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纽约市 (NYC) 焦点小组

SIS 国际研究公司几十年来一直是市场研究行业的领导者。SIS 成立的使命是提供切实可行的见解,在研究方法的卓越性和创新性方面享有盛誉。

Our newly renovated facility in the stylish and beautiful Flatiron district in New York City is the perfect place to conduct your next Focus Group, Meeting, and product tests.

与 SIS 国际研究总裁兼首席执行官 Ruth Stanat 一起参观我们的工厂。

SIS 办公室 YT


对于希望深入了解消费者行为、偏好和看法的企业来说,在 SIS International 位于纽约的先进设施中开展焦点小组讨论具有诸多优势。以下是主要优势:

纽约市 (NYC) 焦点小组 - 公司市场研究


SIS 拥有一支训练有素的内部招聘人员队伍和一支全国性的研究参与者小组,完全有能力招募广泛的消费者和 B2B 受访者,其中包括:


尽管技术为研究行业带来了令人兴奋的创新,但传统的焦点小组讨论和一对一访谈通常是从目标消费者那里获取可行见解的最佳方式。SIS International 提供全方位的焦点小组规划服务 - 包括筛选器和讨论指南开发、招聘和项目管理,这些服务均在我们的全球全资办事处进行。


  • 消费者
  • 高管
  • 高净值个人
  • 医疗保健和牙科专业人士

SIS 拥有经验丰富的主持人和报告撰写者,他们的经验和技能最能满足我们客户的需求。 SIS 拥有广泛的内部人员和资源,包括精通西班牙语、普通话和德语的双语主持人,这使 SIS 能够为客户提供卓越的成本竞争力和质量。

State-of-the-Art Technology in New York City Focus Group Facilities

New York City Focus Group Facilities are equipped with cutting-edge technology that elevates the research experience for clients and participants. These facilities boast state-of-the-art video streaming capabilities, allowing clients to observe sessions remotely in real-time. High-definition recording equipment captures every detail, ensuring that valuable insights are not lost. Digital analysis software further enhances the process by enabling quick and accurate data interpretation. The integration of advanced tech tools, such as eye-tracking devices and interactive display screens, provides a dynamic environment that captures deeper consumer reactions. This combination of innovation and expertise makes our New York City Focus Group Facilities a leader in the market research industry, offering clients a sophisticated and seamless experience.

我们在纽约市 (NYC) 开展焦点小组调查方面拥有丰富的专业知识

SIS International 拥有 40 多年的市场研究经验,已成为跨行业和市场开展焦点小组研究的领导者。我们对焦点小组研究方法有着深刻的理解,并致力于提供高质量的见解,确保我们的客户能够获得做出明智决策所需的宝贵信息。以下是我们专业知识的一些关键方面:

  1. 行业特定知识: 我们曾为巴西石油、辉瑞、诺华、戴尔、高露洁棕榄和波音等知名客户举办过焦点小组讨论。凭借行业专业知识,我们可以定制焦点小组讨论,以应对每个行业独特的挑战和机遇。 
  2. 经验丰富的主持人: 我们经验丰富的主持人团队是我们最宝贵的资产之一。每位主持人都有多年领导焦点小组的经验,并且善于营造鼓励开放和诚实对话的环境。他们接受过深入探究参与者反应的培训,能够发现驱动消费者行为的潜在动机和态度。 
  3. 全面的招聘能力: 成功的焦点小组取决于拥有合适的参与者。我们的招聘团队擅长识别和筛选符合每项研究所需的特定人口统计和心理特征的人员。 
  4. 先进的设施和技术: 我们在纽约和其他地点的先进焦点小组设施配备了最新技术,包括高品质音频和视频录制设备、单向镜和远程查看功能。这些先进的设施允许进行不引人注目的观察,并确保捕捉讨论的每个细节以供彻底分析。 
  5. 定制研究设计: 我们了解客户的独特需求,并提供定制的焦点小组解决方案。从制定讨论指南到选择参与者和分析数据,我们根据客户的目标定制焦点小组研究的每个方面。 
  6. 跨国专业知识: 我们的专业知识不仅限于国内市场。凭借遍布全球的办事处和合作伙伴,我们在许多国家开展了焦点小组讨论,为客户提供有关消费者行为的全球视角。我们的国际影响力和对不同文化背景的理解使我们能够在不同市场提供相关见解,帮助企业在全球范围内扩张和调整战略。
  7. 深入分析和报告: 我们致力于提供切实可行的见解,这体现在我们严格的分析和报告流程中。每次焦点小组会议结束后,我们的研究团队都会仔细审查数据,确定关键主题、趋势和模式。我们提供全面的报告,其中包括详细的调查结果、战略建议和参与者的说明性引言,帮助客户理解和有效应用这些见解。

