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B2B 市场研究

什么是 B2B 市场研究?

B2B market research

Leveraging B2B market research ensures that your company stays ahead of emerging trends and customer needs, driving long-term growth.

How do you make strategic decisions in your business? The most successful companies rely on B2B market research to fuel their strategic planning. It helps businesses navigate complex markets, anticipate industry shifts, and tailor offerings to meet demand.

What is B2B Market Research?

B2B market research studies the factors influencing one business to engage, partner, or purchase from another. It encompasses procurement practices, supplier evaluation criteria, and corporate partnership dynamics. So, by deciphering these intricate networks, B2B market research provides critical insights into businesses’ collaborative environments, helping them navigate complex B2B ecosystems effectively.

But… 为什么B2B市场研究是必要的?

B2B 市场研究可确保企业始终关注行业基准、了解最佳实践,并能够在 B2B 互动中识别潜在的危险信号或机会。此外,随着企业不断改进其产品和运营,这种市场研究可充当一种主动工具,确保企业始终与其业务合作伙伴不断变化的需求和偏好保持一致。

B2B market research helps companies to gain valuable information about:

  • 经济转变
  • 竞争对手
  • 当前市场趋势
  • 新的机会
  • 客户洞察

B2B 市场研究还可以帮助企业快速识别新的发展机会和威胁。它还可以帮助公司发现其 USP。公司考虑自己的竞争优势并创造竞争对手无法轻易复制的优势。B2B 市场研究公司通常会测试产品、广告、服务和市场机会以获得以下结果:

  • 可取性: 产品或服务必须是令人向往的,否则市场就不会对其产生需求。
  • 独特性: 客户应该能够区分公司的产品与市场上其他参与者的产品
  • 防御性: B2B 市场研究公司必须能够阻止或防止竞争对手复制战略优势。

B2B 市场研究对企业的主要益处是什么?

无论企业规模或所属行业如何,深入研究 B2B 市场都会给企业带来诸多好处。以下是一些突出的优势:

  • 明智的决策: 通过利用 B2B 市场研究,公司可以更深入地了解行业趋势、竞争对手基准和合作伙伴偏好。这种数据驱动的方法可确保决策基于确凿的证据,而非单纯的猜测。
  • 风险缓解: B2B 市场研究强调了商业伙伴关系中的潜在陷阱,例如不可靠的供应商或不可持续的定价结构。通过及早发现这些挑战,公司可以制定策略来规避它们。
  • 加强伙伴关系: 通过了解业务合作伙伴的需求、挑战和期望,B2B 市场研究使公司能够定制其产品和互动,以更好地与 B2B 同行保持一致,从而促进更实质性、更富有成效的合作伙伴关系。
  • 识别新机遇: 通过监测行业脉搏,企业可以发现新兴趋势、尚未开发的细分市场或可能塑造其 B2B 关系未来的创新解决方案。
  • 改进产品开发: 市场研究有助于公司了解其他企业的特定需求和偏好。这些见解有助于改进现有产品或服务,或创新新解决方案以填补精准的市场空白。
  • 增强竞争定位: With insights from B2B market research, businesses can identify what sets them apart in the marketplace. By understanding competitors’ strengths and weaknesses, companies can carve out a distinctive niche or value proposition.
  • 优化营销和销售策略: 要定制能引起 B2B 受众共鸣的信息,需要深入了解他们的痛点、目标和决策过程。B2B 市场研究提供了细致入微的见解,以塑造引人注目的营销活动和销售宣传。

… Of Course, It Has Disadvantages

  • 成本和时间密集: Conducting comprehensive B2B market research can be resource-intensive in terms of time, money, and personnel, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with limited budgets and manpower.
  • 复杂性和不确定性: B2B 市场通常复杂而动态,具有多个利益相关者、较长的销售周期和不断变化的行业动态,因此获取准确可靠的数据具有挑战性。
  • 数据质量和偏差: 确保 B2B 市场研究中收集的数据的质量和完整性可能具有挑战性,因为偏见、不准确性和不完整的信息可能会扭曲研究结果并导致错误的决策。
  • 过度依赖研究结果: 虽然市场研究提供了有价值的见解,但企业必须谨慎,不要过度依赖研究结果而忽视直觉、创造力和战略眼光。
  • 预测能力有限: 尽管人们努力预测市场趋势并预期未来发展,但 B2B 市场研究本身就带有一定程度的不确定性,预测可能并不总是与实际结果一致。

有效 B2B 市场研究的最佳实践


为了最大限度地发挥 B2B 市场研究的影响力并推动战略决策,企业应遵循一系列最佳实践:

  • 明确定义目标: 概述与业务目标和关键绩效指标 (KPI) 相一致的研究目标。无论是进入新市场、推出新产品还是评估客户满意度,明确的目标对于指导研究过程都至关重要。
  • 采用定性和定量方法相结合的方法: 将深度访谈、焦点小组和人种学研究等定性方法与调查、数据分析和统计分析等定量技术相结合。这种多方法方法可确保全面了解市场动态和客户洞察。
  • 细分和定位: Segment the target market based on relevant criteria such as industry, company size, geographic location, and purchasing behavior. By identifying distinct market segments and targeting specific customer personas, businesses can effectively tailor their marketing strategies and product offerings to meet diverse needs.
  • 持续监控和反馈: Establish mechanisms for continuously monitoring market trends, competitor activities, and customer feedback. This enables businesses to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and stay ahead of the competition.
  • 技术和工具投资: 利用 CRM 系统、数据分析平台和调查软件等先进技术和工具来简化研究流程、自动收集数据并生成可操作的见解。投资正确的技术基础设施可提高研究效率和效果。
  • 跨职能协作: 促进组织内不同部门之间的协作,包括营销、销售、产品开发和客户服务。通过让跨职能团队参与研究过程,企业可以获得不同的观点并确保整个组织的战略保持一致。
  • 道德考虑: Respect customer privacy, obtain consent for data collection, and ensure the confidentiality and security of sensitive information. Maintaining ethical practices builds trust with customers and enhances the credibility of research findings.


SIS International, we believe that B2B market research is a powerful tool for guiding strategic decisions in today’s competitive environment. After conducting an extensive analysis of the current market landscape, we recommend that companies focus on emerging opportunities in sectors experiencing rapid growth, such as technology and sustainability. In these areas, businesses can leverage B2B market research to identify untapped market potential and better understand shifting consumer preferences.


由于 B2B 交易的性质和目标受众规模较小,B2B 市场研究通常涉及比 B2C 研究更复杂的方法。标准的 B2B 市场研究方法包括:

  • 调查和问卷: Surveys and questionnaires are key tools for gathering quantitative data from B2B stakeholders. These can be administered online, via email, or through direct mail, and may focus on topics such as customer satisfaction, product preferences, and market trends.
  • 访谈: 对关键利益相关者(包括 B2B 组织内的决策者、影响者和最终用户)进行深入访谈,可以定性地了解他们的需求、挑战和购买行为。访谈可以当面、通过电话或视频会议进行。
  • 二次研究: 二手资料研究涉及收集和分析数据来源,例如行业报告、市场研究、学术出版物和政府出版物。二手资料研究提供了有价值的背景信息,以补充一手资料研究工作。
  • 竞争对手分析: Analyzing competitors’ products, pricing strategies, marketing tactics, and market positioning helps businesses understand their competitive landscape and identify opportunities for differentiation and competitive advantage.
  • 观察: 观察性研究涉及在自然环境中直接观察 B2B 利益相关者,例如贸易展览、行业活动和客户互动。观察性研究可以提供有关行为、偏好和趋势的宝贵见解。
  • 专家小组: Expert panels bring together industry experts, thought leaders, and practitioners to discuss and provide insights on specific topics relevant to B2B market research. They offer diverse perspectives and expertise, enhancing the depth and breadth of research findings.
  • 专门小组: 焦点小组会与一小群 B2B 利益相关者进行讨论,以便深入探讨意见、态度和看法。焦点小组可以发现其他研究方法可能无法得出的见解。

The Role of Focus Groups in B2B Market Research


  • 购买动机
  • 品牌忠诚度的驱动因素
  • 未满足的客户需求
  • 产品开发
  • 营销信息测试
  • 新概念测试
  • 客户满意度
  • 定价和支付意愿
  • 偏好、喜欢和不喜欢
  • 包装见解
  • 竞争情报

B2B 焦点小组 鼓励深入思考、新思维和创意生成。焦点小组将 8 到 10 名 B2B 决策者聚集到一个焦点小组设施中。受访者就您关心的问题提供定性见解。这种定性研究方法可以为后续的定量和战略研究项目提供参考。


焦点小组招募 involves getting respondents to participate. Recruitment is essential as B2B markets can be niche, and professionals can be busy. The recruitment process can also yield insights. We recruit people from many industries, including IT decision-makers, procurement directors, and R&D managers.


在线焦点小组是受访者和主持人通过音频、视频或聊天讨论话题的方法。客户也可以实时观察。B2B 专业人士很忙,这种方法可能更方便。



Digital Communities are rapidly rising in popularity in B2B research. Like a social network, respondents log in to respond to posts, exercises, polls, prompts, and discussions. These generally run for 2-4 days, allowing for more candid, in-depth conversation. Respondents can log on at their convenience for 10-30 minutes per day as long as they participate within the specific days of the study. Another advantage is that these digital platforms allow for further analysis with advanced text analytics, automated transcripts, and user statistics that can add more data to the qualitative findings.

Largest Growing Segments in B2B Market Research

The B2B market research industry is experiencing significant growth across several key segments, driven by technological advancements and businesses’ evolving needs. One of the fastest-growing segments is the technology sector, where research on AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity is in high demand. Companies in this space are investing heavily in B2B market research to understand technological trends, consumer expectations, and potential risks, allowing them to innovate and stay competitive.

