providers of BaaS solutions.


SIS 国际市场研究与战略


  • 市场混乱: Rapid technological advancements and market disruptions, such as the rise of fintech startups or regulatory changes, make conducting banking as a service market research and strategy consulting imperative. Businesses must stay agile and proactive in adapting to emerging trends and seizing new opportunities.
  • 战略扩张: 当考虑拓展新市场或细分市场时,企业可以从 BaaS 市场研究中受益,以评估市场需求、竞争格局和监管要求。战略咨询有助于制定强大的市场进入战略并确定生态系统中的潜在合作伙伴或合作者。
  • 产品开发: 在推出新的 BaaS 产品或增强现有产品之前,进行彻底的银行即服务市场研究和战略咨询至关重要。了解客户需求、偏好和痛点使企业能够开发出与目标受众产生共鸣并使其与竞争对手区分开来的定制解决方案。
  • 合作机会: 与第三方提供商、技术供应商或金融机构合作是 BaaS 计划不可或缺的一部分。银行即服务市场研究和战略咨询有助于确定潜在合作伙伴、评估其能力并评估其产品与企业战略目标的兼容性。



  • 明确的业务目标: 制定清晰且可实现的业务目标对于市场研究和战略咨询工作的成功至关重要。如果不能准确理解业务目标和愿望,将研究结果和战略建议与战略目标结合起来就会变得非常困难。
  • 全面的市场分析: 对 BaaS 市场格局进行全面分析对于确定主要趋势、市场动态和竞争力至关重要。企业可以通过研究市场规模、增长机会和竞争定位来做出明智的决策并制定有效的战略。
  • 客户洞察: Gaining deep insights into customer needs, preferences, and behaviors is critical for developing customer-centric BaaS offerings. Through surveys, interviews, and behavioral analysis, businesses can uncover valuable insights that inform product development, marketing strategies, and customer acquisition efforts.
  • 更换管理层: 有效管理组织变革和培养创新文化对于 BaaS 的成功至关重要。银行即服务市场研究和战略咨询有助于传达战略目标、吸引利益相关者并促进新技术和流程的采用。

SIS International 银行即服务市场研究与战略咨询的预期成果

SIS 国际市场研究与战略

SIS International delivers tailored solutions designed to help businesses unlock the full potential of Banking as a Service. By partnering with SIS International, companies can expect to achieve several key outcomes:

  • 深入的市场洞察: SIS International conducts comprehensive market research to give businesses in-depth insights into the BaaS landscape. Businesses deeply understand market dynamics, emerging trends, and competitive forces shaping the BaaS ecosystem through market sizing, trend analysis, and competitor benchmarking.
  • 合作机会: SIS 帮助企业识别和评估 BaaS 生态系统中的潜在合作伙伴、协作者和技术提供商。通过利用其广泛的网络和行业专业知识,我们促进战略合作伙伴关系,以增强企业的能力、扩大其影响力并加速创新。
  • 监管合规策略: 应对复杂的监管环境对于 BaaS 的成功至关重要。SIS 可帮助企业了解监管要求、评估合规风险并制定稳健的风险缓解策略。通过领先于监管变化并确保遵守行业标准,企业可以赢得客户和监管机构的信任和信任。
  • 技术评估: Selecting the right technology infrastructure is essential for supporting BaaS operations effectively. SIS evaluates technology solutions, assesses their suitability for the business’s needs, and identifies opportunities for innovation and optimization. Businesses can build scalable, resilient, and future-proof BaaS platforms by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and best practices.
  • 可衡量的业务影响: SIS International 致力于为客户提供可衡量的业务影响和切实成果。通过严格的绩效跟踪、监控和评估,我们确保我们的银行即服务市场研究和战略咨询工作在收入增长、市场份额扩大和竞争差异化方面带来价值。

Leading Players in the BaaS Industry

BaaS 行业由各种参与者组成,包括传统金融机构、金融科技初创公司、技术提供商和平台运营商。以下是一些塑造 BaaS 格局的知名实体:

  • 条纹: Stripe 是一家领先的技术公司,为企业提供一套 API 和工具,用于接受付款、管理订阅和促进在线商务。借助 Stripe Connect 平台,Stripe 使企业能够将金融服务无缝嵌入到其应用程序中,从而为客户提供类似银行的体验。
  • 亚马逊网络服务(AWS): AWS 提供一系列基于云的服务和解决方案,使企业能够安全地构建、部署和扩展银行应用程序。凭借其强大的基础设施、数据分析工具和 AI 功能,AWS 为推出创新的 BaaS 产品和加速金融服务行业的数字化转型奠定了基础。
  • 微软 Azure: Microsoft Azure provides comprehensive cloud services and solutions tailored to the banking industry’s needs. With its secure and compliant platform, Azure enables businesses to build and deploy BaaS applications, leverage advanced analytics, and harness the power of artificial intelligence to drive innovation and customer engagement.
  • 谷歌云平台(GCP): Google Cloud Platform 提供一套基础架构和平台服务,帮助企业高效地构建、部署和扩展银行应用程序。借助其数据分析、机器学习和 API 管理工具,GCP 为启动 BaaS 计划和推动金融服务数字化转型提供了坚实的基础。

BaaS 为企业带来的机遇


The emergence of BaaS presents businesses with many opportunities to innovate, expand their offerings, and deliver enhanced financial services to customers. Here are some key opportunities for companies in the BaaS space:

  • 生态系统扩展: BaaS 可帮助企业向客户提供更广泛的金融产品和服务,从而扩大其生态系统。通过与 BaaS 提供商合作,企业可以利用 API 和平台功能提供无缝的银行体验,包括支付、贷款和账户管理,而无需获得完整的银行牌照。
  • 创新与差异化: BaaS 可帮助企业通过提供独特且创新的金融产品和服务实现差异化。通过 API 和合作伙伴关系,企业可以使用区块链、机器学习和生物识别身份验证等尖端技术,从而打造出能够引起客户共鸣并使其从竞争对手中脱颖而出的差异化产品。
  • 市场扩展: BaaS 允许企业利用现有的基础设施和合作伙伴关系拓展新市场和客户群。通过 BaaS 平台提供白标或联合品牌金融服务,企业可以进入服务不足的市场、瞄准特定人口群体并开辟新的收入来源,从而推动增长和市场渗透。
  • 合作机会: BaaS 为企业、金融科技初创公司和传统金融机构之间创造了战略合作伙伴关系和合作机会。通过与 BaaS 提供商合作,企业可以访问新的分销渠道、利用创新技术并利用互补的专业知识来创建增值解决方案,使客户受益并推动共同增长。

SIS International 的 BaaS 解决方案如何帮助企业

SIS International offers comprehensive BaaS solutions designed to help businesses overcome the challenges of navigating the dynamic BaaS landscape effectively. Here’s how SIS International’s BaaS solutions can support enterprises to:

  • 数据安全与合规性: SIS International prioritizes data security and compliance, implementing robust encryption, access controls, and compliance frameworks to protect sensitive customer data and ensure regulatory compliance. 
  • 监管专业知识: SIS International provides regulatory expertise and guidance to help businesses navigate complex regulatory landscapes and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 
  • 技术集成: SIS International facilitates seamless integration of BaaS solutions with existing systems, processes, and workflows, minimizing disruption and maximizing efficiency. 
  • 创新与差异化: Our experts foster innovation and differentiation by helping businesses identify emerging trends, customer needs, and market opportunities in the BaaS space. 
  • 风险管理: We assist businesses in implementing robust risk management frameworks and conducting thorough risk assessments to mitigate operational, credit, and regulatory risks effectively.
  • 人才发展: SIS offers talent development and training programs to help businesses build and retain skilled talent with expertise in fintech, regulatory compliance, and technology. 
  • 客户信任和参与: SIS International prioritizes customer trust and engagement, helping businesses deliver personalized, seamless, and secure banking experiences that build trust and confidence among customers. 


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关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。




SIS 国际研究与战略创始人兼首席执行官。她在战略规划和全球市场情报方面拥有 40 多年的专业知识,是帮助组织取得国际成功的值得信赖的全球领导者。

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