设施所在地:纽约市 (NYC)

SIS 国际市场研究与战略

纽约州纽约市东 22 街 11 号 2 楼 10010 电话: +1(212) 505-6805


  • 位于曼哈顿的熨斗区,距离历史悠久的熨斗大厦仅几步之遥,靠近麦迪逊广场公园和联合广场
  • 位于纽约市中心,纽约市是全球主要城市和美国最大的城市
  • 交通便利
  • 位于百老汇与公园大道之间22街,“Key Bank”旁
  • 百老汇本地 R 列车 – 22/23 号站
  • 东区本地 6 号线 - 23 街和公园大道站
  • 西区本地 1 号线 – 23 街和 6 街站


SIS 拥有并运营焦点小组和深度访谈设施,这些设施遍布全球多个办事处。我们的主要能力包括:

  • 视频流
  • 在职版主
  • 翻译和多语种招聘
  • 单向观察镜
  • 高清视频录制
  • Studio-quality audio recording

Hotels and Restaurants Near Our Focus Group Facilities


  1. The New York EDITION
    • Address: 5 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010
    • Upscale hotel with a view of Madison Square Park, offering luxury accommodations.
  2. Freehand New York
    • Address: 23 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10010
    • Trendy boutique hotel with creative interiors, close to the Flatiron Building.
  3. Gramercy Park Hotel
    • Address: 2 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10010
    • Historic hotel offering exclusive access to the private Gramercy Park.
  4. The NoMad Hotel
    • Address: 1170 Broadway, New York, NY 10001
    • Elegant hotel blending historic charm with modern luxury.
  5. The Lex NYC
    • Address: 67 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10010
    • Contemporary, budget-friendly option located close to Madison Square Park.


  1. Eleven Madison Park
    • Address: 11 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010
    • A renowned fine dining restaurant offering a modern, plant-based tasting menu in an elegant, upscale setting.
  2. Eataly NYC Flatiron
    • Address: 200 5th Ave, New York, NY 10010
    • Italian marketplace featuring multiple restaurants, counters, and cafes offering a variety of fresh Italian cuisine.
  3. Cosme
    • Address: 35 E 21st St, New York, NY 10010
    • A modern Mexican restaurant known for its innovative dishes and vibrant ambiance.
  4. The Smith
    • Address: 1150 Broadway, New York, NY 10001
    • American brasserie offering a lively atmosphere and a diverse menu.
  5. Upland
    • Address: 345 Park Ave S, New York, NY 10010
    • A Californian-inspired restaurant with a strong emphasis on fresh, seasonal ingredients

Diverse and Highly Targeted Participant Recruitment

One of the standout features of our New York City Focus Group Facilities is the ability to recruit highly targeted participants from the city’s vast and diverse population. 

New York City is home to millions of people from all walks of life, representing a wide array of ages, ethnicities, income levels, and consumer behaviors. This unique demographic blend allows facilities to source participants that perfectly match the specific needs of each study, whether targeting young professionals, tech-savvy consumers, or niche audiences such as multilingual communities. 

Additionally, the city’s dynamic cultural landscape provides access to participants who can offer fresh perspectives on products and services, making the insights gathered more relevant and actionable for brands looking to make an impact. The ability to tap into this diverse pool of consumers sets New York City Focus Group Facilities apart, offering businesses a significant advantage in understanding their target markets.

Expert Moderators and Support Staff

Our New York City Focus Group Facilities are renowned not just for our locations and technology but also for the exceptional caliber of their moderators and support staff. SIS International’s expert moderators in these facilities bring years of experience and specialized training to the table, ensuring that each focus group session is conducted with precision and insight. 

These professionals are skilled at creating a comfortable environment that encourages open discussion, probing deeper into participants’ thoughts and emotions to extract meaningful feedback. Beyond moderation, the support staff plays a crucial role in managing the logistical aspects of each session, from participant check-ins to technical assistance, ensuring that everything runs smoothly. 