Another rapidly expanding segment is sustainability and green technologies. As environmental concerns rise globally, businesses are seeking B2B market research to help them navigate the shift toward more sustainable practices. This segment includes research on renewable energy, eco-friendly product development, and corporate social responsibility (CSR), helping companies align with changing consumer preferences and regulatory requirements.

Healthcare and life sciences also represent a large and growing segment inB2B market research. With the rise of personalized medicine, biotechnology, and digital health, businesses in this field require deep insights into patient needs, technological advancements, and regulatory challenges to succeed in an increasingly complex market.

B2B Market Drivers

Market DriverDescription
技术进步Innovations such as automation, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence enhance operational efficiency and enable new business models.
全球化The expansion of businesses into international markets drives demand for B2B services and solutions that facilitate global operations and compliance.
数字化转型The shift towards digital solutions and platforms increases the need for B2B services that support digital integration, data management, and cybersecurity.
经济情况Economic growth or downturns influence B2B purchasing behavior and investment in products and services, affecting overall market demand.
监管变化New and evolving regulations impact how businesses operate, creating demand for B2B services that ensure compliance and manage regulatory risks.
Increased CompetitionAs competition intensifies, businesses seek B2B solutions that offer competitive advantages, such as enhanced efficiency, cost reduction, and innovation.
Demand for CustomizationBusinesses increasingly require tailored solutions that meet specific needs, driving demand for B2B services and products that offer customization and flexibility.
Focus on SustainabilityGrowing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility prompts businesses to seek B2B partners that offer eco-friendly solutions and practices.
Consumer Behavior ShiftsChanges in end-user expectations and behaviors influence B2B market demand, driving the need for solutions that align with evolving consumer trends.

Opportunities in B2B Market Research

The B2B market research industry presents numerous opportunities for businesses to leverage insights for strategic growth and competitive advantage. Recognizing and capitalizing on these opportunities can significantly enhance a company’s market position. Here are some key opportunities in the field:

  • Integration of Advanced Technologies:
    • The adoption of emerging technologies, such as AI, machine learning, and big data analytics, offers new opportunities to enhance the accuracy and depth of B2B market research.
  • 拓展新兴市场:
    • As global markets continue to grow, particularly in regions like Asia-Pacific and Latin America, there is a significant opportunity for B2B market research to help companies understand and penetrate these emerging markets.
  • 个性化和定制:
    • Companies can capitalize on this by offering tailored B2B market research services that address specific industry needs, customer segments, and business objectives, providing more relevant and actionable insights.
  • Increased Focus on Sustainability:
    • With rising environmental awareness, businesses are seeking B2B market research to understand and implement sustainable practices.
  • Enhanced Data Visualization and Reporting:
    • The development of advanced data visualization tools provides an opportunity to present B2B market research findings in more interactive and understandable formats.

How SIS International’s Market Research in B2B Market Research Helps Businesses

SIS 国际, we understand the critical role that B2B market research plays in shaping successful business strategies. Our research services provide a range of benefits designed to enhance your strategic planning and drive growth. Here’s how our market research can support your business:

  • 加强战略规划:
    • Our comprehensive B2B market research equips businesses with the data needed to make informed strategic decisions. By analyzing market trends, customer behaviors, and competitive landscapes, we help you develop well-founded strategies that align with market opportunities and challenges.
  • 增加收入:
    • Leveraging our insights allows businesses to identify new revenue streams and optimize their offerings. Understanding market demand and customer preferences through B2B market research can lead to more effective product launches, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns, driving higher revenue.
  • 降低风险:
    • SIS helps mitigate risks by providing a detailed analysis of market conditions and potential challenges. By anticipating changes and understanding market dynamics, businesses can make proactive adjustments to reduce uncertainty and navigate potential pitfalls.
  • 提高营销效率:
    • With targeted B2B market research, businesses can refine their marketing strategies to better reach and engage their target audience. Our insights enable you to tailor your messaging, optimize channel strategies, and enhance overall marketing effectiveness.
  • 加速增长和创新:
    • Access to up-to-date market data and trends accelerates growth by highlighting new opportunities and areas for innovation. Our research supports your efforts to stay ahead of industry developments and leverage emerging trends for competitive advantage.
  • 提高投资回报率:
    • Investing in our B2B 市场调查 delivers a strong return on investment. Our research provides actionable insights that drive better decision-making and strategic execution. By optimizing your strategies and operations based on our research, you can achieve greater efficiency and profitability.

关于 SIS 国际

SIS 国际 提供定量、定性和战略研究。我们提供决策所需的数据、工具、战略、报告和见解。我们还进行访谈、调查、焦点小组和其他市场研究方法和途径。 联系我们 为您的下一个市场研究项目提供帮助。

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