How to Use Focus Groups in New York to Launch New Products

Focus groups in New York provide an unparalleled platform for businesses to test and refine their products before entering the market. As one of the most diverse and dynamic cities in the world, New York offers access to a broad spectrum of consumers, making it an ideal location for gathering in-depth feedback. For brands aiming to launch new products, focus groups are critical in shaping product features, refining marketing strategies, and ensuring that offerings resonate with their target audience. Here’s how businesses can effectively leverage focus groups in New York to support the successful launch of new products:

1. Leverage New York’s Diverse Consumer Base

By conducting focus groups in different boroughs or targeting various demographics, brands can gain insights from a variety of perspectives. This diversity allows businesses to test how their new products will perform across different consumer segments, providing a comprehensive understanding of market potential. Whether it’s testing a luxury fashion item in Manhattan or a mass-market product in Queens, the range of feedback helps refine the product to appeal to a broad audience or niche markets alike.

2. Identify Consumer Needs and Preferences

During a session, participants provide candid feedback on product attributes such as design, functionality, packaging, and usability. This invaluable input enables brands to tailor their products to meet the demands of their target market. For example, a food company testing a new snack can learn if the flavor, portion size, or packaging resonates with consumers. In contrast, a tech company can gauge if their product’s features align with user expectations. This deeper understanding of consumer preferences leads to more targeted product offerings, increasing the likelihood of a successful launch.

3. Test Product Features, Messaging, and Marketing Concepts

New York focus groups also give brands the opportunity to test not only the product itself but also various elements of their marketing strategy. Brands can present different versions of advertising copy, slogans, or packaging designs to participants to gauge their reactions. Testing marketing concepts in a controlled environment allows businesses to see which aspects of their campaign connect best with consumers. For example, a cosmetics brand might find that certain colors or messaging resonate more strongly with New Yorkers than expected, guiding the final marketing strategy. This early-stage testing ensures that brands launch their products with a message that hits home with the local market.

4. Understand Competitive Landscape and Positioning

New York’s competitive marketplace provides an excellent opportunity for brands to understand how their products stand against competitors. In focus groups, participants can discuss their experiences with similar products, offering insight into what differentiates the new offering from established competitors. This feedback helps businesses refine their product’s unique selling proposition (USP) and ensure it stands out in a crowded market. For instance, a beverage company could learn that its product’s packaging is more appealing than that of competitors or that certain features offer a distinct advantage.

5. Build Consumer Trust and Brand Loyalty

Conducting focus groups before launching a product helps brands create a stronger connection with consumers by showing that they value consumer opinions. This consumer-centric approach builds trust and fosters brand loyalty, as participants feel that their feedback plays a role in shaping the product. For brands launching in a competitive market like New York, this sense of involvement can help create early brand advocates. These loyal consumers may be more likely to spread positive word-of-mouth, helping build momentum for the product launch.

So… Why Focus Groups Matter for Brands in New York

Focus groups provide real-time, qualitative feedback on key elements like packaging, design, functionality, and messaging. This allows businesses to fine-tune their product based on actual consumer needs and expectations. Moreover, participants often share their genuine reactions, preferences, and concerns in a controlled, conversational environment, which is harder to capture through surveys or online reviews.

Additionally, NYC’s focus groups often attract thought leaders and early adopters, individuals who can offer cutting-edge opinions and insights. These participants can help identify potential trends, market shifts, or innovative ideas that the company may not have previously considered. However, it brings many other benefits for launching new products, including:

  • Insight into consumer motivations: Participants often reveal underlying reasons behind their purchasing decisions, offering deeper understanding beyond simple preferences.
  • Idea validation and refinement: Companies can test and refine ideas before a full-scale launch, reducing the risk of market rejection.
  • Target market alignment: Helps ensure that the product aligns with the specific needs, preferences, and behaviors of the intended market.
  • Improved marketing strategies: Provides valuable insights into how best to position and communicate the product to resonate with target customers.
  • Early trend detection: Access to insights from thought leaders and early adopters who may predict future market trends or preferences.

Competitive Advantages of SIS International’s New York City Focus Group Facilities


Our New York City Focus Group Facilities offer a range of competitive advantages that set us apart in the market research industry. Combining state-of-the-art technology, expert staffing, prime locations, and unparalleled participant diversity, these facilities provide a comprehensive solution for businesses seeking top-tier research environments. 

The advanced tech infrastructure allows for seamless remote viewing and sophisticated data analysis, while the city’s accessibility ensures high attendance and engagement from participants. Moreover, the ability to recruit from one of the world’s most diverse cities gives brands access to insights that are not easily replicated elsewhere. This blend of innovation, expertise, and strategic location positions New York City Focus Group Facilities as a leading choice for businesses that demand the best in market research, helping them gain the insights needed to drive impactful business decisions.

关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。

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